Starchaser wrote:
My friend lent me the first few books in the Circle of Magic (I think) series - I read Sandry's book, and started Triss's, but kind of lost interest.
I'm not sure why it didn't strike my fancy, exactly, as I write to a similar genre and often enjoy books of a similar type. It's not that I didn't like them, really, but I wasn't especially captivated by any of it. Maybe it's because I feel that personally, I wouldn't have enjoyed being at Winding Circle, which sort of alienated me from the book.
I'm willing to give her another try, I guess... any suggestions on where to start? I've heard good things about the other series.
Start with the Song of the Lioness quartet. Alanna is uber- Mary Sue, but the series starts everything off. The Circle series' are another universe, but it would probably be better if they're read after the Tortall books.
Then Immortals, then Protector of the Small (PotS's the best quartet, out of everything Pierce has done, in my opinion). Then read the two Trickster's books- if the second's out where you live.
Then read Circle of Magic and Circle Opens. In that order.
Though,as I said, the Circle books are completely different from the Tortall books, so you could read them before those anyway.
can't find the sig from this set, so instead, you get a