Whether it be a puzzle or a war, this is the place to be for all your plot related needs.
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Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:58 am

pinkflamingonewsgirl wrote:that link didn't show me what the prizes were for LDP...what were the prizes for LDP?

Heres a screenie of the prize list (note that the BEN keychain shown was different, depending on what your symbol was. LAT, FER, AHN, etc...)

Han, its a shame you dont want to participate anymore :( I quit for about a week during the LDP, and regret it all the time. Maybe you'll like the next plot better.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:06 pm

i am on the edge of giving up, but i think that i can still manage it...

Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:17 pm

I returned from haitus about 3 weeks before the LDP ended so I only managed to get part of the way through (up to about my 4th tablet and then I got lost).

I'm liking this plot too, it's going to be big - probably including a war element so I don't think we should worry to much about points being reduced. A lot of the people who are doing the "easy" puzzles will fall down in the BD, in the same way that battlers may not have the time/patience/inclination to do the puzzle part.

I personally am a bit of an all rounder - love puzzle solving and an "intermediateish" battler with a semi-decent set so I'm looking forwards to the possibility of fighting.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:20 pm

I love this plot! I'll never give up! ...Unless there's a war and I'm too weak to fight in it. :(

I love solving puzzles like the ones we've had so far...but I know I couldn't have done it without the help of PPT. ~:>

Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:19 pm

I'll help anyone who needs help they simply need drop me a pm or im me -ws-

Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:59 pm

Cerise wrote:...Heres a screenie of the prize list (note that the BEN keychain shown was different, depending on what your symbol was. LAT, FER, AHN, etc...)

Those ARE amazing prizes! No wonder there was so much disappointment about the Altador prizes...even though it is pretty obvious: the lameness of it all. Even to those of us who haven't witnessed the past success in prizes. Perhaps it will be better this time around.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:58 pm

Thankyou. I want a war plot. I have good battledome pets and I want to battle them :D

Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:41 pm

That Ring of the Lost is worth between 4 and 5 million NP, and anyone who finished the LDP quickly got enough plot points to "buy" it. Even the next item down, Royal Wedding Ring, is worth around 750k. Yeah, that plot was tough, but all that work was well worth it, and I don't regret one second of the time I spent running around tombs and repositories. Don't give up on this plot. You will regret it when prizes are released.

I'm hoping for a war element, although I don't know how likely it is. My main battlepet has the 250 strength/defence boosts and 300 hit points, plus a battle set I've been building for a couple years, so he's completely ready for a war, should one happen!

Wed Nov 01, 2006 11:27 pm

Ya'all can't give up yet. It is frustrating that they haven't really released things to do with the plot lately. Besides the comic aspect. But you'll probably regret it when it is over and the prizes are released. I do hope there is no battle; my pets are extremely NOT equipped and ready for battle. Sure they have a few cheap shields and stuff. Nothing spectacular though!

Wed Nov 01, 2006 11:36 pm

Don't give up. Believe me, you'll regret it later when you're watching everyone else talk about the faboo prizes they got.

I gave up way, WAY early on the Altador Cup event because I was awful at the game and didn't have time to practice enough to get better at it. But now I wish I'd tried at least a little harder, even if all I wound up with was some kind of consolation prize and a dinky trophy. That still beats getting nothing.

So from now on I'm going to give every plot thing a shot (if I'm not out of town or just buried in work). Which is why, if we do wind up with a fighting portion of this plot, I'll put my strongest pet out there. Even though I really wish I'd been able to get him to the 85 strength boost first. (He's at 80 now, but only level 53 and 121 HP. Meaning that level has to come up before I train anything else. :( )

Wed Nov 01, 2006 11:57 pm

Rakumel wrote:
I gave up way, WAY early on the Altador Cup event because I was awful at the game and didn't have time to practice enough to get better at it. But now I wish I'd tried at least a little harder, even if all I wound up with was some kind of consolation prize and a dinky trophy. That still beats getting nothing.

I did the same thing as Rakumel, and totally regretted it. I would do anything for that sidebar/avatar now, and it's all because I didn't submit the one game I actually won. I also missed out on the LDP...I think I stopped at the 1000 Tombs. Regret that also. So, needless to say...I've learned my lesson.

Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:14 am

I actually participated in the Altador Plot, and I forgot to clickon the random event thing to get the sidebar! :cry:

Anyone got a link to the sidebar?

Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:42 pm

I gave up at the Meepits. Got sick of walking round in circles and not once finding this 'circle of lights' that was supposed to be there :(

Oh well - there's always the next plot!

Thu Nov 02, 2006 11:04 pm

The thing that makes me really want to give up is all the technical difficulties that TNT faces (i.e., THE RIDICULOUS LAG!). If they're gonna publicize this plot to no end, they can at least be smart and work out the technical kinks so that loads of people can deal with the plot lag-free. That's just my major irk. That, and the competition against other people (grave marking, anyone?). But I won't give up! I mustn't!

Thu Nov 02, 2006 11:39 pm

I don't know what I was thinking, encouraging people to continue! I now say, if you want to give up, give up! Then there will be less BD lag and the prizes at the end will be worth more because fewer people will have them. ;)
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