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Psionic Singularity/Platinum Mist testing and theories

Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:23 am

They've both been found!

Psionic Singularity: 2g madvine, desiccated for 2 seconds (or 10g desiccated for 10 seconds, then split to 2g, if that's easier for you), plus 8g of nova essence, untouched.

Platinum Mist: 1g sharpgass, nothing done to it, plus 1g madvine, nothing done to it, plus 8g bronze sansam, burned, crushed, soaked and desiccated to the max.



*With permission from Jasujo -- thanks, Jas!*

This thread is specifically for people who are trying to create one of the unsolved composites. If you need help with a solved one, there are lots of people in the Sophie's Lab thread who will be happy to help you. :)

So, what has been tried and didn't work so far?

Last night, Plagatus, jojoneo, sirhatter and I spent a while trying out every combination of three ingredients (1 gram of each, including at least one of the new ones, nova or madvine -- we assume the composites will all contain a new ingredient). We burned, soaked, crushed and dessicated each ingredient. IF the two unsolved ones work like ice, that should have worked. It didn't, so we're probably looking at some kind of thing where it's only two ingredients, or even four, or the numbers matter... I dunno. I know people are working on a lot of different things, so let us know what you've done/are doing here!

Theory pages and groups:

The "ITIO Elimination Testing" neoboard threads
The "Platinum Mist - Testing (board #whatever)" neoboard threads

If anyone wants something else added, post and let me know. :)
Last edited by Cranberry on Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:22 am, edited 4 times in total.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:31 am

Hey, just a quick question about the testing.. Will quantities matter?
Like, mine's asking for 10g of psionic singularity, so should i test 4, 4, 2g or something? or will 1, 1, 1g still give similar results?

Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:35 am

It looks like amount isn't a determining factor of the special-ness of the composite. People have made 3 grams of Ice, for example (which is actually how it was discovered). So the quantity definately doesn't matter while testing, as long as it's possible to fit all of it's other constraints with that quantity.

(edit, more accurate wording)
Last edited by AySz88 on Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:38 am, edited 2 times in total.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:37 am

just so you guys know what i've tested:

all same-max-combinations of 4g nova, 4g bronze, and 2g sharp DO NOT work. example: 4g,4g,2g ALL max burned and soaked.

i did NOT test 4g nova max burned, 4g bronze max crushed, and 2g sharp max soaked and burned, for example.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:43 am

There is a systematic solving system on the NeoBoards here:


Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:49 am

Excellent. If anyone else has links to petpages with test results, or to other neoboards with well-organized theories (might be better to provide the name of the group/thread title rather than a link, as the neoboard threads disappear), let me know and I can add them to the first post so people can see what's being done. :)

Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:52 am

Oh...it's for Platinum Mist btw

Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:57 am

anyone tried using one of our specials (ice, anti-grav, etc) as a base, and building off that?

Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:01 am

Eilianu's petpage, beliiaa's petpage, and heratro's petpage document some things being tried and some things that were tried and didnt work. (These are the petpages from the Platinum Mist testing boards from yesterday and tonight.)

When we were doing the stuff listed on heratro's page, it was really disorganized at first, and I hope that some people didnt make mistakes and the solution is still there somewhere :(

anyone tried using one of our specials (ice, anti-grav, etc) as a base, and building off that?

I thikn I remember seeing Casi say that she was trying some stuff using Ice Plasma as a base. I dont know how far she got with her tests though.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:21 am

According to the neoboards all combinations of 3 ingredients and 2 actions have been eliminated.

ETA: I've done burn only 1 g of Nova and combined it with 2 other ingredients (1 g each). It didn't work (minus the ice plasma) and have done the same with Crushed Nova.

The only discovery I made is that if you burn Nova and add the two ingredients it needs - it works you don't need to do anything to them.

ETA2: Also, if you just SOAK 1g nova and add the two other ingredients it needs (bumroot and sharpgrass) you get Ice Plasma.

ETA 3: Except for the above, nothing with 1g Nova soaked + 2 other ingredients (no actions) worked.

ETA4: Nothing with 1 g Nova dessicated + 2 other ingredients (no actions) worked. And it's time for me to go to bed.

New day, new ingredient!

1 g burnt Madvine root + 2 ingredients (1 gram, each no action) didn't work for me.
Last edited by laurenb on Sun Nov 12, 2006 5:24 pm, edited 6 times in total.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:24 am

As well as 4 ingredients with 2 actions

Well, I've been at this all day, so I think I'm going to break. At least for now.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:37 am

On the current neoboard testing 2 actions are being tested but it is with the same 2 actions for each item. There is still to test doing different actions for different items...so many possibilities...

Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:44 am

i am currently testing:

3g bronze, 3g bronze, 4g madvine with maxing one action for each, but that for bronze is the same. example: 3g burn, 3g burn, 4g crush and NOT 3g burn, 3g dess, 4g burn. i'll get to that later...

and i don't have access to the boards since i'm using my sis' account. does anyone have a suggestion for me to test from the board?

[[EDIT]] i tested the above and none of those work.
Last edited by cschois1 on Sun Nov 12, 2006 3:58 am, edited 2 times in total.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 2:00 am


good idea, worth pursuing

just let hydruxo know any combos you test and the pos/neg results

Sun Nov 12, 2006 3:13 am

I can't access the neoboards. We need an organized effort. A large group who try specified things. Like one person is assigned to try all variations of 1g madvine burned and crushed, 1 g baguss soaked and crushed, and 1 g of bumroot in each of it's variations (just burned, just soaked, just crushed, just dess., burned and crushed, burned and soaked, burned and dess, crushed and soaked, crushed and dess, soaked and dess, then all variations of 3, bcs, bcd, csd, then all 4). Person #2 would try exactly the same but with a different 3rd ingredient, again in all forms. It would be a HUGE family tree type endeavour iykwim

If anyone is interested, let me know.
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