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HW Plot Part: Sophie's lab (Split #4)

Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:29 pm

Walkthrough so far: http://www.pinkpt.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=29932

Previous thread: http://www.pinkpt.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=30284

Cute puppy to look at so your head doesn't explode:

Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:32 pm

Is that what the Meowclops turns into next? :P

I'm still on step 3, making the Spectral Essence.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:33 pm

_ei wrote:I've been trying different combinations for ages and yet I somehow can't seem to get this right... can anyone help me out or even point me in the right direction?

Use Babaa Wool (not maxed out) to bring up your stats, and adjust with Crushed Jurpleberries, without needing to raise or lower stats on the two components left, unless you feel like it (=

Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:33 pm

The puppy is cute........ *feels head stop spinning*

To reiterate from the last thread, as I'm feeling desperate

I've been trying different combinations for ages and yet I somehow can't seem to get this right... can anyone help me out or even point me in the right direction?

Composite #3

Quantity: 12 grams
Relevant property: Power
Target value: +65 +/- 2
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +100 +/- 2

Only 1 1/2 hours left of work and then no more internet for several days...
EDIT: thanks for the hint ;) I've been trying with the baa baa wool but I haven't tried the jurpleberries method, I'll have another go and hopefully I'll get somewhere... unless someone wants to help me out in the mean time 0:)
Last edited by _ei on Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:36 pm

Meer wrote:*bangs head against a wall*
Can someone please help me? I have no clue what to do! I've got my Spectral Essence, now for my other Composite I need:

Quantity: 12 grams
Relevant property: Conjuring
Target value: +79 +/- 3
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: +78 +/- 3

Composite 2 cannot contain more than 3 grams of any one basic ingredient.

And I don't have the slightest clue how to get that!

Edit: I've just stared to mess about with things, but I'm afraid I'll never get it. Because I just don't understand this. -_-

The formula listed on http://www.neopets.com/~Helazzar should work for you.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:45 pm

_ei wrote:
Composite #3

Quantity: 12 grams
Relevant property: Power
Target value: +65 +/- 2
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +100 +/- 2

Only 1 1/2 hours left of work and then no more internet for several days...
EDIT: thanks for the hint ;) I've been trying with the baa baa wool but I haven't tried the jurpleberries method, I'll have another go and hopefully I'll get somewhere... unless someone wants to help me out in the mean time 0:)

Try this - I have far too much time on my hands:
3g bum root (completely maxed on all)
3g leafy slorgblossom (completely maxed on all)
3g sharp grass (maxed soaking only)
3g jurpleberries - soak to get 76 in Divination (as close as possible) and then dry to get 152 in power.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:46 pm

Composite #2:

Special: Spectral Essence
Quantity: 23 grams
Relevant property: Conjuring
Target value: +275 +/- 1

Bloodfern 7 Crush & Soak
Bloodfern 7 Crush & Soak
Bloodfern 7 Crush & Soak
LeafySlor 2 Burn

Spectral Essence
Quantity: 23 grams
Conjuring: +275

Composite #3:

Quantity: 12 grams
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: +69 +/- 2
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +101 +/- 2

Sharpgrass 3 Crush & Soak
LeafySlorg 3 Crush
Bumroot 3 Crush & Soak
Crush Jurp 3 Burn & Soak

Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 12 grams
Divination: +101
Enchantment: +70

now to figure out that 10g of Anti-Gravitic Goo :|

Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:47 pm

anyone have any luck with the spectral essence in the fourth rd of potion mixing?

i got this:
Composite #2:

Special: Spectral Essence
Quantity: 23 grams
Relevant property: Conjuring
Target value: +275 +/- 1

reading frm the walkthrough thread,it says 'Composite 2, we know how to make this now. Use the appropriate ingredients to get the target value! 'but am i suppose to max out the required ingredients as i did for previous rd?

Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:47 pm

Daze wrote:

1. Take your smallest number and multiply by 4.
2. Using 3 grams of wool, raise the stats you need to the above number.
3. Take your highest number and multiply by 4.
4. Subtract your number you got in 1. from your number in 3.
5. Using 3 grams of Jurpleberries, raise the stat of your highest number to the number you got in 4.
6. Add 3 grams of two other substances to which you have done nothing to.

Fantastic! That worked perfectly! My requirements were:
Composite #3:

Quantity: 12 grams
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +70 +/- 2
Relevant property: Power
Target value: +101 +/- 2

And following the formula I now have this:
Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 12 grams
Conjuring: +70
Divination: +70
Enchantment: -280
Power: +101

Thanks Daze!

Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:48 pm

_ei wrote:The puppy is cute........ *feels head stop spinning*

To reiterate from the last thread, as I'm feeling desperate

I've been trying different combinations for ages and yet I somehow can't seem to get this right... can anyone help me out or even point me in the right direction?

Composite #3

Quantity: 12 grams
Relevant property: Power
Target value: +65 +/- 2
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +100 +/- 2

Only 1 1/2 hours left of work and then no more internet for several days...
EDIT: thanks for the hint ;) I've been trying with the baa baa wool but I haven't tried the jurpleberries method, I'll have another go and hopefully I'll get somewhere... unless someone wants to help me out in the mean time 0:)

3 grams wool: crush 156 secs
3 grams jurpleberries: soak 210 secs
3 grams each of any other 2 ingredients.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:48 pm

amandajolong wrote:Composite #2:

Special: Spectral Essence
Quantity: 23 grams
Relevant property: Conjuring
Target value: +275 +/- 1

Bloodfern 7 Crush & Soak
Bloodfern 7 Crush & Soak
Bloodfern 7 Crush & Soak
LeafySlor 2 Burn

Spectral Essence
Quantity: 23 grams
Conjuring: +275

Composite #3:

Quantity: 12 grams
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: +69 +/- 2
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +101 +/- 2

Sharpgrass 3 Crush & Soak
LeafySlorg 3 Crush
Bumroot 3 Crush & Soak
Crush Jurp 3 Burn & Soak

Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 12 grams
Divination: +101
Enchantment: +70

now to figure out that 10g of Anti-Gravitic Goo :|
oh my god!u found it?!btw did u max out your ingredients when making the essence as well?
Last edited by moreau360 on Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:49 pm

I finally managed to complete comp 2 (with added v1 spectral essence). I found http://petpages.neopets.com/~SierraSea to be immensely useful. Mine almost matched an example :)

Now I am going to sleep and not attempt the 4th stage until tomorrow. :)

Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:51 pm

Thanks guys you utterly rock, and I think you may have just saved my job!


EDIT: Runs around screaming.... EEEEEE it's perfect. I can't beleive how happy seeing those little green numbers made me. I think this plot's driving me slightly mad...
Last edited by _ei on Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:51 pm

oh my god!u found it?!

lol noooo noo.. i've figured out my other ones... not the goo... i'm working on it now...

i posted my others incase anyone else needed them :)

*back to head banging*

Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:52 pm

amandajolong wrote:
oh my god!u found it?!

lol noooo noo.. i've figured out my other ones... not the goo... i'm working on it now...

i posted my others incase anyone else needed them :)

*back to head banging*
for the spectral essence,did u max out each ingredient as well?
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