Whether it be a puzzle or a war, this is the place to be for all your plot related needs.
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Tue May 29, 2007 2:56 am

I am getting too impatient with the plot, i wish they would update!!
I wonder what the next part will be? Do you think we'll be battling another bigger crazy bug? I hope we get another puzzley type thing to do.

Tue May 29, 2007 12:59 pm

~Tara~ wrote:I am getting too impatient with the plot, i wish they would update!!
I wonder what the next part will be? Do you think we'll be battling another bigger crazy bug? I hope we get another puzzley type thing to do.

I hope so, I can't fight any challengers. :S

Tue May 29, 2007 2:24 pm

Dumb question but when do they post the news? I figured once they posted the news that we would get the next part of the comic/plot that will get us to finish this quest once and for all.

Tue May 29, 2007 2:30 pm

Gitanesabr wrote:Dumb question but when do they post the news? I figured once they posted the news that we would get the next part of the comic/plot that will get us to finish this quest once and for all.

The news is posted Monday to Friday, but it is a holiday in the USA on Monday, so TNT are not in the office. The news will update on Tuesday but that doesn't mean a plot update.

I think we may get more than 1 more update. The plot isn't ready to be finished yet.

Tue May 29, 2007 2:33 pm

Daze wrote:
Gitanesabr wrote:Dumb question but when do they post the news? I figured once they posted the news that we would get the next part of the comic/plot that will get us to finish this quest once and for all.

The news is posted Monday to Friday, but it is a holiday in the USA on Monday, so TNT are not in the office. The news will update on Tuesday but that doesn't mean a plot update.

I think we may get more than 1 more update. The plot isn't ready to be finished yet.

I don't know about that. The last challenger was pretty tough, I think we're ready for the boss. This plot is more mini than the Altador mini plot :(

Tue May 29, 2007 2:39 pm

Gotta agree; the plot feels like its winding down. It only FELT not so mini because of the length of time in between updates. I'm expecting a new comic today.

Tue May 29, 2007 3:00 pm

Matrinka wrote:Gotta agree; the plot feels like its winding down. It only FELT not so mini because of the length of time in between updates. I'm expecting a new comic today.

I'm with you on this. We've fixed the boat, so my bet is as soon as everyone gets back, they'll set sail and the plot is over.

Then we can wait for forever for prizes instead of waiting for updates. :roflol:

Tue May 29, 2007 3:00 pm

Not necessarily. They might be slow (well... this is TNT, they are slow) but it doesn't seem like the plots going to end immediately. Soon-ish, but there are still some things that are unaccounted for.

For instance, that shifty JubJub.

Why the PetPetPets are so big.

What that tower/spaceship really was and what it's got to do with anything.


And whether our little stowaway is really an evil clone-spy sent by Sloth in order to destroy the mission and leave these mostly inconsequential Neopets to die! AH-HAHAHAHAHAAA!

...Anyway, I anticipate a couple more updates before we run into a 'boss'. And maybe one more opponent; it's not as nicely varied as the ToW (which I didn't get to play anyway, but I'm not bitter), but they'll probably have one more round with a 125-difficulty opponent up for beating. And another puzzle. Maybe more complex than the last ones; I've been extremely disappointed with the puzzles during this plot...[/i]

Tue May 29, 2007 3:13 pm

Wind wrote:I don't know about that. The last challenger was pretty tough, I think we're ready for the boss. This plot is more mini than the Altador mini plot

I see a few more challengers than just 2 minions and a boss. I agree that it is small plot but it just can't be wrapped up in 1 update.

Matrinka wrote:Gotta agree; the plot feels like its winding down. It only FELT not so mini because of the length of time in between updates. I'm expecting a new comic today.

Winding down yes, but not over. Basically all the 'explorers' have done is crash into the island, get chased by bugs, and now want to leave - this doesn't give any real information to the plot - what happened to Mad-Tongue? How did the petpets get so big? We need an epilogue and have the island accesible from Neopia.

I don't see it wrapping up in 1 more chapter.

Tue May 29, 2007 3:19 pm

Haha I had a dream last night that the next part of the plot was another challenger that was even more difficult than the last one, but one of you ppters was having a rather easy time fighting it.
Go figure...

Tue May 29, 2007 3:38 pm

Eternal Serena wrote:Haha I had a dream last night that the next part of the plot was another challenger that was even more difficult than the last one, but one of you ppters was having a rather easy time fighting it.
Go figure...

Well... we've had a pattern established with this plot so far. Puzzle, battle, puzzle, battle, puzzle... so now its time for another battle. I expect to see the new comic tonight when the news is updated and the new battle either tonight OR tomorrow.

I agree that there are a lot of loose ends to be tied up... but my gut says that this plot is winding down. I feel that we've hit the half way mark already - no clue how much further we have to go. None of us are on TNT to know for sure. All we have to go on is feelings we get from what we've seen so far.

Tue May 29, 2007 4:12 pm

I hope it's not winding down o_O i waited awhile for a new plot and finally it's here i want it to be loong, but not slow. I just got a new computer so i can actually keep up with the plot for once, ToW i tried so hard to do but my computer was too slow so i had to give up.

Aww i really hope there is more to this plot, because i'm really liking being able to participate for once lol. :)

Tue May 29, 2007 4:23 pm

I don't know - The Powers-that-be of Neopets havealready the Altador Cup programmed for June. I think is very likelly we have a plot update and a final challenge this week and just a comic wrap-up next week, with this 3xPet island appearing in the map.

Tue May 29, 2007 5:11 pm

blues-maroo wrote:I don't know - The Powers-that-be of Neopets havealready the Altador Cup programmed for June. I think is very likelly we have a plot update and a final challenge this week and just a comic wrap-up next week, with this 3xPet island appearing in the map.

Well i hope they have some good prizes, and perhaps a trophy i want some more of those lol. What exactly is the altador cup, and can anyone play it or do it?

Tue May 29, 2007 5:33 pm

blues-maroo wrote:I don't know - The Powers-that-be of Neopets havealready the Altador Cup programmed for June.

Do they? Where's that actually stated, 'cuz I haven't seen any official Altador Cup info...
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