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Terrible Trees: Wave #2 (Split 3)

Sun Nov 05, 2006 4:34 am

<<|: http://www.pinkpt.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=30188

12. Read Chapter 10, and you will now need to fight various types of trees. Return to the BATTLEDOME to face these opponents:
Black Elm - http://idb.finalhit.org/?searchtype=one ... nger=blelm
Blathering Beech - http://idb.finalhit.org/?searchtype=one ... r=blabeech
Savage Sycamore. - http://idb.finalhit.org/?searchtype=one ... ger=savsyc

Cause it's come up so many times, If you end up getting a blank white page (due to lag) you're going to need to start over. Go back to the status page and try again.

If you refresh on the "victory page" you'll see an ERROR message calling you a cheater. This is due to the avatar you could've once got by refreshing the victory page (obviously not the case anymore)

Sun Nov 05, 2006 4:40 am

Ectacy wrote:

If there's one thing I learned, it's NEVER REFRESH. Blank page of doom? Start again. Generally I don't need to even go to the status page, only one in a while - there's probably a backload of battles of mine, heh.
I think, the reason it's doing that, is because the enemy's attacks are set up already in some way or another, but yours reset. Possibly they made it that way so people wouldn't refresh for easy wins - which would happen if they didn't do that.
If you haven't already done it, set up a quick link to the battledome page. It works in IE, but I don't know about the others. Right-click up the top, and click "links" - then put the battledome fave in the links folder under favourites. Widen it out and you can just click to go there instantly.

Oh, but don't give up too soon. I've had very good luck with this strategy:

When confronted with the "blank page of doom" I use the browser's "Back" button, go back just once and hit "go" again. Sometimes I also change weapons and attacks -- especially if fighting the Savage Sycamore.

Even if I get the sort of messges that say "that opponent doesn't exist" or "your pet does not own that item" or "your pet isn't set up for that battle" I still go back to the last valid battle page and try again. I've rescued a few battles that way.

It seems to be less laggy right now, perhaps the super-pets have done their 100 or so victories and moved on.

Sun Nov 05, 2006 4:46 am

It seems a lot less laggy but it also doesn't seem to be counting my wins...

Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:09 am

I actually tried your Back --> Forward trick, Ectacy, but it didn't work for me; hitting forward just gave me the same page over and over and over again. Capi ended up getting kicked out of the battle entirely (well, I finally withdrew her), and I had to start over, and she still had missing hitpoints, as though whatever he'd hit me with during the blank page had stuck. :x This is obviously not your fault, and I'm sure your method works for most people, but for whatever reason, it's not helping me much at all. But thanks. :)

I'm going to just go on-line at 3:00 am and try my luck then. Excessive, maybe, but I just can't work with this lag. I've completed all of 4 battles in 24 hours.

Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:12 am

Sometimes hitting "back" then reattempting the next move works, other times it doesn't and you have to start over again, but that's what I've been personally seeing.

Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:12 am

Officer 1BDI wrote:I'm going to just go on-line at 3:00 am and try my luck then. Excessive, maybe, but I just can't work with this lag. I've completed all of 4 battles in 24 hours.

I tried that last night but it was just as bad... But today seems a little better so hopefully you will have more luck than I did.

Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:17 am

I've finally managed to battle a sycamore and a beech. I thought the beech's quote when I defeated it was pretty funny:
You won't want to go near trees are I am done with you...

I noticed I got fewer points for the Sycamore than I did for each stone (100+/stone vs. 75 for the Sycamore). But I just got 100 for the beech. Not that I really care... (unless I end up 1 point away from a really cool prize). Do you think there will be more puzzle steps after the fighting? With the lag, I'll probably only get to fight one of each in this round; I doubt my pet will be strong enough for wave 3. It just seems like the puzzle stuff was really easy so far (easier than Altador, for example).

Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:21 am

Siniri wrote:I've finally managed to battle a sycamore and a beech. I thought the beech's quote when I defeated it was pretty funny:
You won't want to go near trees are I am done with you...

