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Live Chats

Thu Aug 25, 2005 9:00 pm

Yes, this is an entirely random idea, that I'm sure is probably a bad idea. But hey, might as well say it, no?

I think an idea of live chats might be interesting. (If anyone reads the Newsweek website, they might know what I am talking about). There would be a certain guest each week. Maybe one week Yukio, discussing the site. Maybe a big battledomer discussing the battledome.

At a certain time and day, there would be some sort of chat. Whether it be in the PPT chat, or whatnot. One at a time, people would get to ask questions to the guest. There is no commenting by users or whatnot- it's just pure Q&A. There would be an archive of the chat posted on the website.

I'm not sure exactly how the system would work- but I think it would be a fun thing, and a way for users to interview people.

Anyway, what ya think dawg? :P

Fri Aug 26, 2005 1:55 am

Oh sometimes websites and TV stations do this sort of thing with celebrities, or show producers and cast. I think? If I've got the idea that you are trying to get across..

Fri Aug 26, 2005 1:30 pm

.neko. wrote:Oh sometimes websites and TV stations do this sort of thing with celebrities, or show producers and cast. I think? If I've got the idea that you are trying to get across..

Yup, I think you've got the idea. :)

Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:59 pm

That would be cool. Like they could get featheralley to say something or some other neopets "celebrity".

Fri Aug 26, 2005 6:33 pm

I don't know, but when I read your description, I thought that would be a good thing for the podcasters to try and do.

Fri Aug 26, 2005 9:19 pm

jezus I LOVE celeb chats :D

I'm always in there acting funny like: "OMG!! YUR T3H (insert-name-of-celeb)" and then keep on asking it until people start getting nervous and then say: "OMG!!!111! IM YUUR BIGGESST FAN!!1"

I've done it with Celebs I don't even know :P
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