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Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:17 pm

I don't think it's possible to get a score over 9 this year, the other team gets noticeably better at that point and it makes them impossible to get past. I think they've upped the difficulty from last year because it was possible then. Which is bad because I get to 9-0 with about 40 seconds left and have nothing to do :P

Oh and someone said the new slushie game is like diner dash but I haven't played that so I don't know what it's like

Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:33 am

Laryxle wrote:
Oh and someone said the new slushie game is like diner dash but I haven't played that so I don't know what it's like

Diner dash is a lot of fun. If you google it, you can find several sites that let you play the free version.

Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:01 am

Elysian wrote:
Meer wrote:But now... once this starts, if I score a couple points and still lose the game, if I send that score, will it give me a few points and help out my team? Or do losses hurt? Or do only wins count?

Losses don't hurt, but it's also kind of pointless to send the score in, rather just restart the game, it'll be quicker. The points are based on who gets the most goals over their player number, losses aren't counted. (not sure how exactly the points are calculated but I'm pretty sure losses won't count.)

So if I can't win I shouldn't send any scores in? :/

But the editorial that Wind posted said I should send every score. *is so confused*

Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:09 am

Morningstar wrote:
Laryxle wrote:
Oh and someone said the new slushie game is like diner dash but I haven't played that so I don't know what it's like

Diner dash is a lot of fun. If you google it, you can find several sites that let you play the free version.

Ohhh I hope this game is like Diner Dash! I played that today - and its oodles of fun. I'm pretty good too; I may end up doing Shenkuu some good after all!

Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:28 am

I have no idea at this point, No one knows exactly how they will calculate the points this year.

Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:57 am

Laryxle wrote:I don't think it's possible to get a score over 9 this year, the other team gets noticeably better at that point and it makes them impossible to get past. I think they've upped the difficulty from last year because it was possible then. Which is bad because I get to 9-0 with about 40 seconds left and have nothing to do :P

Bar the extra balls and additional graphics, this year's game seems to be identical to last year's to me.

Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:43 am

Let's Go Deep Purple

Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:41 am

Laryxle wrote:Oh and someone said the new slushie game is like diner dash but I haven't played that so I don't know what it's like

I LOVE that game! Absolutely LOVE! I got stuck at umm the third restuarant at some point though and then my computer had to be reformatted (not because of the game!) but still have I mentioned I <3 that game? About as much as I suck at Yooyuball...

This is the first year I'm actually getting to play it, last year it wouldn't work for me.

GO KRAWK ISLAND! {I will remain loyal!} :P

Edit: I won a game! Go me!
Last edited by darkfire on Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:20 pm

If it's Diner Dash, I shall love it <3 I have Diner Dash 2 and I managed to get up to level 40 before getting stuck. I've also managed to finish a couple of clones... If the slushie game is like that, I'll be racking lots of points :D

Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:20 pm

Meer wrote:So if I can't win I shouldn't send any scores in? :/

But the editorial that Wind posted said I should send every score. *is so confused*

Truth is, no-one is certain how the scoring works. TNT just say that scores are based on "win/loss/tie record, point scores, individual performance, and a weighted average based on team membership". But they have also said that it's better for your team if you play and do badly than if you don't play at all. My personal guess is that a loss will earn your team a small amount of points whereas a win will earn it a lot of points - but anyone who picks a team but then doesn't play at all is only dragging the average down by earning a big fat zero for the team!

When live play starts tomorrow, let's all keep an eye on our individual performance shields and see whether we rise in rank at all by submitting losses. I think that would be a good indication of how TNT is keeping tabs on teams' scores.

Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:45 pm

Okay here's a question, when -can't- you pass or score? Cause almost everytime I'm running towards the goal and clicking the mouse button like mad to get it to kick and it just doesn't. So is there some rule I'm missing here?

Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:05 pm

darkfire wrote:Okay here's a question, when -can't- you pass or score? Cause almost everytime I'm running towards the goal and clicking the mouse button like mad to get it to kick and it just doesn't. So is there some rule I'm missing here?

There is no rule - Left click once and the ball will release. If you have another player (opposition or your own) right up close, you may not be able to release the ball if they are in the way.

Could it be your mouse that isn't working properly or your computer running slow and not responding?

Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:42 pm

Where did you guys get your team supporter graphics?

Nevermind I just found it:
http://www.neopets.com/~Livlier for those of you who wants banners!

I'm choosing Haunted Woods because of loyalty. :D

Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:18 pm

I'll support Mystery Island as last year: Volgoth RULES!

Mon Jun 04, 2007 4:15 pm

Elysian wrote:I have been able to, It's essentially easy actually, it will go the frontal opposite of where you shoot it meaning it will turn 90 degrees to the right of left depending where you shoot it, so all you have to do is turn quickly towards the goal keeping and then shoot. The hardest one I seem to find is the faerie ball, the only way I find shooting it is shooting it directly from the center towards the middle of the goal, that way it will curve around the goal keeper.

I think the term we're looking for here is "orthogonal." Or "mirrored."
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