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 Post subject: Erre Ledia: A New Beginning [OPEN!]
PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 2:42 pm 
PPT Trainee
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This is now open. Interested role-players should read the entire post: rules, background and all, then PM your bio to me before starting. I'll gladly give a summary of what has happened so far, if you want. Thank you. ^_^


People and races
Geographical points
Religious beliefs [Dark and bright]
Children [Education]
Powers [Battle and everyday life]
Darker Sides and Dangerous Rivals

In another dimension, unknown to mankind, exists an alternative world – Erre Ledia. It is an elemental world, with its citizens having up to a combination of two different elemental powers. The elements were made up of 8 different types: Air, water, fire, earth, darkness, light, electric, ice. Each element is stronger and weaker than other elements.

People and races
There are four main races in the world of Erre Ledia.
-Ploni [40% of the people]
The most common race in the Elemental World, Plonians are generally peaceful people who dislike war. The Chaotic War which happened many years back between the Plonians and Souragions caused great damage and loss. The Plonians swore never to let such a terrible thing happen again. Plonians are known for their natural green thumb and their marvelous abilities at gardening and farming. Most of them work in the agricultural field. Their physical features are normal, like a human’s.

- Sourage [30%]
Souragions tend to have stronger fighting abilities. Known for their courage and boldness, they usually have hot-tempers too. Most of them are fire or light users. They prefer to rely on brute strength. Souragions make up a major part of the Erre Sidia army, as they make excellent fighters. Most Souragions have a flaming shade of red hair, which is their trademark. Their hair is considered an identity of their proud race.

- Miwena [20%]
Miwenians specialize in healing. Most of them are healers, and work in hospitals or clinics. Not too much is known among the Miwenians, as they are fond of keeping secrets to their own kind only. They are not very sociable, and are not extremely friendly to non-Miwenians. Therefore, the art of healing rarely passes on to any non-Miwenian. Most of the Miwenians are air, water or ice users.

- Steria [10%]
Sterians specialize in using raw magic. They don’t believe in using any weapons, just pure spells. They are probably the strongest magic users, focusing solely on their spells. A lot of fine technology in Erre Sidia was made possible thanks to the Sterians' help. Sterians are renowned for their genius in technological engineering. They have mastered the skills of combining magic and technology.

Geographical points
The world of Erre Ledia is a rather large empire. In the centre of the world, is the grand citadel of Erre Sidia, the heart of Erre Ledia. The citadel is where the royal family of Erre Ledia lives, and is the only governing city. Of course, there are also other towns scattered in the world, but none as grand as the city of Erre Sidia. Erre Sidia is a giant and busy city, protected by a strong energy-wall. The buildings inside are made of white marble and glass. However beautiful the city buildings are, they are nothing compared to the gigantic palace located directly in the centre, the outskirts sporting a luxurious garden, which can rival the heavenly gardens. The palace itself is made from the finest marble and purest glass, along with precious stones and gems.

To the east of the city, are the vast sandy deserts, known as Erre Sandiya. The deserts stretch on for miles, under the scorching sun. To the west, after a few towns and meadows are a never-ending layer of rainforests which end at an oasis separating the desert and the forest. The forests are known as Erre Ferestia. Heading towards the north will eventually lead you to the snowy peaks of Erre Peakia; a large cluster of mountains can be located. The legendary Stairs to Heaven Temple is also hidden there. The south, a path which most avoid, leads to several dark woods and a volcano before stopping off at a dark mountain, known as the Mountain of Death. The Gates to Hell Temple is believed to be located somewhere in the mountain. Seas, rivers, lakes and water sources can be located in abundance, scattered around the world, but there is only one ocean north-east from the city: The Erre Oecia.

Erre Sidia is not the only civilization in the world of Erre Ledia, there are many other cities and towns scattered across the world.

There are other fascinating landmarks as well, dotted across the world of Erre Ledia. Besides the two sacred temples located in the north and south of the world, other examples are the fabled City of Glass, Golden Clock Tower, Pure Healing Springs, and the Serene Lake Gardens.

