Wow, I see a lot of books I'm about to mention already up there.
Some of the other ones are going onto my reading list...
Alright, I'm going by series when necessary, and in no particular order.
1. The
Ender's Game series by Orson Scott Card - As a writer, this series is one of my inspirations. Well-developed characters, awesome plots, lots of cool politics... meh. Just overall fabulous. My favorites are probably
Ender's Game,
Ender's Shadow, and
Speaker for the Dead - I didn't like some of the others as much. I also like the few other books I've read by the same author.
2. The
Discworld series by Terry Pratchett - Hilarious! I've been borrowing the books one at a time from my friends, so so far I've only read
Equal Rites, and part of
Feet of Clay - so far all of them have been great. The satire can be quite insightful at times, and the rest of the time, well, it's just hilarious.
So You Want to be a Wizard series by Diane Duane - One of the best fantasy series I've read. Its strongest point in my mind is the way it manages to make wizardry into a plausible, exact, science. I love the variety of the atmospheres and the humor and intensity of the plots.
His Dark Materials series by Philip Pullman - Just a great, epic, well-imagined series in all. I love the storyline, the characters, and the great style of writing.
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith - Finally, a non-fantasy book that's not part of a series! And I absolutely love it. It's written perfectly, so vivid and emotional, and really manages to capture well the thought process of a girl growing up.
Darn my bibliophilia - I can't stop here.
Honorary Mentions
LotR by J.R.R. Tolkien - A while ago this would have been top of my list, but I honestly don't think the writing is as captivating as it is in some of the other books. I'll always love and obsess over it, though.
HP: OotP by J. K. Rowling - My definite favorite of the five, being more mature, and political. It's funny - I don't like the characters in HP very much (hence it not being on the above list) but I adore writing fanfics for the characters I make up in the setting shrug.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series by Douglas Adams - 42. Bring a towel. Don't panic. Love the book. ^_^
The Stranger by Albert Camus - See? I do too read works of some literary significance! Highly engaging and thought-provoking.
Candide by Voltaire - Another pick from my English class last year. Very funny, and bitingly satiric.
Exodus by Leon Uris - A very emotionally challenging and disturbing book, but well worth the read.
The Odyssey by Homer - Who can argue with epic poetry?
Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott - Your descriptive powers pwn me. End of story.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - Proof that, if well-written enough, soap operas can be very very entertaining.
Twelth Night by Shakespeare - My favorite among his plays, but truthfully, I like all of them. Come on, it's Shakespeare.
Kavalier and Clay by, uh... - My mom returned it to the library before I got very far, but I was wowed by what I read.
Animal Farm and
1984 by George Orwell - Scary. Disturbing. Very awesome.
Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger - Depressed me quite a bit, but I did really enjoy it.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something...