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Re: Altador Cup III

Fri May 30, 2008 2:36 am

All this reminds me...

could someone dig up the links to the sig and avatar graphics and post them at the beginning of the thread?

Just another thought...perhaps someone could run a contest to create new team sets. Once again, just a thought hehe.

Re: Altador Cup III

Fri May 30, 2008 3:04 am

I hope sign-ups start tomorrow--TNT usually has them on a Friday. :D

angisfab wrote:All this reminds me...

could someone dig up the links to the sig and avatar graphics and post them at the beginning of the thread?

Yes. Yes, I could.

Re: Altador Cup III

Fri May 30, 2008 6:36 am

Come on people convince me, krawk island or darigan? Which should I join?

Re: Altador Cup III

Fri May 30, 2008 9:27 am

Karnatu wrote:Come on people convince me, krawk island or darigan? Which should I join?

Darigan. Yep.

Re: Altador Cup III

Fri May 30, 2008 9:50 am

Don't know really. Depends on which is stronger right now, which has a higher chance of being champions but no way will I join Roo Island or Shenkuu. I love both of these two, but if Krawk is as good as last year then I'll go with them, on the other hand darigan's good too and I love their colour... Too hard to decide.

Edit: This is a petpage that has an average prediction of this year's AC standings. http://www.neopets.com/~Mutant_Island It's an average of the predictions sent.

Re: Altador Cup III

Fri May 30, 2008 6:31 pm

I've played for Mystery Island two years in a row, and I might stay with them this year. But I've been on a HUGE pirate kick for close to a year now (thank you One Piece!), so I'm seriously considering signing up for Krawk Island. :D

Re: Altador Cup III

Fri May 30, 2008 7:58 pm

Karnatu wrote:Don't know really. Depends on which is stronger right now, which has a higher chance of being champions but no way will I join Roo Island or Shenkuu. I love both of these two, but if Krawk is as good as last year then I'll go with them, on the other hand darigan's good too and I love their colour... Too hard to decide.

What's wrong with Shenkuu and Roo?

On another note... they're talking about the ACIII in the Neopian Times! Yay! Looks like it really will be happening!

Re: Altador Cup III

Sat May 31, 2008 6:27 am

Matrinka wrote:
Karnatu wrote:Don't know really. Depends on which is stronger right now, which has a higher chance of being champions but no way will I join Roo Island or Shenkuu. I love both of these two, but if Krawk is as good as last year then I'll go with them, on the other hand darigan's good too and I love their colour... Too hard to decide.

What's wrong with Shenkuu and Roo?

On another note... they're talking about the ACIII in the Neopian Times! Yay! Looks like it really will be happening!

Well first of all Roo island, I don't like their colours or the world at all (although count von roo is the best thing ever) also they have this ego I don't like either. Shenkuu is because I have so many better options; maraqua, KI, DC, meridell, and HW.

Re: Altador Cup III

Sat May 31, 2008 10:27 pm

I think I'll wait to take that quiz that they gave out last time, if they have it again, because I have no idea which team it is that I want to join. I like the randomness of it.

All I know is that I won't be with Brightvale this year *grumbles*

Re: Altador Cup III

Sun Jun 01, 2008 12:19 am

Karnatu wrote:Don't know really. Depends on which is stronger right now, which has a higher chance of being champions but no way will I join Roo Island or Shenkuu. I love both of these two, but if Krawk is as good as last year then I'll go with them, on the other hand darigan's good too and I love their colour... Too hard to decide.

Edit: This is a petpage that has an average prediction of this year's AC standings. http://www.neopets.com/~Mutant_Island It's an average of the predictions sent.

Why not just join the team you like best and have fun with it, regardless of what happens? o_O I mean, sure, it's fantastic when your team wins, there's no denying that. But there's also something to be said for a team effort, not to mention the thrill that comes from a really close game between two capable opponents.

But anyway, both the teams you're considering are pretty awesome as far as design AND standings, so I can see how it would be tough to choose. If it were me, I'd go with Krawk Island...though mainly it's because they're pirates and, as previously mentioned, I have a thing for pirates. Especially this guy. And this guy. And...well, all those guys, really. *swoooooooon*

Anyway, I just hope they don't change the basic game too much from last year...it took me a while to really get the hang of it.

Re: Altador Cup III

Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:32 am

Well I'm obsessed with POTC and I love darigan and it's PB, my dream pet is either darigan hissi or darigan Moehog. Possibly the only other teams I like are Maraqua, Meridell and HW.

Anyway I've choosen Krawk Island for this year. Darigan were good but they weren't the best people on the boards.

Re: Altador Cup III

Sun Jun 01, 2008 12:04 pm

I just found this on the Daily Neopets -- Make Some Noise and Slushie Slinger have been found on the site. Here are the links if you'd like to practice them before the cup starts:

Make Some Noise: http://swf.neopets.com/games/g862_v10_91507.swf

Slushie Slinger: http://swf.neopets.com/games/g863_v9_17716.swf

Re: Altador Cup III

Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:04 pm

Lost Desert again this year.

Re: Altador Cup III

Sun Jun 01, 2008 7:58 pm

Pity we can't practice yooyuball yet! Hopefully sign ups will be soon and then we'll get a few days of practice.

Re: Altador Cup III

Sun Jun 01, 2008 8:19 pm

I'd love to practice Yooyu Ball again (hopefully tomorrow!). I know by the end of the tournament, if they do a double round robin again, I'm going to be sick to death of it.

Playing Slushie Slinger and Make Some Noise again reminded me of why I stuck to YYB last year. MSN makes my keyboard cry... and SS is boring as can be. I seriously dislike that game.
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