Religious beliefs
The people of Erre Ledia are very religious. They believe the existence of Heaven and Hell; the pray to only ONE major god, and three minor gods/goddesses. There are three major gods which they can pray to. Zerra, goddess of existence and ruler of Heaven is a popular choice. Others choose to worship Alrosha, god of common land or Gamon, god of the underworld. There are countless minor gods and goddesses [actually, 200 in total], though certain minor gods/goddesses are a more popular choice than the others [For instance, Goddess of Determination, Goddess of Mercy, and God of Strength]. The people’s choice of minor gods/goddesses varies on their needs and what the gods can offer.

Temples may be found quite commonly almost everywhere. Each town has a temple. Though the grand temple of Erre Sidia is said to be the most beautiful, people still believe that, according to the legend, the beauty of the sacred Stairs to Heaven Temple, said to be hidden in the peaks of Erre Peakia, by far surpassed the temple in the main city. The Stairs to Heaven Temple is said to be the only way to access Heaven.

Contrary to the heavenly temple, the Gates to Hell Temple is the way to the underground, ruled by Gamon. It is believed to be located somewhere in the mountain caves of the Mountain of Death. There is also a temple in Erre Sandiya, and one in Erre Ferestia. Each temple can only worship one major god, but may worship up to 6 minor gods. Because of this, people only visit certain temples.

Besides temples, shrines are found in abundance almost everywhere. A shrine is usually dedicated to one god or goddess only, major or minor. There can be up to three shrines in a town. Shrines can also be found in the outskirts of towns. It is common to see a few shrines lining the paths and glades of wilderness. People, who worship minor gods/goddesses that are “unpopular”, often construct shrines of their own because they could not find any temple or shrine that offers a place to worship their minor god of choice.

Besides gods and goddesses, the people also believe the existence of demons, spirits, and mythical creatures.

Children [Education]
The children of Erre Ledia are well-educated. Parents make sure they get the best education as soon as they come of age. Children are sent to a special boarding preschool at the age of 7, and are sent to boarding schools at the age of 13. In these schools, children are taught to use their powers wisely, and not to abuse them. After finishing school at the age of 18, they can choose to go to Elemental University or to start work.

The childhood of the children can be considered rather restricted from the age of 7, as they are expected to work hard in school. Academic success is highly prized.

Powers [Battle and everyday life]
As you may have known by now, each person’s power-types may vary, according to their elements they were born with. They may be blessed with up to three different types of elements, and each element has their own specialty.

Battling has become a common sport and game in Erre Ledia. In battle, opponents fight using their elemental powers or weapons. Battles can be held anywhere at all, from an empty field, to a classroom, though competitions, tournaments, and formal battles are held in specially-built domes to avoid anything getting out of hand.

Fighting techniques and moves can be either learnt or made-up. Learnt techniques, which are taught in school, usually require little skill to master [unless it is a very complex and complicated move], however, learnt techniques tend to be rather common and overused, due to overexposure in school. Because of this, some battlers develop their own techniques, usually based on their elements. However, original and unique techniques may take from weeks to years to fully create, and may take months to master. Time is the price to pay for a uniquely powerful attack move. Few have managed to create a technique in a matter of weeks, and take perhaps a few months of endless practice to master it, but that feat is only possible by the truly gifted and talented. Special original battle-moves tend to be more unpredictable and harder to defend against.

Besides battling, elemental powers may be used to aid progress in their everyday lives. Jobs of all sorts usually require good usage of elemental powers, thus mastering your own element is crucial.

The technology in Erre Ledia is quite advanced, relying both on elemental powers and science. This can be seen in many of the gadgets, devices, and machinery used in everyday life. Many of the things used in Erre Ledia however, resemble the machines used in the human world, except that it is far more improved and advanced compared to the human world. For example, the people in Erre Ledia do not travel in cars. They travel in carriers, a vehicle which looks somewhat like a car, but rounder. Buses and trains are also used as public transport, though they use much less energy to work, and are faster.

More usage of the technology in Erre Ledia can be seen in the story.

In battle, one does not rely on his raw powers solely. Weapons of all elements may range from swords, daggers, and spears, to scepters, wands, and staffs, to bows and arrows. Rarer weapons, such as whips, boomerangs and certain explosives, require special skill to make, thus are much harder to find. Of course, this doesn’t mean the more common weapons are weaker and are easy to make.

