This board is for anything to do with the Pink Poogle Toy Forum. If you have a question or want to suggest any ideas, then this is the place to do it.
Sun Aug 28, 2005 12:39 am
Pardon me if this already exists, I'm an idiot.
If this idea is realistic, I realise that it would be long term, not something you guys could just jump up and do.
My idea is that there could be an online PPT radio. The radio DJs can easily be done at people's homes, and all they need is a microphone on their computer, and winamp or something of the sort.
The DJs could be like SL and Jim and Rune along with some Super Mods and Mods and even like normal PPTers.
Of course there would be applications for this.
There would be scheduled times for each show, maybe every night or three times a week or whenever.
I personally think this is a cool idea, but I want to hear other people's opinions.
EDIT: I just realized this was extremely similar to a post below. Its different though, thats why I am keeping the topic and not deleting it.
Sun Aug 28, 2005 1:40 am
There's actually something starting up, which is called 'PPT podcasting'. Basically, 4 or 5 members get together and we make a radio episode 30-60 minutes long discussing neopets and PPT. It's then released around the internet as an MP3
I think the way you suggested it is a little impractical.. Firstly, members would have to give up a lot of time to do it, and secondly, those who missed it would miss out properly, so not many people may listen to it ata ll...
Sun Aug 28, 2005 2:56 am
You can find more information about PPT Podcasting here:
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