I noticed I got fewer points for the Sycamore than I did for each stone (100+/stone vs. 75 for the Sycamore). But I just got 100 for the beech. Not that I really care... (unless I end up 1 point away from a really cool prize). Do you think there will be more puzzle steps after the fighting? With the lag, I'll probably only get to fight one of each in this round; I doubt my pet will be strong enough for wave 3. It just seems like the puzzle stuff was really easy so far (easier than Altador, for example).

:o OMG! You must have amazing battle pets! I got 3 wins with the sycamore and only 10 with the beech...still going with the elm...I'm up to 35 wins with that...don't know how much longer I'm going to last in this war...hopefully I'll be able to finish the plot...
Last edited by Pink on Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:26 am

pinkflamingonewsgirl wrote:
Siniri wrote:I noticed I got fewer points for the Sycamore than I did for each stone (100+/stone vs. 75 for the Sycamore). But I just got 100 for the beech.

:oOMG! You must have amazing battle pets! I got 3 wins with the sycamore and only 10 with the beech...still going with the elm...I'm up to 35 wins with that...don't know how much longer I'm going to last in this war...hopefully I'll be able to finish the plot...

I think you misunderstood (probably my fault). I was talking about the score (last column) on the 1-player challenge page, not the number of times I'd fought each -- I'm only doing one of each this time. I don't have the patience or time to deal with this lag. Even if I did, I think I'd only be able to beat the sycamore a few times before it got too strong...
Last edited by Siniri on Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:26 am

Officer 1BDI wrote:I actually tried your Back --> Forward trick, Ectacy, but it didn't work for me; hitting forward just gave me the same page over and over and over again. Capi ended up getting kicked out of the battle entirely (well, I finally withdrew her), and I had to start over, and she still had missing hitpoints, as though whatever he'd hit me with during the blank page had stuck. :x This is obviously not your fault, and I'm sure your method works for most people, but for whatever reason, it's not helping me much at all. But thanks. :)

I'm going to just go on-line at 3:00 am and try my luck then. Excessive, maybe, but I just can't work with this lag. I've completed all of 4 battles in 24 hours.

..erm.. I never actually said any of that, did I? Of course back and forward will give you the same pages. I was saying to add the battledome page to the "Links" part of your folder. It works as a shortcut, rather than going through a bunch of pages (even with the back button) when you've finished a page, and if the battle messes up it's a quick way to start over.

Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:32 am

I blessed my pet with 4 battle faeries to try and help increase my chances of winning... but even though I was "blessed" with four different abilities (something, something, magic berries, and burrow) but nothing new is showing up on the battle drop-down list. Is there something I need to do to activate it? (My pet is above level 30)

Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:36 am

Siniri wrote:I think you misunderstood (probably my fault). I was talking about the score (last column) on the 1-player challenge page, not the number of times I'd fought each -- I'm only doing one of each this time. I don't have the patience or time to deal with this lag. Even if I did, I think I'd only be able to beat the sycamore a few times before it got too strong...

lol...yeah...that is a lot different. I'm going to sign off for the evening. Night y'all!

Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:37 am

Adrenaline wrote:I blessed my pet with 4 battle faeries to try and help increase my chances of winning... but even though I was "blessed" with four different abilities (something, something, magic berries, and burrow) but nothing new is showing up on the battle drop-down list. Is there something I need to do to activate it? (My pet is above level 30)

Did you go to the abilities page (on quick ref) and highlight the ones you wanted your pet to use?

Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:40 am

Thank you darkscarlett! :hug: You're a star.

Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:44 am

background_noise wrote:
It seems to be less laggy right now, perhaps the super-pets have done their 100 or so victories and moved on.

Hee, no. That's never how it works... much more likely that the weak pets have maxed out (many of them are finding the trees hard because they heal) and now there are mostly stronger battlers left. That's what always happens during wars; there are fewer big battlers than weak ones, so by later (harder) waves, there's barely any lag at all. :)

Also, it's getting later in North America, so a lot of younger players are going to bed.
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