A weapon usually has one or two elements based in it, influencing its attack. For example, an Ice Scepter will shoot out ice beams, whereas a Lightning Wand will emit electric sparks. Because they are based on elements, some weapons are weaker and stronger than the others.

Some weapons, like the Ice Scepter or Fire Sword, are available in abundance, because of the small amount of labour it needs to be created. A few other examples are Lightning Wands and Earth Staffs. A few other weapons however, are one of a kind. This means, only one of the particular weapon exists. Such weapons may be custom-made, or may be a relic. A few examples are, Glowing Wind Sword, Bow of Light, Water Whip, and Boomerang of Light. Some weapons can also hold the power of two elements, instead of one.

Darker Sides and Dangerous Rivals
Of course, every realm is not really complete, without its darker side, however prosperous and good it may be. Over the years, a small amount of children started to rebel against the system. They resented everything their schools taught, including to use their powers wisely. This started out with just a handful of students, but over the years, their influence eventually attracted more and more students. Though the students who joined them were very little, the group grew and grew and grew…

This group is known as the Shadow Rebels, a dark group, believed to have set their base somewhere in the dark southern forest. Their existence in the forest is the main reason why most people avoid the place.

Besides the SR’s, people fear the dark spirits, Gamon’s loyal minions. However, it is worthwhile to know that the spirits are weak against the light element, as they live in darkness, and live entirely on the element of darkness.

In the heart of Erre Sidia, lies an elite school by the name of Erre X. Recently, the school has taken in a new batch of first year students. What adventures await them?

Role-play time!
Important notes:
- You must be 13, unless you want to role-play as a side character.
- There is no set plot, I just want to see where it will eventually go. =P
- This role-play starts after the first week of school, NOT the first day of school.
- Flashy and unusual clothing are common.
- Romance is okay and fine with me, but this is not a love story. Don't turn the plot into a passionate love tale unless you want me to chase you with a thorned whip. =D
- To prove you have read the entire post, include the answer to this question in your PM: Name one of the most famous landmarks of Erre Ledia.
- Strictly no uber-powerful or perfect characters. Please, I want this to be a fun role-play, so that means no "shockingly beautiful yet graceful yet powerful girl" characters.
- I've decided to only let in a maximum of two Sterians, and three Miwenians for now, to avoid an overpopulation of Sterians and Miwenians, unlike last time. Sterians and Miwenians are supposed to be an uncommon race, yet almost none of the role-players were Souragions or Plonians. >_> :roll: I still can't get why everyone wants to be the rare one...
- Choose only one race. As in, ONE. XD I'd prefer it if there weren't any "mixes", such as a Souragion father and a Sterian mother.
- You may only own ONE weapon at a time please. Of course, a pair of daggers will be accepted, but not, say, a whip and a sword. If you want to change weapons in the middle of the role-play, find a good and suitable way to "lose" it or something then get a new one in replacement. =P
- You must worship ONE major god/goddess, and THREE minor gods/goddesses. You may make up your own minor gods, see the religious section for examples, but you MUST choose from one of the three major gods.
- Please, be relevant with your personality and looks. A Miwenian who is a warrior is not going to be accepted. Do read about which race appeals to you the most, and make sure the details in your bio relates to your chosen race.
- Make sure you are willing to post at least once a week before joining. This almost died last time due to inactivity. If you're going away on holiday, or have exams coming up, you could always drop by a quick note telling us so. =) It's just the absence without notice that annoys me.
- Your character may have up to three elements, but keep in mind the more elements your character have, the weaker they are at mastering them. Jack of all trades, master of none.
- I don't encourage having elements or worshipping if you're playing a side character, but if you must...
- All role-playing rules apply. I insist for proper role-playing skills. Punctuation, grammar, spelling and capitalization is a must.
- Have fun!

The bios:

- Main character
Major god/goddess:
Minor gods/goddesses:

- Side character
Age [if necessary]:
Race [if human, if character is non-human, leave this out]:
Specie [fill this up if your character is non-human]:
Weapon [if any]:

Here's mine.

