Ixistant wrote:
I think this is a brilliant idea! I support it.
Sapphire Faerie wrote:
The thing that got annoying with name changes, is that large groups of people would all change their entire name, as well as their set, all at the same time, so that it was basically impossible to tell who was who without putting in a greal deal of effort. However, I think it was ok for name changes that still left a clue to who you were, for example, if I changed my name to "Sapphire Snowflake" for Christmas, you'd still know who I was, but if I changed it to "Snowy Dove" it might not be as obvious. However, the ability to change names won't be coming back. So that's all irrevelant.
You are saying about how at christmas people could change their names to suit the season, but some people would not use it "proparly" and change it to something festive that didn't sound like their proper screen name. But you have to remember that nearly all the mods and admins were doing it last christmas. Runevalkyrie was Runedeer and Jim was The Jimch. I was Satan Claus. Lillie was Ten Snow and White Wolf was Barf Snow (I think). Their names were niothing like their current names yet people knew who they were. Andif they didn't know who different people were, they could always ask. But let me just say this. At christmas, I think the admins are going to be flooded with name change requests from alot of users and I shall be one of them.
I think all of the mod's names were pretty obvious - Rune and Jim's contain their original name, and Lillie used to be Ten Snow for quite a time, anyhow, it wasn't just a seasonal change. White Wolf, I think, had her real name somewhere in her profile. So yes, they were quite like their current names.
Frankly, I'm very glad there's no name changing - it annoyed me to no end. But if people want to have an unofficial theme and change their sets, I'm fine by that.