Collin wrote:
Stijn wrote:
Collin wrote:
AlligatorHater wrote:
I'm sorry, but pure intelligence went into Signs?! Ahem *spoiler alert* Signs, the movie where the aliens biggest weakness was water? And yet, they come to a planet where over 80% of it is water? Yeah, intelligence, riiiight.
It made sense to me... The reason water effected it, was because god blessed it. It was holy water... Signs is a pretty religious movie...
Where does it say in the movie that god blessed the water?
Anyway, I liked Signs.
Sometimes you have to interperet the symbolisim, Night never explains it...
Holy water? Yeah, I think that came out of left feild. I think it was just regular old water.
I always just assumed that they cam to a planet full of water for 1 of 2 reaason:
1. They didn't have water where they came from. They didn't know that it kiled them because they'd never encountered it before.
2. They were so desperate to find food or supplies that it was worth the risk to them.
I always assumed it was the first one, my friend said the second one.
Anyway, I finally got around to seeing the village. I thought it was great. It certinly wasn't what I expected, but that was good. I liked everything except for the abrupt ending. I really wanted to know how things ended up. Other that that I loved it.