Name: Elily Moonlilly
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Race: Sterian
Element[s]: Fire and electric
Major god/goddess: Zerra
Minor gods/goddesses: Goddess of Determination, Goddess of Life and Health, Goddess of Miracles
Weapon: I can't seem to find words to describe it. Here, look at this picture. In case you didn't realise the staff is on the right.
Looks: Light blue hair, and dark violet eyes. She is fairly tall for her age. She wears long flowing robes with long widening sleeves, supported by a thick belt-like fabric at her waist, and a pair of knee-high black leather boots. Her accessories are a bare minimum, not more than three at a time.
Personality: She doesn't like to talk much, being a person of a few words, even though she has a few close friends. Elily prefers to spend her time studying or practising her magic. Machines and technology fascinate her and she wishes to have work with them when she grows up.
Other: She was born and lived in Erre Magia, a city near Erre Sidia, which happened to be the second largest city in the world. The city relied heavily on technological developement, though magic was also used. For a rough idea of how Erre Magia looks like, being a city run by machines and all...

There! I may create another character if necessary, but we'll see first. Let's start role-playing!

- Sweet set made by GlimmerFae-
"I wanted to change the world, but I changed nothing. That is my story." - Auron, FF X.

Avatar removed, hotlinking problem.

Last edited by .:Glass Miracle:. on Sat Jan 15, 2005 2:13 am, edited 5 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 3:42 pm 
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Location: Nantes
Gender: Female
Name: Chessa
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Race: Ploni
Element[s]: Earth, air
Major god/goddess: Zerra, Goddess of existance
Minor gods/goddesses: Alyria, goddess of complete serenity; Karo, god of growth; Felice, goddess of labor.
Weapon: Scepter of Earth
Looks: Long, curly, light brown hair that falls down to her middle back. She has medium skin, tanned from her days spent out in the sun. Her eyes are a mix of jade green and dark brown, and she has a normal build. She wears a variety of different clothes, generally a pair of shorts and a loose, long sleeved shirt or something equally comfortable.
Personality: Chessa is a perpetual dreamer. She is thoughtful and deep, and at times will do nothing but lay outside in the grass and think things over by herself. As a little girl, her mother taught her the main points of botany and agriculture, and by the time she was five she was maintaining a garden of her own. She has experienced both failure and success a number of times in her life, and although she has learned from all of those experiences, she can still be a bit naive at times. She isn't a particularly cruel person. In fact, she is overall quite gentle and caring. She's a rather independent person who appreciates peace and solitude, and is fairly softspoken.
Other: None that I can think of at the moment.

(*can't wait to start*)


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 5:18 pm 
PPT Toddler
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Name: Raiu Worren
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Race: Ploni
Element[s]: Wind
Major god/goddess: Zerra
Minor gods/goddesses: God of honor, goddess of hope, and the God of courage
Weapon: Wind Katana
Looks: 5"5', long silver hair that goes down to his shoulders, grey eyes, athletic build, and always wears a black trench coat
Personality: Loyal, honost, kind, careing, and giving. Raiu also has the need to see that justice is served. He can't sit back and see someone being picked on without butting in the only problem is that this gets him into big trouble sometimes by trying to stop someone who is much more powerfull then him.
Other: Father is a blacksmith so he has picked up the basics of the trade.


Last edited by Raiu on Sat Aug 14, 2004 6:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 3:14 pm 
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Name: Jolene
Age: 13
Race: Sourage
Element: Fire
Major goddess: Zerra, Goddess of Existance and Ruler of Heaven
Minor gods/goddesses: Esteban, God of Victory; Zonta, Goddess of Honesty; Vernados, God of Courage
Weapon: Fire Sword
Looks: A typical Souragion in many respects, Jolene has the trademark flaming red hair that most of her people sport. Evidently proud of her fine hair, she spends a great deal of time and care over her mane, which is usually pulled back and clipped into place. She has green eyes that flash whenever she is angered (which is quite often), or glitter with mischief (which is nearly all the time when she isn't angry). She usually wears very prim and proper starched clothes with high collars. Around her neck she wears a green velvet ribbon with an emerald pendant attached.
Personality: A Souragion who enjoys competition - and winning - Jolene is somewhat aggressive. Winning is important to her and she is willing to do anything in order not to lose. Easily outraged, she hates being in the wrong and will not admit it even if she knows it; apologising would mean a great loss of face for this proud, hard girl. She is honest, perhaps brutally so, and, being so inapproachable, has few (if any) friends.
Other: Having few friends, Jolene instead turns to her equally fiery family, whom she loves dearly. She is the youngest of three. Her family support her at all times and she has developed a high sense of loyalty towards them. Ever since she went to the boarding pre-school at seven, she made a point of writing home at least once a week. At school she takes out her anger and frustration, coupled with loneliness through fighting constantly. As such, she finds herself in trouble quite often and is resentful of others.

