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Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:35 pm

Sure why not; I am going with five of each. Unless people have already exhausted that combo.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:36 pm

cookiemunster wrote:I guess I am going to work on this one
maybe it was just Madvine Root and Nova Essence...

Anyone want to help? I am going to tackle all the variations of amounts and treatments. I'm starting with 9g madvine with 1g nova. Need someone to tackle other possibilities lol

I'll be doing the same.
But since I'm at work and have spare time in which I should do other things, I'm going to try maxing them all out, and drying them as I go.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:38 pm

You'll need to do 5 g madvine in each of it's 15 variations, with 5 g nova in each of it's 15 variations, too much for one person! Team work required!

IE 5g madvine burned, against

a) Burned
b) Crushed
c) Soaked
d) Dessicated
e) burned, crushed
f) b/s
g) b/d
h) c/s
i) c/d
j) s/d
k) b/c/s
l) b/s/d
m) c/s/d
n) all
0) nothing
p) b/c/d (missed this one :roll: )
Last edited by cookiemunster on Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:50 pm

Sophie's Hint doesn't really help at all. . . .it's so ambiguous.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:53 pm

I thought all the 2 and 3 combo's were already checked ?

Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:54 pm

Not in every variation of every amount, I'm pretty sure.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:55 pm

There may be a proportion constraint on the ingredients such that 1:1:1 doesn't satisfy it.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:06 pm

Alright, I'm trying something that's probably going to be no more than a waste of time, as there's absolutely no basis for it, but I'm still at a loss here as to what we should be doing, and something is better than nothing at all, so....

Basically, I'm going to try as many of the the 1-step 3:3:4 ratios for her first hint as I can without my head exploding. I just picked a random ratio and I'm running with it. If anything, we can at least discount it when I find out nothing works.

3g Sharp, 3g Bronze, 4g Root (All Burned)- Nothing
3g Sharp, 3g Bronze, 4g Nova (All Burned)- Nothing
3g Sharp, 3g Bronze, 4g Root (All Crushed)- Nothing
3g Sharp, 3g Bronze, 4g Nova (All Crushed)- Nothing
3g Sharp, 3g Bronze, 4g Root (All Soaked)- Nothing
3g Sharp, 3g Bronze, 4g Nova (All Soaked)- Nothing
3g Sharp, 3g Bronze, 4g Root (All Des)- Nothing
3g Sharp, 3g Bronze, 4g Nova (All Des)- Nothing

*Stopping this as I don't think this is the proper way to go about it in light of the discovery below*
Last edited by Officer 1BDI on Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:18 pm

I just saw this on the Neoboards:

Psionic Singularity!!!!!
2 grams Madvine, dessicate 2 seconds
8 grams Nova Essence, do nothing

Anyone feel like raising their hopes and testing it?

Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:19 pm

I will

Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:23 pm

By the time I could click stop, it was up to 3 seconds... that combo did nothing for me. Failed.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:23 pm

Officer 1BDI wrote:I just saw this on the Neoboards:

Psionic Singularity!!!!!
2 grams Madvine, dessicate 2 seconds
8 grams Nova Essence, do nothing

Anyone feel like raising their hopes and testing it?

It works.
Im platinum mist though ¬_¬

Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:23 pm

I verified it in the other thread.
2 seconds.
Any more and it doesn't work.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:25 pm

Setekh wrote:It works.
Im platinum mist though ¬_¬

Yeah, me too.

This is punishment for getting through the water plant in under half an hour, I just know it.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:26 pm

Aww man, that means that platinum mist is going to be the harder of all those options she gave us :(
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