Ooooh there's a place to say ummm "Hello" *waves*
Been with Neopets a while, 5 years plus, was active...once, ran a purdy guild 1000+ members or so, can't remember. Either way as sometimes tragically happens Life caught up with me (drat those meddling kids and that damn dog!) and took me into custody. It was horrible, oh the terrors I could tell you of. But I won't.
Also we here in the southern tip of africa, we're not that advanced in the connectivity business (Internet?! What is this In-ter-net you speak of?) not mentioning the fact that we have one, yes ladies and gentlemen you heard right, one telephone company *coughmonopolycough* So yeah, that's a bunch of nonsensical ramblings all caught up in a nutshell...and I have no idea what I actually set out to say.
So on a last note, you may have noticed two things, yes two, no not one, no no there were no more than two I tell you! Look I don't care how many you noticed, you're only supposed to notice two. No look okay just ignore the others, right so the -two- are: 1) I ramble *cough* Huh, me?! and 2) I like parenthesis *cuddles her pretties* and that basicly sums up "me". (and they say women are complicated)