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Topic locked

ppt confuses me

Thu Dec 15, 2005 2:51 pm

Billboard forum's description:
Its a board. A board called Bill. Billboard. Get it? For all your advertising Needs. Trading, Shop Ads, Guilds & Other Neo Sites.

My message:
For anyone interested, I'm about to start building my game. Half funding has been established, a fundraising-investing page will do the rest, through my site. More on January

Matt locks the message:
Unfortunately, I'm going to lock this thread... On the site there is little content, but there are some things which flash up for me that the site doesn't abide by the Bill board rules.

On the SITE? It seems to me that I posted a one-line of message not a site :)
(Matt obviously visited my personal webpage, where this and that is written)

The first is that there is some bad language on there. Though it is relatively mild, it is still not really wanted on a link of a site that could be used by kids.

(the site this, the site that, etc)

Sure Matt - my site will contain lots of things, you see my game is mainly for adults of 18-31 yrs old (but will welcome kids). It is my site after all :)
You could also delete my message because I have brown hair or because I live in Greece or because the game will be a competitor to neopets.
Of course, it should be more reasonable to ask me to change my sig if you don't like it for any reason. It has been there since ever though and no one made any comment about it so far.

Also, since this is not Neopets related, anything you do post should be in the Promotions and Pluggings Board (but please make sure you do fix these errors first)

THIS is the only fair reason Matt - all the rest is just a "blah blah, this is my site, I delete anything if I don't like your face, your site, your whatever".
Just FYI, I was confused by the description of the board, and would be more than willing to move it there if I was asked to, but this does not matter any more.

If you want to have a chat or feel this locking was undeserved, feel free to contact me.

Locking was deserved, no problem with that - moving or deleting the message would also be fine, with me at least.
Only the reasons were mostly wrong.

Why I post this here? Because being fair (and to err is human) is much appreciated in the long run and because maybe others find some interesting reading here.

(No bad feelings - just trying to present other points of view)

Thu Dec 15, 2005 9:29 pm

Though hardly as drastic, it's like linking to a porn site and complaining when it's locked that it was not aimed for anyone under 18. You can only post 'child safe' links because children frequent this board. Though you can get all the adult links you need from neopets banner ads anyway =/

Thu Dec 15, 2005 10:38 pm

I do see what you mean, but I stand by what Matt has done and don't see a need why this needs to be discussed.

If you do have some problem with a moderator's actions (which I see that you still have), it would have been better to contact an administrator though Private Messaging rather than making your case through the public boards since this is more of a private matter.
Topic locked