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Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:02 pm

Something doesn't feel right with this. Why would ice plasma be so much "easier" to find than the other two? I mean, the community's been working on finding the other two composites for nearly three days now. What if (and I know this is a really big what-if, but I'm desperate here) this is the result of some sort of bug? What if we haven't found Mist or Singularity yet because they can't be found?

[/desperate grapsing at straws]

Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:06 pm

Officer 1BDI wrote:Something doesn't feel right with this. Why would ice plasma be so much "easier" to find than the other two? I mean, the community's been working on finding the other two composites for nearly three days now. What if (and I know this is a really big what-if, but I'm desperate here) this is the result of some sort of bug? What if we haven't found Mist or Singularity yet because they can't be found?

[/desperate grapsing at straws]

I've been toying with the notion for a while... I bounce from "This can't be right" to "nah, TNT is just testing us!"
Right now, though, I'm in a "this is pretty darn fishy" mood... especially when I hear that testers have gotten to the point of testing FIVE seperate ingredients... I mean, that's the end of the line! Five is the max!
It seems really weird that TNT would make one so simple and the rest really difficult. I mean, not weird for TNT... they do frustrating things all the time ;) But I mean weird in that shouldn't everybody have a fighting chance? I'm all for making things difficult... but all three items should be able to be made within 2 full days of searching, now.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:08 pm

Officer 1BDI wrote:Something doesn't feel right with this. Why would ice plasma be so much "easier" to find than the other two? I mean, the community's been working on finding the other two composites for nearly three days now. What if (and I know this is a really big what-if, but I'm desperate here) this is the result of some sort of bug? What if we haven't found Mist or Singularity yet because they can't be found?

[/desperate grapsing at straws]

I know...people were speculating that on the neoboards, too. I'm wondering if it was a fluke that Ice Plasma was so easy. So far as I can tell, if you use teh right ingredients and have two negative values you're good to go, so there are multiple ways to solve it. I'm wondering if TNT didn't realise that there were many solutions within the parameters they set for Ice Plamsa.

I dunno. I mean, people have been searching for Psionic Singularity and the Mist for three days and with people from all over the globe, pretty much for 24 hours/day. Granted there are probably repeats but you'd think one of them would have been stumbled upon by now, wouldn't you?

Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:23 pm

angisfab wrote:Wind, where is the test group on the boards? Maybe I"ll give it a go too...I've been trying on my own, but maybe teams are better.

I joined ITIO, their latest board is here:
http://www.neopets.com/neoboards/topic. ... c=99275032

Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:24 pm

On the Neoboards is were you can find the testers. It says it in the title under The Tale of Woe. I helped them out all last night. Then I had to step away from the computer because I got to a point where I couldn't look at the bowls of composites anymore. Everything looked the same! Ack.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:19 pm

Now that's pretty scary lol when you reach that point.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:45 pm

Whoa. The other two still haven't been found. :o
So glad I got the Ice Plasma. And that it was found by the time I finally managed to get to that point.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:11 pm

Hint from Sophie (finally!)

If my estimation is correct, then the following ingredient list should be correct... but what goes into that composite? I think it was Sharpgrass, Bronze Sansam, and... either Madvine Root or Nova Essence.


No, wait... it was Bumroot, Sharpgrass, and... one other ingredient. Was that it? Hrm... maybe it was just Madvine Root and Nova Essence

Just in time for me to go to work...Oh well.

Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:16 pm

laurenb wrote:Hint from Sophie (finally!)

If my estimation is correct, then the following ingredient list should be correct... but what goes into that composite? I think it was Sharpgrass, Bronze Sansam, and... either Madvine Root or Nova Essence.


No, wait... it was Bumroot, Sharpgrass, and... one other ingredient. Was that it? Hrm... maybe it was just Madvine Root and Nova Essence

Just in time for me to go to work...Oh well.

ahhh, the hints... they're so...
yeah.... so we've narrowed it to Sharpgrass, Brozne Sansam, Madvine Root, Nova Essence, and Bumroot.
Ah well, *back to testing*

Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:46 am

The one good thing about all of this potion stuff is that a lot of people will be eliminated, so the prizes will probably be better.

Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:43 am

Hints...I love hints. Anyway, finally Platinum Mist!! and finally that beloved sign that says ...to be continued.


Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:38 am

Amongst all this potion confusion, I think now would be a good time to ask: Whatever happened to Ilere?

Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:42 am

Indeed...I started thinking that in the middle of the potion mixing process...where did she go? o_O

Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:24 am

Taking a nap in the woods.

She never joined in did she?

Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:04 pm

WooHoo! Missed out on playing over the weekend but I caught up by making my final 4th round composition and completing the 5th round this morning.

As I wasn't around to help contribute with the testing and relied completely on the posts on PPT to help me with my combinations I'd like to say a huge thanks to all the people who did give up their weekend to figure out combinations - you guys rock :hug:
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