[Lillie apologises again and again for forgetting that other thing. >_>]


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 10:33 am 
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Location: Adios City, Leftland
Name: Eliwood Pherae
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Race: Ploni
Element[s]: From Strongest to Weakest - Water and Electricity
Major god/goddess: Zerra, Goddess of Existance
Minor gods/goddesses: Suijin (the God of Water), Zera the Mant (the God of Culture) and Wetha (the Goddess of Weather).
Weapon: Aqustat Staff (A Staff that contains the powers of Water and Electricity. The Staff was discovered by Eliwood while he was diving in Erre Oecia. The Staff gets more powerful as its user does and it can only be used by those who have permission from it's owner, which can be a weakness to it's user.)
Looks: Eliwood is tall, with average build. He is thin, but not too thin. He is average looking and has a mark at the top of his nose that streaches from below his left eye to below his right. He has a slight skin discolourment that he obtained from a burn on the back of his left hand that just below the base of his thumb. His eyes are hazel but he has been told that if you stare really hard into them they look blue and yellow. His Hair is brown in colour. It is curly and it is down to just below his ears. He is not that strong physically and that is why he was bullied almost all through preschool. He usually wears clothes that has his family symbol on it (see example A) and they are usually blue, red, black or brown. He usually wears a red shirt and brown trousers, as he finds the big flashy clothing unusual. Eliwood always wears a pendant that he found hanging from his staff (see Example B)
Personality: Eliwood is very much a loner by nature. He oes try and make friends when he feels comfortable around them, but he is very shy so he finds it difficult to actually meet people who are nice and friendly. Eliwood is quite intelligent, yet he usually doesn't use them unless the pressures on him. He sometimes get things mixed up in his head but he is usually quick to correct himself. He is also a bit of a clutz.
Other: Eliwood lived with his parents at the shores of Erre Oecia where he enjoyed a peaceful life. There was only one person his own age who lived there, but she died in a night raid by a group of Bandits when he was 5. After the incident, he was bitter and never made any friends again because he was too afraid that History would repeat itself. When he went to Preschool, he was bullied and he never really stuck up for himself. He studied and read a lot to try and forget about his worries. When he was 12 he finally decided to stick up for himself and he fought back. After what he referrs to now only as "the incident", he was left alone and nobody bothered him again. Eliwood is skilled with computers. His favorite colour is blue.

Example A: Image

Example B: Image

There's my bio. I can't wait until we start this again!

Set - Sunnie
Blinkie - Chass

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 4:19 pm 
PPT Baby
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Location: Thanks for the set ShadowFare!
Name: Nerevar
Age: 13
Gender: male
Race: Sourage
Element[s]: wind and lightning (slightly more poweful with wind at the moment)
Major god/goddess: Zerra
Minor gods/goddesses: Demi-god of vitality, goddess of truth, goddess of strength.
Weapon: Sword
Looks: red hair (although it is a bit darker than usual) hazel eyes about 5' 6'' weighs 107 lbs, has a small scar on the upper left portion of his left eye. Has no freckles.
Personality: Contary to most of the others of his race he has a great sence of humor, and often makes others laugh. if you had to describe his personality in colors it would be mostly wight with a tinge of black to it, he has realtively short temper though. He is also a nice person.
Other: He has been training with the sword for about 2 years now. He prefers to use his wind element to do most things. But he recently has started trying new things with his lightning element, although he usually winds up doing something more destructive because of lack of training with it.

Heres my bio...

