Beyond Godly |
Posts: 3780 Joined: Mon May 31, 2004 4:56 pm Location: Right here, I think.
Yay! *glomps PPTMAC*
Wow. That's odd. I wrote this story for a competition. It's exactly one thousand words long.  It took me ten minutes in a rush, as it was late already, and I had extra time. My inspiration was a competition to write a story about hamster/s, and I made it with Word and my brain.  Enjoy!
Molly Molly pressed her paw to the surface of the glass. She sniffed thoughtfully at the hand resting on the other side, but could smell nothing. She let out a small squeak, like a miny klaxon horn. The hand on the other side of the glass wriggled in delight. Molly settled herself in her sawdust, and squeaked again. She felt some sort of warm rush to the hand on the 'other side'. She had come to know it as that. She had never been there. It was her dream, her fantasy, her love. And right then, she knew who she wanted to be with when she went there. Once more, she squeaked. "Mum!" The hand moved away, and Molly squeaked in despair. "Hey, it's okay!" The hand came back. "Mum, I want this one." Another voice came from the shadows. "That one? All right, dear. Excuse me..." The voice faded away, and suddenly a hand reached through, from the other side. It picked up her brother. She squeaked, and ran after him, jumping onto the hand. "The one who jumped on. Not the other one." Molly's brother was dropped to the floor. With a rushing sensation, she felt herself pulled out. Air! So long ago, it had only been musty air. But this… this was air. Molly suddenly jumped. She smelt the hand she had been faintly smelling from the hamster side. She jumped off the holding hand, and onto the outstretched one. "Oop!" the hand said, and Molly squeaked, looking for a mouth on the hand. "I'm up here, baby," the hand said. Molly looked up, into deep brown pools. She was contended. She felt good. She felt powerful. Once home, Molly felt even better. "I've been wanting a hamster for ages. This is a girl, so I'll call her... Jane." Molly grimaced in her own way. She was running on the hand that she had smelt, and it felt great! She had been pampered and spoilt no end. She had been given fruit and vegetables, dairy and normal hamster food. Not that she knew that that was what it was. She only knew that she loved it. She nipped the hand playfully, who laughed and stroked her. "Naughty girl, Jane!" Molly was taken aback; she hadn't meant to hurt the hand! "You'd better be glad you that wasn't painful! Or you'd be straight in your cage!" Molly grinned, and scampered up the hand's arm. She nuzzled its neck affectionately, her way of saying, "I love you." The hand patted her. "Is that your way, Jane? Your way of showing affection?" Molly squeaked, and the hand grinned. "Jack, you love that thing too much, it only just came!" But the hand's mother was laughing. "Jane, mother," the hand replied. "And she's beautiful. Who couldn't love her?" "Well, me. I only bought her because you fell in love. Love at first sight, fancy that! And even I'm beginning to like her, though rodents aren't my thing." "Hold her, mum!" the hand said, and pressed Molly into the mother's hands. This was a different hand for Molly. "She doesn't bite, don't worry." Molly crawled over the hands. "Oh, she's gorgeous, Jack! A beautiful honey and white colour too… oh I love her!" The mother cuddled Molly. "I don't like the name Jane for her, though, sounds too proper." "Well, I like it," the hand replied, grinning at Molly. Molly grinned back in her hamster way. She also squeaked and nuzzled the mother. "I love the way she hides her claws so as not to hurt anybody," the mother said suddenly. "I know, and her nose is always so close to your flesh, and she never bites as well! She's a good little girl." "And I'd have to agree, Jack, dear, but I must go to work. Here, take Jane back," the mother said, and gave Molly back to the hand. The hand smiled and hugged Molly to him. "Bye, mum!" "Bye, dear. Hamster food in the tin, pie in the microwave, check the instructions on the packet on top of the oven. See you!" The mother left. "Just you and me, eh, Jane?" the hand asked, and smiled. Once more, Molly smiled back in her hamster way. "Hey, do a trick for me, Jane?" the hand asked Molly, and put its hamster on the stairs. "Climb?" Molly considered. Then she decided she'd do anything for the hand, and placed her paws on the top of the stairs, and pulled herself up. She grinned. This was fun! She did the same again, and felt the hand moving up behind her to make sure that she didn't fall, or eat the carpet, or anything which endangered her life. As if. Two Years Later Molly breathed slowly. Her breath came in rasps, and her body heaved up and down. It was Sunday, and the vet was closed. Molly was bleeding from her mouth. "Get her a hot water bottle," the hand, as she had come to know it, said. "Quick." Soon after, warmth spread through Molly's body. She felt cleansed. She felt ready. But her time was not yet. She felt a soothing movement along her side. The hand was stroking her, rhythmically. She smiled. She moved her face closer to the hand. The hand moved its head down. "Show me. Show me you still love me." Feebly, Molly nuzzled the hand's neck. It smiled. "Jane," the hand said, "I love you. Know that. Please." Molly smiled up at the hand. She nuzzled its neck again. She saw a red patch, like blood. It was in her dream, it was in front of her. She gave two coughs, and shut her eyes. For the last time. Jack, as we can now call him, touched her body. It was still warm. Tears dripped from his eyes, and he rested his head against the passed animal. "Rest in peace, Jane. I'll join you. Wait for me at the bridge. I'll never forget."
It's so bad it needs to be shot. *shoots it*
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