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Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:52 am

This step seems to be solely for the fame. Something tells me it will be over at a certain time and not from volume. It is really flusterating because everyone is doing it now, but as soon as that settles down it is an easy and rather boring step.
Last edited by stampsyne on Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:52 am

I got five so far, you just have to be there at the right time.

Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:54 am

I got a free book and a faerie quest while grave hunting so it isnt "all" bad now

Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:55 am

This is just crazy. I go in a graveyard. first screen only one or 2 graves marked. I go to the back and the marks on the graves are moving faster then me. madness, just madness.

Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:58 am

Well I am definatly calling it quits now..its almost 10 and my daughter is still up....

Hope you guys get lucky and get some graves

Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:00 am

The good thing about this is, there's a definite end in sight. The graveyards passing by are the same ones we dug up; I remember a couple of them.

Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:04 am

I think I'm about to quit. Maybe I'll come back later when there are *usually* less people on (AKA in 5 hours or so, 1 or 2 am my time...yay fall break!), and I might have better luck.

Still have yet to do ANY...

Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:04 am

:o jeezy creezy, i can't believe how fast the graves are going! i was able to snag two, but only because i'm refreshing every five seconds for a new graveyard (thank you awesome internet connection!). makes me wish for the days when we had to wait between digging graves.

Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:09 am

Yeah I'm with the majority, gonna sit this one out lol!! No use trying right now.

Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:09 am

As I'm searching for unmarked graves, I keep envisioning one person as being the one 'taking' them all rather than a bunch of people. I see this guy, fat, old, and nerdy (stereotype...sorry) sitting in a big room with like five super-fast computers, going "AHA! John Smith!" and he has servants who, on another computer, search for the name John Smith. Then he goes back, and gets another grave. All this in like...one second.

I'm out of my mind.

Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:11 am

Neopets Plot-Frustration: No. 1 Cause of Death of Neopians

Possible Early Warning Signs:
1)Minor to moderate addiction to Neopets.
2)Craving for any and all current or past plot-related knowledge.
3)Joining of or participation in plot-related forums OUTSIDE of Neopets.
4)Much random clicking and scrolling, quite possibly refreshing, on plot-related pages.
5)Refusing to blink for an extended period of time to reduce chances of missing a plot-related activity (grave-digging, grave crossing, etc.)
5)Much slamming of the keyboard into your computer tower after missing yet another chance to take part in any particular plot-related activity (i.e. grave name crossing).
6)Continued attempts at participating in these activities after the possible headache, tears, and even broken bones they can inflict.
7)Actually having a headache, broken bone, or complete mental breakdown while participating in said plot-related activities.
8)Yelling at your computer for being slow, stupid, or any other form of "bad" you can think of.

These are merely a few of the many warning signs you may experience if you have NPF. If you are experiencing one or more symptoms of NPF seek medical attention IMMEDIATELY. Possible outcomes of prolonged exposure to NPF are: clinical insanity, the explosion of one's brain, lung damage, and radioactivity. There have been few cases of actual NPF fatalities...in fact we don't know of any...but that doesn't mean it's impossible!! <_<_>

Okay now that I'm done with that...is anyone else EXTREMELY frustrated with these past few plot steps? I mean sure gravedigging was fun, but the bone testing was a headache and a backache (for me personally). And this current step is just ridiculous...

Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:12 am

Hystericalanduseless wrote:Here's a question.
Do the lists in your own personal books show the names that YOU have crossed off? Or that everyone has crossed off?
Because I have A LOT of names NOT crossed off.. and it just seems weird considering how many graves. Maybe the names keep regenerating? haha..

Either way.
I got one more grave on the last update.

I'm still so thankful I got to the graves right when the news came out, because I easily got 15 or more before everyone came rushing in.. Now I can hardly get any! I just spent about 15 minutes going into new graves and getting beaten to all of them.. Arrgh

The way it works is that when you have a grave to look up (ex Fred Stapleton died on 26 of sleeping Y7) you will see EVERYONE who died on the 26 of sleeping in y7.
Also.... YAY I got 2! No prizes for this step?

Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:12 am

Yeah I think someone has a way of getting a lot of graves. They are going too fast. I think something fishy is happening with them.

Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:17 am

CauldronCake wrote:Okay now that I'm done with that...is anyone else EXTREMELY frustrated with these past few plot steps? I mean sure gravedigging was fun, but the bone testing was a headache and a backache (for me personally). And this current step is just ridiculous...

I know what you mean. I leave for about an hour, and I come back and its still hectic. I'm begging to think, that people just want the attention that Heavenest got.

Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:19 am

This is insane, and I don't mean that in a good way. I haven't even managed to mark off one grave, and I've got broadband. Is there no limiting factor here? Are they not forcing people who have already marked of a certain number of graves to stop for a few minutes, like they did with the other tasks in the previous steps?

If not, and this counts as part of our final "score" for this plot, I will be very, very, VERY... well, I can't say the word on this forum without getting banned, but you know.
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