<img src="[1].gif">
Blades will bleed... Shields will shatter...
But as the light fades... Will the hero rise again? Or will darkness reign?

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 3:19 pm 
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Location: sakura makes dreams come true.
Name: Zin-Kylan (pronounced Zen-Kalan)
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Race: Miwena
Element[s]: Ice
Major god/goddess: Zerra, Godess of Existance
Minor gods/goddesses: Sheridan- Godess of Stength, Kerin- God of Wisdom and Alazira- Godess of Determination
Weapon: Ice Scepter
Looks: Very attractive. Her waist-length hair is a sort of white blonde. Her eyes are a light shade of cerulean blue. She is of average height, and can usually be seen in clothing in shades of pale blue, unlike most others her age. She prefers flowing dresses and skirts- she is not one to walk around in blue jeans.
Personality: Pretty as she may be, she really lives up to the saying 'dumb blonde'. Zin-Kylan ((No, she does not use nicknames)) is quite ignorant. She is not overly-kind, nor unkind. She's the kind of person to keep to herself and not interfere in problems that do not concern her.
Other: Nope, nothing.

There we are. :)

the greatest love story never told.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 8:12 am 
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Location: High-security asylum cell.
Name: Saruri Suzuki
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Race: Sourage
Element[s]: Fire
Major god/goddess: Zerra, Goddess of Existence
Minor gods/goddesses: God of Strength, Goddess of Patience, God of Skill
Weapon: Fire Whip
Looks: Long, silky red hair all the way down to her elbows, with a large white string tying it behind her neck most of the time. Her light blue eyes are startlingly bright. She is very tall for her age, with a slim but strong figure. Her chin is rather sharp, giving her a rather determined look.
Personality: An atheletic and active girl that loves battle to the point of being a war psycho. She cares very little for friends - her heart and mind has only a place for herself and another place for fighting. She loves winning and coming out top, so thankfully for her parents, she puts up with school and works well at it. She has a boiling temper when she loses it, but she has learnt to control it and fight only because she loves battle as an art and skill, not out of anger. She looks down on those who are weaker and sneer at them inwardly. Generally, she is anti-social and doesn't speak very much to anybody, spending a lot of her time practising. She has mastered fighting to an amazing level.
Other: N/A


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PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 3:12 pm 
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Location: Comin' fo' you.
Name: Kenji Touketsu
Age: Thirteen
Gender: Male
Race: Steria
Element[s]: Ice
Major God/Goddess: Zerra, the Goddess of Existence/Ruler of Heaven.
Minor Gods/Goddesses: God of Strength, God of Fortitude, Goddess of Tranquility.

Weapon: Katsugan. Not a weapon in the traditional sense. A mysterious ability owned by but a few bloodlines, the Touketsu family, as luck would have it, one of them. Upon use, the eye’s appearance undergoes a change. An obscure, lambent indigo replaces the iris’s previous colour while its boundaries become outlined in a black. A circle surrounds the pupil which holds up to three symmetrically positioned dots, size comparable to the pupil, depending on the level of mastery its user possesses. It is said Katsugan allows for prediction of an opponent’s movements, but even that much is uncertain.

Looks: Kenji appears to ever possess an indifferent appearance; one cold and unconcerned. His hair, painted a rich, raven black, falls in relatively thick strands to the sides of his head. His eyes are imbued a benighted blue, pooled with an underlying obscurity. He wears sleek black shorts of a cargo style, their ends falling below knee-level, as well as an equally silken, white t-shirt. Concealed partly beneath his pant legs lie a lacing of bandages, each leg bound by the ravelling cloth. Bandages also ravel his arms, extending toward and halting its entanglement at his palms.

Personality: Appears to possess a nerveless, sedate nature. Certainly one who prefers his own company. Holds, seemingly, a tempered spirit, a trait true to his bestowed element. Such a persona looked to have developed in his last few years of preschool, following the mysterious disappearance of his younger brother. Consequently, his behaviour has virtually become objective sense then, interests in-turn primarily involving combat as well as elemental practices and studies.

