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Megasuperawesomeninjacool. x)

Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:06 pm

name; vimy
four words to describe me; mega super awesome ninja
goals; get the laboratory map for my neopets account.*
leisure time spent; role playing.
brings me sadness; I have a slow computer and loading games takes a LONGGGGGG time.
my accounts?; runthroughfire, emptystreets !

Re: Megasuperawesomeninjacool. x)

Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:13 pm

Hey Tanques,

Welcome to ppt. Hmm a slow computer eh. That has an advantage when playing neopets games. The games run slower which means ones like zurroball are more easy.

Have fun and I hope you accomplish your goals.



Re: Megasuperawesomeninjacool. x)

Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:43 pm

Yep ;)
Meerca Chase is also easier xD
But annoying if you're an avid gamer. Anyways, welcome to PPT!
Good Luck on getting the Lab Map.

Re: Megasuperawesomeninjacool. x)

Thu Nov 27, 2008 3:56 pm

welcome young one.
*hands out trowing knife and runs off*

Re: Megasuperawesomeninjacool. x)

Thu Nov 27, 2008 5:04 pm

; bows ;
Yes, it is slower, and much easier to play, but I spend most of my time loading the game. xD
I will surely enjoy my time here. Thank-you.

Re: Megasuperawesomeninjacool. x)

Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:50 pm

Welcome to PPT. If you're a hyperactive ninja than you can BE ACTIVE

Re: Megasuperawesomeninjacool. x)

Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:51 pm

Hi Tanques, welcome to PPT!

If you are a ninja then you find next Friday which is December 5th is special to you then as it is the Day Of The Ninja.

About DOTN wrote:In 2003, the creators of Ninja Burger declared that December 5 would be celebrated as Day of the Ninja. On this day, people are encouraged to dress as ninja, engage in ninja-related activities, and spread information on ninja online. December 5 was originally chosen because December 5, 2003 marked the release of Tom Cruise's film The Last Samurai (which featured a scene where samurai battled ninja).Since then the focus has shifted towards the more familiar Pirates versus Ninjas conflict, and the day has served as a virtual counterpoint to International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Role playing? We have plenty of role players here also love to roleplay too.

Hope you have great time here!
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