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The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:58 am

Previous Thread


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PLEASE keep all posts on topic. If you would like to speak to someone personally or off-topic, PM them.

Chapter 1 (29th Jan)
Chapter 2 (1st Feb)
Chapter 3 (5th feb)

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Step One - Maintenance Tunnels (30th Jan)

The plot begins! The Maintenance Tunnels appeared under the space station map. At the Maintenance Tunnels, if you click on the left hand tunnel, you get directed to this Game in which you must orientate the bubble/arrow things to get Gorix through the maze.

Using the arrows, you have to change the direction he will go when he reaches particular turns, and then press go. While Gorix is walking you cannot change anything. Conveniently, the direction of a particular arrow will change going clockwise each time Gorix walks across it.

Blatantly stolen from Siouxper's post here and re-formatted by the lovely Alex.
(Note - these are not the only solutions, there are many combinations that will finish the level)

Arrow points DOWN

The four arrows in a straight line, point (left to right), LEFT, UP, DOWN, RIGHT.
The remaining arrow points RIGHT.

Arrow by itself on the left points LEFT
Top arrows point (left to right) RIGHT, DOWN
Arrow by itself on the bottom points DOWN

Arrows along the top point (left to right) UP, RIGHT, RIGHT
Two arrows in the middle row point LEFT, RIGHT
Leftmost arrow in the bottom row points UP (other two can be ignored)

Top arrows point DOWN, LEFT, DOWN, LEFT
Bottom arrows point DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN
*Note, for this one, let the robots close the doors themselves - you don't have to do anything except wait.

Once you have completed the mazes, you’re done for now.

Around 4 years ago, the "in things" were Neopets Trading Cards (exactly how "in" Trading Cards are is an entirely preferential opinion...). Neopets would put out booster packs, as so many card companies do, and one such pack was the Return of Dr Sloth TCG kit.

To accompany the release of the Return of Dr Sloth TCG, Neopets were intending on releasing a Return of Dr Sloth plot. However, time constraints and a certain annoying Usul's plot prevented them from being able to ever actually release it. After post phoning it a few times, they just decided to scrap it and focus on making the next plot - a Curse on Maraqua - better.

Believing they'd never do the Return of Dr Sloth plot, TNT began (creating and) releasing the games they had set to tie in with the plot - IE: The Return of the Return of Dr Sloth, Escape to Kreludor and Moon Rock Rampage - but what to do about those awesome characters (and their escapades) that featured in the TCG expansion pack and in the games?

Simple - throw together some articles in the Gallery of Heroes that detail what the plot was going to be like, release some cool looking items and pretend like the events actually happened in Neopia, but not in the Neopets.com realm of users, plots, events etc.

Now, TNT (in an awesome move) have decided to revisit the Return of Dr Sloth plot in all its chicken-headed glory. Unfortunately, as they didn't want their characters and games to go to waste, the plot's rough outline is already detailed throughout the site. Long story short? There are articles, games and cards that explain what the expected plot will be. Short story long? Anything by DickensKoL ftw

Chapter three of the comic has revealed freakishly tall anthropomorphic Ixis, cool BING-ing retinal scanners, awesome golden status of Sloth that should be immediately restored to their glorious previous positions and the fact that the Space Faerie's help is out of the question. What does this mean for our Heroes? Why are the maintenance tunnels so painfully designed? Will I be right in my assumptions about the Mysterious Cloaked Lupe? I don't know, but discuss it here!
Last edited by TDG on Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:22 am, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: Updated some stuff here and there

Re: The Return of Francis Q. Slothberg Esq. (split 2)

Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:04 am

Not to be a party-pooper, but can we stick to the proper name of the plot. Please.

It will be less confusing to those still new to it.

***Conspiracy theory****

Sloth isn't involved. Someone is setting him up.

For many years he has been plotting something, but no one has been sure what it is... Has Dr. Sloth really returned?

Re: The Return of Francis Q. Slothberg Esq. (split 2)

Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:07 am

I've been looking at the first panel of the second comic. It seems like outside of the space station windows you can see some air traffic controller type pets conducting traffic into the holding bays. What do you call the glow stick type things that they hold? Traffic wands? I know there is probably a name for those. I want one! Maybe we can win one after the plot. They look sort of like light sabers, but they could get away with that on neopets because they could call them traffic wands.
Last edited by smudgeoffudge on Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: The Return of Francis Q. Slothberg Esq. (split 2)

Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:07 am

I'd like to point out that is his actual name, (thankyou neodex), but okay.

I thought "The Return of Francis Q. Slothberg Esq. (split 2)" was cool :(

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:31 am


The buzzlers were in the Maze, and used to close the doors.

I do think that Cylaras Mother was looking at a Millipod.

If the millipods are constantly sweeping up, maybe one of them has a scrap of information?

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:35 am

mmkay I bought one. I'll go around the obvious locations with it in my inventory and see if anything happens.

Btw- description

These strange robots can climb walls and walk on the ceiling thanks to their suction cupped legs.

I'm not particularly hopeful.

Heheh - "
Formerly known as the Amusement Level, the Recreation Deck was revamped in Y9 to ensure maximum quantitative leisure output was as efficient as Grundoly possible. "

Word of the day - GRUNDOLY

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:16 am

Someone on the neopets board said some new pipes were added to the hanger. That is, they are the pipes that are in the foreground and out of focus. I've been to the hanger, and I really don't know if these were always there or if they are new. Power of suggestion at work, or were they always there? I really don't remember those. The person who posted about them on the board says that they are noticing more little details like shadows and pipes slowly being added to the artwork!

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:19 am

Are they taking screenshots? I just took some, so the next time they claim something new has been added, have them point it out and I'll compare it to my shots.

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:22 am

The out of focus tubing in the hanger is definitely new.

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:26 am

Hi, i don't usually post anything, i mostly like to read all the brilliant ideas that you all come up with, which is why i am going to say thank you, i would never get through any of neopets plots without you lol.

zorg wrote:The out of focus tubing in the hanger is definitely new.

I have noticed that it does look a little more detailed now, maybe it is just me but it even seems brighter. Like i can see more things, or maybe it's because i am now looking for changes specifically i dunno.

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:32 am

Well the person on the forums said that little details are slowly being added. So maybe a new part can be added. We just have to pay attention to the details.

I still am thinking about Cylara's mother. She said something like "Look at that silver kno" and got interrupted.

Well usually when someone gets interrupted that means they were going to say something important.

Well I still think we are meant to look for a silver knob of some sort. Either that or look for the Rubbish Chute. The fact that there is actually a trading card of the Rubbish Chute also seems to be important.

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:34 am

I have the feeling it has something to do with that garbage chute too, i keep clicking around it in the comic, her dad looks suspicious to me lol.

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:41 am

I was assuming she was talking about metal panels being held together with bolts.

They're silver & knobbish :)

The loudspeaker booms 'Next Thursday will be a holiday to celebrate our leader, Dr. Sloth.'

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Fri Feb 01, 2008 7:35 am

I am getting excited waiting for the next step and that new map is amazing!

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Fri Feb 01, 2008 8:21 am

Holy smurf at the new space map. I love it, but it was a huge shock to the system when I wasn't expecting something that dramatic XD

You guys and all your theories make me feel inadequate, lol.
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