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New Dice Posting Function

Sat Oct 04, 2008 12:06 am

We now have a new dice posting function. Feel free to play with the dice code in the Coconut Isle thread. :) Use it as you please there as long as you don't double post. You can use this new function in activities on the Event boards, Coconut Isle games and contests, and on the Roleplaying board. Do not use it on other boards unless specified.

Here's how it works:

Click on the "dice" button. Then input what you'd like to roll inbetween the boxes like you do with other codes. For example:


This means you want to roll 3 dice that have 6 sides each (numbered 1-6).


This means you want to roll 10 dice that have 26 sides each (numbers 1-26).

Also, you cannot edit the roll after you've submitted your post. :) Have fun!

(If you have questions of comments and cannot reply to this post, feel free to PM me. :) )
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