Are you new to Pink Poogle Toy or a returning member? Come on in and introduce yourself!
Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:45 pm
yes. I'm new :3 I'm Mew Gemini, or Gemi. I have a friend who goes here but she hated her old name here, and changed it to Almost Pretty o_o;; I'm a huge anime fan *points to avatar and banner* my favorite animes are of the following: full metal alchemist, Saiyuki, Inuyasha, Kamichama Karin and so on. :3 I love making graphics, i'm not used to 80x80 avatars, i'm used to 100x100 ;_; *sweatdrop* i'm not the hugest fan of neopets, but i visit my account once in a while ^^; I hope i can make new friends D:
Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:51 pm
Welcome to PPT. I am certain you will have fun and make new friends really quickly. Hope to see you around.
Hands out onigiri and miso.
Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:04 pm
thank you ^^ its nice to meet you!
Thu Jun 08, 2006 1:41 am
Hi Gemi. I'm esdee.. but I need the dot in the middle
Anyway, I'm new too. And I just wanted to say that I hope we get to know eachother better someday and I guess I'll see you around the PPT forums. By the way, your sig set is really lovely. I ought to do mines soon lol. Well, have a great day Gemi.
Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:00 am
Welcome to PPT. Talented Graphicians such as your self are needed to...*grabs you and drives you away in an unmarked van, hooded*
You arrive here:
...Make me sets
Thu Jun 08, 2006 1:32 pm
Hello, i'm Albadror, Alba, or Alby (my favorite) Nice to meet you Gemi! Hey, are you a Gemini?
Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:17 pm
You really have no shame do you... you... you plug happy person!
Anyway, welcome to the forums. *spreads welcome glitter*
Thu Jun 08, 2006 6:57 pm
Welcome to PPT, Mew. ^^ I
your set. CLAMP art is amazing, isn't it?
Anyway, I'm DM. Hope you have fun here.
Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:47 pm
o: sounds fun. I might do something. :3
thanks for the welcomes everyone x3;
Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:28 pm
Welcome to PPT Gemi! You'll find quite a lot of anime fans here. Check out the anime and manga board that we have here. I'm sure you'll find a lot of friends there very quickly!
*gives welcome punch and pie*
Wed Jun 14, 2006 5:18 am
Gem..Gemi ..
Welcome to PPT, Gemi. Yes you should go to the Graphics boards but DO NOT help Christopher, you hear me? xD
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