Other: The Kagiru Gokan Cave, a place which upon entrance robs one of their five senses. Believed to be a wonderful site to develop internal/elemental energies if such a trial is withstood. Unfortunately, located within the benighted, immersing forests to the south. Against his parents wishes, however with their support, Kenji was fortunate enough to successfully spend a lengthy period of time within the cave’s cryptic, murky depths. His envious little brother could not help but see if he could endure the same rigorous conditions the cave presented. Unseen by all but his order brother, he managed to make his way there. Regrettably, a cloaked figure awaited him and, despite Kenji’s efforts, took hold of him. The figure, surprisingly, possessed a strange Katsugan which ultimately lead to Kenji’s defeat and his own effortless retreat into the bedimmed woodland.

Kenji had always blamed himself for the happenings of that ill-fated night. Such an incident revealed to him his own unbearable weakness and pushed him to develop physical abilities and well as magical ones. His time was spent simply training, may it be conditioning his body by repeatedly striking the surrounding trees with his palms, fists, feet, and legs, or by magical practices. Although his parents felt they had lost their youngest son, Kenji believed him to be alive and vowed to find him.


Last edited by Tsukai on Tue Aug 24, 2004 1:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:42 pm 
PPT Student
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Location: England
Name: Iris
Age: 13
Gender: female
Race: Sourage
Element[s]: Fire and light
Major god/goddess: Iris has very open religious beliefs (obviously she doesn't spread that around) but, Zerra, goddess of existance and heaven.
Minor gods/goddesses: Blaze, Goddess of Fire and minor warfare, Ixis, God of Technology and the Sterian population, and Dhium, god/muse of art and creativity.
Weapon: A Pair of Letharium whips - steel linked chains, about five to eight metres in total, weighted at the end by a steel blade tipped with about two milimetres of diamond edging. They are attached to either ankle or wrist and used to attack in a very fluid, dance like style. However, unless you have mastered them it is very easy to harm yourself with them. For that reason, Iris keeps a dagger strapped to her boot.
Looks: Long aubern hair, usually braided with threads or beads. Wears a loose crimson headdress made out of one piece of material, which creates a hood like effect. Has dark green eyes, and a well filled out face. Her figure is that of a person who enjoys her food - lithe, but still well filled out for a girl. Often wears tight fitting clothing, and loves dangly jewellry of any sort.
Personality: Quite calm and quiet, she is eager to learn but dislikes new people and places. She contains great pride in her own ability.
Other: She made friends with a mysterious figure when she was young, who gave her the Letharium whips and taught her how to use them. Her mother died in an accident when she was 12, and she hoped to join the school to rid herself of walking round the city day after day. Her father works for one of the major colleges in Erre Sidia.


otherwise known as the one who left PPT...and now lurks. *evil laughter*

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 7:04 pm 

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Location: Glued to a computer chair. *Glares at cousin*
Name: Amia
Age: 13
Gender: F
Race: Miwena
Element[s]: Water and Air
Major god/goddess: Zerra
Minor gods/goddesses: Goddess of Tranquility
Weapon: Glaive
Looks: Green eyes and long brown hair, wearing breeches and shirt most of the time. A water ornament is used for her ponytail, while air ornaments are embedded in her earrings.
Personality: Calm and secretive, no one can tell what is going on in her mind.
Other: She has learned a family trademark technique, jouki-sai no jutsu, in which the wielder of the glaive swings across and conjures vapor shurikan, that may knock out an ememy with no damage done, to save injury. this spell causes her to faint for hours, and is only used in desperate situations. She is also an accomplished healer.

City of glass

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 1:34 pm 
PPT Baby
PPT Baby
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Note to everyone participating: I already have clearence from Glass since I'm an old member of this RP... =)

