Are you new to Pink Poogle Toy or a returning member? Come on in and introduce yourself!
Mon Mar 27, 2006 3:34 am
Hi All,
New to the forum, though I've been lurking and reading for a while. Love the atmosphere and the conversations! Thanks for everyone's hard work at keeping this place jumping!
Really love to jabber on and on about me, but I'm a little preoccupied with the stars and, Hello and hope to see you around.
Mon Mar 27, 2006 3:39 am
Cool, another fellow Texan has joined the forums. Welcome.
Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:10 am
Californians are way cooler. Anyway, welcome to PPT. Hope you have fun.
Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:35 am
People come for the plot, and stay for the ropes. Or rather due to the ropes.
Welcome to PPT.
Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:57 am
Navar57 wrote:I'm a little preoccupied with the stars and all
Don't be. The stars are trying to hypnotize you.
Welcome to PPT ^_^
Mon Mar 27, 2006 11:10 pm
Welcome to PPT Navar! It's nice to be able to give you a proper welcome. I've seen you posting in the Altador thread. I think that if you spend too much time looking at those stars, you'll be brainwashed inito eating something like asparagus
Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:13 pm
Yeah, I've only just got the star bit of the Altador thing...
...Hi, welcome to the forums.
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