Whether it be a puzzle or a war, this is the place to be for all your plot related needs.
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Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:14 am

I went from step 0 to step 11 in the course of a day. I am happy. Don't know how the rest of the plot will unfoil, but at least i'm trying to get as close to the end as I can.

I gave up half way in the LDP and didn't even bother with Altador. (was taking a break and didn't feel bothered enough to log into neopets for it.)

Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:21 am

I'm considering giving up - it's not letting me fight anything at all today, and it was pretty bad yesterday.

Plus I was hoping they'd keep the first wave in place even after the second wave was released, but apparently that's not how they chose to do it. All those points I could have earned are now unearnable either thanks to the lag, or the fact that they removed the first wave. :(

Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:00 am

Butterflyhornet wrote:I went from step 0 to step 11 in the course of a day. I am happy. Don't know how the rest of the plot will unfoil, but at least i'm trying to get as close to the end as I can.

I gave up half way in the LDP and didn't even bother with Altador. (was taking a break and didn't feel bothered enough to log into neopets for it.)

you can still do the altador plot - they've left it open.

Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:59 pm

Xerophyte wrote:I'm considering giving up - it's not letting me fight anything at all today, and it was pretty bad yesterday.

Plus I was hoping they'd keep the first wave in place even after the second wave was released, but apparently that's not how they chose to do it. All those points I could have earned are now unearnable either thanks to the lag, or the fact that they removed the first wave. :(

Same here, I have broadband from Comcast and the lag is unbearable, I'd be lucky if the page loaded after I did 1 attack, it is awful. Haven't won a single battle yet for lag and "This Page Cannot Be Displayed" and "Ooops, you do not own this pet!", wonder what it is on Dial-up?

EDIT: YAY! I actually finished a fight! With no dead pages!

Sat Nov 04, 2006 1:39 pm

I never knew the collective power of newbies...

I started a fight and then blank page!

Do I have to make a withdrawal for this?

Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:03 pm

myname7772 wrote:I never knew the collective power of newbies...

I started a fight and then blank page!

Do I have to make a withdrawal for this?

Try going back. If that doesn't work then I'd try withdrawing.

I have spent too many NP on buying potions because I kept getting kicked out of battles due to lag and had to replenish the HP since I couldn't finish a battle. I have kept trying, thinking that the lag would lessen, but it's just getting too frustrating. Maybe I'll try tomorrow.

Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:11 pm

I'm thinking of giving up the battle part of the plot anyway. I got 4 hits on an elm, but can't get a 5th no matter what. I need a chance to be able to take 4 to 5 turns in the battle dome without having to withdraw. The elm heals itself with a bronze scortchstone only prolonging the chance of me loading a blank page. I think I'd be best off if can try to do some art for the ag instead and hope that more puzzles come soon. And meanwhile spend some np to train my pet.

Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:47 pm

siouxper wrote:
Xerophyte wrote:I'm considering giving up - it's not letting me fight anything at all today, and it was pretty bad yesterday.

Plus I was hoping they'd keep the first wave in place even after the second wave was released, but apparently that's not how they chose to do it. All those points I could have earned are now unearnable either thanks to the lag, or the fact that they removed the first wave. :(

Same here, I have broadband from Comcast and the lag is unbearable, I'd be lucky if the page loaded after I did 1 attack, it is awful. Haven't won a single battle yet for lag and "This Page Cannot Be Displayed" and "Ooops, you do not own this pet!", wonder what it is on Dial-up?

EDIT: YAY! I actually finished a fight! With no dead pages!

NO. NO. NO. Do *NOT* keep the first wave in. If they had, NO ONE would be able to get into the battledome. I still haven't had the chance to beat a single tree. Hopefully everyone will have maxed out by tonight, so I can take a chance. ;.;

And I have broadband, too.

Sun Nov 05, 2006 12:20 am

I really, really, really wanted to be part of this plot. I used to play a long time ago - in the days of the Mystery Island plot - but I only re-joined recently. I was pretty active in the Altador plot and I thought it was awesome (even though the prizes were disappointing). and I was SOOO excited for a plot with more involvement and complexity.

and then what do they do? have a plot smack dab in the middle of my midterms. to be fair, anytime between September to December and January to April is a difficult time for a university student (for me at least!) The Altador Plot was pretty good in terms of the time investment required, but man this one is grueling. I bet I could still follow along a little, but I feel like if it's going to a half-ssed effort, I might as well not do it at all.

*sigh* it's hard being a perfectionist. oh well... I'm still impressed with TNT and the HWP. goodluck everyone!

Sun Nov 05, 2006 12:25 am

sleeptonight wrote:and then what do they do? have a plot smack dab in the middle of my midterms. to be fair, anytime between September to December and January to April is a difficult time for a university student (for me at least!) The Altador Plot was pretty good in terms of the time investment required, but man this one is grueling. I bet I could still follow along a little, but I feel like if it's going to a half-ssed effort, I might as well not do it at all.

*sigh* it's hard being a perfectionist. oh well... I'm still impressed with TNT and the HWP. goodluck everyone!

I hear ya. I'm working on 4 term papers and refreshing the BD at the same time. xD

Sun Nov 05, 2006 2:15 am

Rachel wrote:you can still do the altador plot - they've left it open.

Would I still be able to get the sidebar and other prizes?

Sun Nov 05, 2006 2:41 am

As far as I know, you'll still be able to get the sidebar and everything else. Which kind of stinks; I still feel that those of us who finished it earlier should get a least a little something extra. But I've also been genuinely surprised at the number of people still asking if they could still do/finish the Altador plot, so maybe it's best this way.

Sun Nov 05, 2006 9:38 pm

I gave up. On puzzles, I always give up. I just got moved up in math, and i'll have to put in a hard amount of work to pass. I just don't have the time to search for vines and test potions. I'm longing for a full-fledged war, even one as bad as the Maraquan.

Sun Nov 05, 2006 9:49 pm

I have given up on the HWP . It's quite hard...and annoying. I gave up a long time ago.

Has anyone else?

I gave up at the battling part for I couldn't get in to actually battle :(

Plus the trees are no fair... They get to heal themselves

you can still do the altador plot - they've left it open.

I think that the altador plot is a waste of time... it took me hours and I am only halfway through it... but I don't see why they left it open :(

Sun Nov 05, 2006 10:03 pm

Sappy wrote:I gave up at the battling part for I couldn't get in to actually battle :(

I keep getting the blank pages... it's no fun!
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