Name: Andy Krythagon
Age [must be 13]: 13
Gender: Male
Race: Miwenian
Elements: Water, the essence of life... and freezing Ice...
Major God/Goddess: Zerra, God of Existence,
Minor Gods/Goddesses: Athena, Goddess of Peace, Keiros, God of Medicine and Heroxtus, God of Literature
Weapon: Ice Sword, most of the time kept close to him...
Looks: Medium sized, light brown eyes but has short black hair. Wears casual clothes when hanging out with the few friends that he has but usually wears sloppily when alone...
Personality: Generally, friendly to all but cautious after the incident when he was betrayed by his best friend some time ago. Will not hestitate to help anyone in trouble and will not hesitate to punch anyone he catches bullying another student... Will fight for others' rights but can't seem to stand up for himself... how strange... Has a bad habit of staying up late and falling asleep in class... He rarely gets involved in fights since he prefers to solve any problems peacefully...
Other: N/A for the moment... =)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:57 pm 
PPT Baby
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Location: Thanks for the set ShadowFare!
Nerevar strolled down the path of the east wing of the boarding school, he was just looking around for something to do. He hadn't seen anyone yet but he was fairly certain that he would see some one soon.

White Edit: Please follow the 3 sentence rule.

<img src="[1].gif">
Blades will bleed... Shields will shatter...
But as the light fades... Will the hero rise again? Or will darkness reign?

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 5:26 pm 
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Location: Adios City, Leftland
It was dark. Eliwood couldn't see. He peered into the darkness and found... water? It suddenly got light. He was under waterf and in front of him was a large, stone door. He felt a tiny shock at his chest and he looked down. His pendant. It was... it was glowing! Eliwood felt calm. And then he felt the blade entering through his back.

Eliwood woke up almost in tears. He quickly jumped up and looked at his back. It was unscathed. He then looked down at his pendant. It was still the same pendant he had found hanging from his staff that day. Oh well. he thought to himself. He went over to his drawer and took a pair of boxer shorts out of it and put them on. He then went to his cupboard and took out a red and blue shirt and black trousers. He headed for the door and just as he was about to leave he fwlt a slight pain at his back. He took his shirt off and had one quick look at his back and saw it was the same as to minutes ago. He picked up his set of keys and his black jacket and he left his room, activating the security lock on his storage space.

Set - Sunnie
Blinkie - Chass

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 2:31 am 
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Location: High-security asylum cell.
[I'm assuming it's morning. What day is it? O.o]

Crack. Crack. Crack.

The sound had been repeating itself over and over again for the last half hour as Saruri practised with her fire whip. The whip flicked around her, cutting cleanly through air, most of the time exactly where she wanted it to. Saruri's left heel had never left the ground from when she first started, but her other foot helped her pivot her body around.

Saruri's sharp blue eyes spotted a pen somebody had probably dropped unknowingly in the practise room.


The tip of the whip flicked at the pencil. It flew into the air, and Saruri's left hand snatched it in the blink of an eye. She threw it into the air again and flicked her whip. It wound a loop around the pen in mid-air. Way too loose. The pen slid through and clattered to the floor.

Saruri sighed. Hours of practising, of effort, of hard work ever since she was five years old and there were still things she couldn't do. She could only seem to achieve things torturously slowly, one by one, in the millions and millions of things she saw she could achieve. And she wanted a longer fire whip. Of course, the whip she had now counted as long enough already (175cm,) and had been pretty expensive, but when you thought about it ... it wasn't very far. How long did it take a person to walk 175cm? About two and a half steps, maximum. Also, the handle easily got slippery with all the sweat. However, the thing Saruri really appreciated about her whip was how fine it was. Normal whips were a thick piece of rope, which could no way loop tightly around a pen. Her whip was half as thin as the pen itself.

Thinking about this, Saruri smiled to herself, her annoyance simmering, she bent down again and picked it up. Threw it into the air.

Crack! Too loose.

Again. Crack! Too loose.

And again. Crack! Still too loose.

Yet again. Crack! Crack! Crack! The whip wound itself three times around the pen. No use.


Saruri whipped the ground, biting her lip to try and remain patient. A flame ran along the ground where she whipped it for a second and then left a dark scorch mark.

The girl took a deep breath. One more time ... just one more time. And this time, she would do it. She would use all her concentration, all her strength to loop tightly around that stupid pen.

She flung the pen into the air. She turned her head so one eye focused on it. It seemed to fly through the air in slow motion for her. Her arm lashed out. It struck the pen, wound around it, and entered it's own loop to secure tightly. Saruri's eyes gleamed with triumph as she pulled back. The whip brought the pencil back towards her. She grabbed it and slid the pen out, pleased with herself.


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