Are you new to Pink Poogle Toy or a returning member? Come on in and introduce yourself!
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Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:23 pm

Hey everybody,

my name is Dancer and I'm new to the forum. Just stopping by to say hello and I'm looking forward to reading your posts.

Re: Hello

Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:10 am

Hello Dancer!!

Welcome to PPT! Glad you stopped in. Pull up a chair, grab some nice cold iced tea (or whatever you're in to) and stay a while. As much as you're looking forward to reading our posts, we are all looking forward to reading yours!

*Hands out pink frosting-topped welcome cookies*

Re: Hello

Fri Aug 28, 2009 5:01 am

Welcome, Dancer! What kind of dance do you do? We have several dancers on here -- I'm an Irish stepdancer myself. We have a whole forum for sports. As well as our Neopets forums, of course. And Coconut Isle is where the natives hang out -- rumors are that they bite, but if you throw them enough cookies you can distract them.

*hands over a vanful of chocolate-peanut butter cookies*

Re: Hello

Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:53 am

Well hello Dancer nice to meet you and please ignore all the rumors about the members biting they are not true. All of us members are sweet and kind and would never hurt a fly. So pull up a chair and tell us a bit about yourself, oh and don't forget your cookies. *hands batch of freshly baked cookies straight from the oven.*

Re: Hello

Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:11 pm

Welcome to the forums!
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