vivian58 wrote:
Havn't been on this thread for a while..
Anyway, Velm has just gotten to level 46, and I'm wondering what to spend his skill point on. He's at level 11 for Group Healing and Shielding, and the Innates. If I want to max out those 4 skills, I'd probably only have around 5 skill points left over for his 5th skill right? So which one should it be: Mesmerization or Celestrial Hammer?
As for the other chars.. Rohane's got Critcal Attack, Damange Increase, and the Innates all at 11. Stunning Strikes for the 5th skill good? Damage Shield or Group Haste for Mispy?
And I'm about to fight the four faeries (I'm still on Normal). Level 46 for all good enough?
Whee. That's enough questions for now.
I thought I'd finish NQII this summer, but school starts in 3 days and I'm only in the Haunted Woods, alas.
Ideally, you would have a 5x11+4 strategy. Most of the time, however, it's best not to expend the last 8 points before you beat Terask I.
Stunning strikes is not good this late in the game -- Terask resists, normal monsters die anyway. Then again, little to nothing has it's full effect here. (I'd consider getting Taunt if I had spare points, otherwise make sure to max out Innates, Critical attacks and Damage increase (including weapon bonuses, so ideally that would only be 11 skills in each)).
Velm... get Healing. Mesmerization is not useful (Terasks can't be mesmerized, and you probably use group damage skills). Celestial hammer is often resisted. If you have sufficient points to get Healing to work out, do it (saved Mipsy's life on insane).
Mipsy... damage shields are good, group haste is good. Your pick. I'd go with group haste, as it will speed up your monster battles (and allow you to be hasted on Terask II if you run out of potions).