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Wed Nov 15, 2006 10:58 am

this is going to be one of those steps that is a breaker for some people I somehow think. how many quest items found.. how many pages found yadda yadda

Wed Nov 15, 2006 10:58 am

Those who haven't got the 5th page - you do realise you can go back and get it, right? ;) Even if you've got the TBC sign.

Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:04 am

Alex wrote:Those who haven't got the 5th page - you do realise you can go back and get it, right? ;) Even if you've got the TBC sign.

yes, i posted that I did get my 5th page. Click on the walls of the last cell with the open door. You will go back. you can search for any of the missing journal pages. I don't know which page was found where, I did hit and miss.

Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:24 am


If I shared how long it took me to actually FIND how to get to the asylum in the first place then y'all would laugh at me! No thread seems to have anyone saying WHERE you click to get there...obviously everyone is cleverer than me :oops:

Wed Nov 15, 2006 12:17 pm

i HATE this part.. i can't find my way around and no guide is helping... i saw the one on jellyneo, it looks like a good guide, but in the room w/ the desk it doesn't tell me which door to leave from and now i'm lost!

Wed Nov 15, 2006 12:37 pm

amandajolong wrote:i HATE this part.. i can't find my way around and no guide is helping... i saw the one on jellyneo, it looks like a good guide, but in the room w/ the desk it doesn't tell me which door to leave from and now i'm lost!

It doesn't matter which door you enter first.

If all the doorways are the same - the room with the zombies has 2 doors - 1 leads to the corridor and the room with the courtyard and the other leads to a corridor and the room with the desk.

When you get to the Courtyard, there are 4 doors. Each door has a corridor with 6 doors.

Each corridor will have 2 doors you use (1 to courtyard and 1 to a special room).

When you click on the 4 other doors, nothing happens (you are still in the same corridor).

The doors do not change.

With only 6 doors it should be easy to remember which door you came through - if not just make a rough map up.

All up there is only 24 doors.

Wed Nov 15, 2006 12:56 pm

You can only get four notes right? I saw the jellyneo guide only found four and I got a different number for the first one. (The one they listed I'm missing)

Wed Nov 15, 2006 1:04 pm

mogster500 wrote:You can only get four notes right? I saw the jellyneo guide only found four and I got a different number for the first one. (The one they listed I'm missing)

Thereare 5 Journal Pages:

1: on desk (it is called Journal Page 4)

2: in the room with the zomutt

3: in the room with the zombies (and a key)

4: in the closet with the skeleton (and a key)

5: in the cells.

Wed Nov 15, 2006 1:09 pm

Ok, I got it now. :D

I can't find the right cell

Wed Nov 15, 2006 1:28 pm

I made a bit of a mistake, i picked up my journal piece without clicking on the door and exited back to the hall, now I can't seem to find the right door again, any helpful suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Re: I can't find the right cell

Wed Nov 15, 2006 1:34 pm

deweycd wrote:I made a bit of a mistake, i picked up my journal piece without clicking on the door and exited back to the hall, now I can't seem to find the right door again, any helpful suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Once again - as posted above, there are only 2 'working' doors in each set of 6 - 1 takes you to the Courtyard, the other to a special room. The other 4 doors don't do anything - when you click them you stay in the same corridor.

When you go to the Courtyard there are 4 doors (each door has 1 important room in it) - each door has a corridor of 6 doors.

Just mark on a rough map (if you can't remember) where your 2 doors are located in the corridor.

All up there is only 24 doors, so it wont be too hard to find the right one.

Wed Nov 15, 2006 1:35 pm

I have a stupid question. After you use the key to get the shovel, does that key leave your inventory? I could have sworn I had two keys but now I only have one. I want to make sure I have the correct key before I start opening cells.

Wed Nov 15, 2006 1:40 pm

where is the closet w/ the skeleton?

Wed Nov 15, 2006 1:40 pm

Casi wrote:I have a stupid question. After you use the key to get the shovel, does that key leave your inventory? I could have sworn I had two keys but now I only have one. I want to make sure I have the correct key before I start opening cells.

Yes, all items stay in the Quest Inventory even when you have used them.

A full inventory should be:

*Lamp *Rusty Key *Shiny Key *Shovel
*Journal Page 1 *Journal Page 2 *Journal Page 3 *Journal Page 4 *Journal Page 5

Wed Nov 15, 2006 1:40 pm

you need both keys as if one leaves the inven I am not fully certain. one opens the equipment that gives you a shovel to get the bone. the rusty one does the cell doors
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