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Hello fellow members.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:50 am

Hi I am new to ppt but not to idb. I believe they are in affliation.
I am very aware of the rules, but I have a question: what's the difference between the ppt forums and the idb forums, and which do you perfer?

Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:34 pm

I think the primary difference between the two forums is the focus. Obviously this forum is more general and IDB is focused on the battledome.

One significant difference is the people. My impression of IDB is that many of the members are very serious and a little on the elite side. I'm not saying that is bad and I'm certainly not saying that they look down on other players. They just play on a different level than the average player.

When I went to IDB because these forums went down, I liked it initially. People were friendly and willing to give useful information. As I started going on more, I started feeling like I would never be anywhere near even the average player there (at least in the battledome). I sort of didn't like that feeling.

Here you get the more average player. I think our most elite players are usually restockers who make millions a week.

For the most part the forums are very similar, well managed and clean, of much higher quality than the neoboards overall. I believe several people here are a memeber of both the IDB and PPT. So you may see people you know.

I prefer PPT, but that is simply my personal preference. I recomend you lurk for a little while posting as you feel led and see if you enjoy it.

Welcome to the forums.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:46 pm

Hyper states it very well, exactly my sentiments. The IDB forums are dominated by the more elite players, since battledoming is one of the most expensive pastimes in Neopets. They are also a lot more serious and competitive, and the atmosphere is less light-hearted. I like the IDB forums for the competitive games, though, they are very fun. ;)

PPT is nice in the way that the people here more on the average side and are not too serious about Neopets, you can find many people discussing about other issues too. It is also more active and friendly, IMO. But if you are a serious diehard Neopets player, who takes thing very seriously, you may not like the atmosphere here too much (the battledome board here is like a pond of still water, and most people only post in the lab ray sticky XD). People here are relatively more focused on the less competitive aspects of Neopets like painting pets, petpet matching, flash games, which may be seen as artificial and pointless by many BD'ers/elite players.

An interesting side note: There seems to be more females than males on PPT, but the opposite on IDB forums. That may account for the difference in atmosphere - boys are more competitive on the whole and are less inclined to be interested in making their pets pretty and such. They'd rather spend time making np and investing.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 6:57 pm

well I couldn't have said it any better than hyper and Qando. I first started on PPT and I think that's why I like it here better, but lately I've been trying to get into the bd thing. if I have a serious BD question I go to IDB for the answer otherwise I can find everything else here.

welcome to PPT and enjoy yourself. ;)

Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:37 am

Let me be the first to Just say 'welcome'. I am lazy.

Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:37 am

Thank, y'all. I think I will make myself at home.

Sat Oct 30, 2004 10:43 am

Welcome to the forums! Since you aren't new to IDB, I guess you won't get too lost around here either. I think the other difference between PPT and IDB is that here, at PPT, a lot of members aren't Neopets players (and so non-Neopets boards cater for them more). I think it would be harder to not play Neopets and be active on the IDB forums than it would be on here (correct me if I'm wrong). I was playing Neopets when I joined PPT but I was never a battledomer or restocker so IDB didn't interest me. Eventually I dropped Neopets and I've only recently started mucking around with it again. Anyway, if you need anything or have any questions, feel free to PM me. :)
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