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Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:04 am

jenni_mh wrote:
Rakumel wrote:WHAT?! AAAAAAAARRGH@&*($@$!

I made the Spectral Essence all right, and threw it in the cauldron with the other combination that I could, have, SWORN fell within the parameters I was given - I mean, triple-checked with a calculator and everything. But apparently *something* was off, because I just got black goo. :x

Well, there's a few hours of my life I'll never get back. Guess I'd better go to bed and try again tomorrow. *headdesk*

I feel ya....I don't know what I did wrong! :(

I'm not completely sure if this is the problem, but those parameters are *just* for the second composite, not for the first composite + the second.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:05 am

That's really weird. When you say you're within the parameters, how close are you to the number of interest? I had 80/80, too, when my numbers were 82 and 79 respectively, and I still managed progress (but I had a -2/+1 margain; maybe you aren't supposed to hit +/- 3 after all?).

Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:05 am

Sylence wrote:I got the essence right but the other composite gave me good when I threw them in togeter I was within the paramaters and it didnt work, well back to the drawing board. if anyone can help me with a 80/80 conjur/enchant combo lemme know because the sites I've bene using are not working / confusing the bejebeeles out of me


I did the info on that page and got gooified. even though I was well within the +/-3 range

Try this:

If your target ranges are anywhere between 80 and 86 there is an easier way to do it. Max out 3g Bloodfern and it will be 330 on all stats. Then use three other ingredients with nothing done to them (dont burn or soak or grind or anything at all) and you will get a composite with +83 for all stats.

The above will ONLY work for you if you have a range of 80-86 on both your values, however. Otherwise you will have to either follow one of the solutions below or find another, more complicated solution.

Since yours are 80, you should be fine.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:09 am

For those people on part 4, this combination worked for me for the Spectral Essence requirement:


Composite #2:

Special: Spectral Essence
Quantity: 23 grams
Relevant property: Conjuring
Target value: +275 +/- 1



Spectral Essence

Quantity: 23 grams
Conjuring:    +277
Divination:    +38
Enchantment:    +5
Power:    +416

Values vary, I'm sure, but this should prove that you don't need 5 grams of Leafy to make the essence. :)

EDIT: Aw, shoot, I just realized I'm one point over. :( My point remains valid, though, I hope.

EDIT 2: For those of you who happen to have my requirements, the only thing I changed to get a final value of +276 was to have 2g of +25 Leafy. Fully soak it first before you begin crushing it (I alternated between crushing and drying, but you could probably stick with one or the other), and watch it carefully until it hits +25. Max out the 21g of Bloodfern as normal.

EDIT 3: (Last one, I swear)

It occured to me that I might not have been clear enough, so here goes:

You Need

21g of Bloodfern. Soak and Crush to the maximum (you should have +300 Con)

2g of Leafy. Soak to the maximum (about +11, I think) and then alternate between Crushing and Drying (Desicating (sp?)) until you hit +25 Con

Now mix them together and you should get a total Con value of +276, which is within the 275 +/-1 value necessary.[/b]
Last edited by Officer 1BDI on Fri Nov 10, 2006 7:01 am, edited 4 times in total.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:10 am

Alex wrote:
Sylence wrote:I got the essence right but the other composite gave me good when I threw them in togeter I was within the paramaters and it didnt work, well back to the drawing board. if anyone can help me with a 80/80 conjur/enchant combo lemme know because the sites I've bene using are not working / confusing the bejebeeles out of me


I did the info on that page and got gooified. even though I was well within the +/-3 range

Try this:

If your target ranges are anywhere between 80 and 86 there is an easier way to do it. Max out 3g Bloodfern and it will be 330 on all stats. Then use three other ingredients with nothing done to them (dont burn or soak or grind or anything at all) and you will get a composite with +83 for all stats.

The above will ONLY work for you if you have a range of 80-86 on both your values, however. Otherwise you will have to either follow one of the solutions below or find another, more complicated solution.

Since yours are 80, you should be fine.

Alex I am going to give that a shot right now, I hope it works

Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:13 am

Special: Anti-Gravitic Goo

any idea now ?

Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:14 am

Success! Dr. Meowsloth wishes to destroy me. I so happy! I'm glad my screwing up last night didn't result in a composite that was totally off. But alas, more potions.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:16 am

Neoboards are going nuts XD

It seems that there's a number of recipes around for these - if you haven't got your second composite on the third round yet, try one of these three guides;

http://petpages.neopets.com/~SierraSea (one of the best)


Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:18 am

Alex wrote:
Sylence wrote:I got the essence right but the other composite gave me good when I threw them in togeter I was within the paramaters and it didnt work, well back to the drawing board. if anyone can help me with a 80/80 conjur/enchant combo lemme know because the sites I've bene using are not working / confusing the bejebeeles out of me


I did the info on that page and got gooified. even though I was well within the +/-3 range

Try this:

If your target ranges are anywhere between 80 and 86 there is an easier way to do it. Max out 3g Bloodfern and it will be 330 on all stats. Then use three other ingredients with nothing done to them (dont burn or soak or grind or anything at all) and you will get a composite with +83 for all stats.

The above will ONLY work for you if you have a range of 80-86 on both your values, however. Otherwise you will have to either follow one of the solutions below or find another, more complicated solution.

Since yours are 80, you should be fine.

Problem: I just tried this, got to 9 grams, and then got "You can't add any more ingredients to that composite, or it might become unstable and explode!" again. :(

Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:19 am

AySz88 wrote:
Alex wrote:
Sylence wrote:I got the essence right but the other composite gave me good when I threw them in togeter I was within the paramaters and it didnt work, well back to the drawing board. if anyone can help me with a 80/80 conjur/enchant combo lemme know because the sites I've bene using are not working / confusing the bejebeeles out of me


I did the info on that page and got gooified. even though I was well within the +/-3 range

Try this:

If your target ranges are anywhere between 80 and 86 there is an easier way to do it. Max out 3g Bloodfern and it will be 330 on all stats. Then use three other ingredients with nothing done to them (dont burn or soak or grind or anything at all) and you will get a composite with +83 for all stats.

The above will ONLY work for you if you have a range of 80-86 on both your values, however. Otherwise you will have to either follow one of the solutions below or find another, more complicated solution.

Since yours are 80, you should be fine.

Problem: I just tried this, got to 9 grams, and then got "You can't add any more ingredients to that composite, or it might become unstable and explode!" again. :(

Check the weights and try putting them in different orders. That might work.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:23 am

you only can add 5 times total to a composite

Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:35 am

thanks Alex!

Anyone got the conjuring on the spectral essence down? 275 +/-1 yet?

I dont even wanna look at that third one as its making my mind hurt

Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:38 am

Sylence wrote:Anyone got the conjuring on the spectral essence down? 275 +/-1 yet?

I got it at 276. I've edited my post above to reflect how.

I'm going to bed. I can work on 1 and 3 tomorrow. Good luck to everyone else. :)

Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:42 am

Sylence wrote:thanks Alex!

Anyone got the conjuring on the spectral essence down? 275 +/-1 yet?

I dont even wanna look at that third one as its making my mind hurt

I'm working on it now - getting fairly close. I used 3g of slorgblossom and did the same thing as for the other essence. Then 10g each of the blood fern and am crushing them to the max and then soaking them until 311 conjuring each.

Edit: Got it! 275 conjuring exactly :) Now to work on the 3rd composite...
Last edited by evenstar on Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:43 am

I got the third comp on this 4th part! YAY! But I am scared to work on the spectral essence. I don't understand exactly what makes it become spectral...
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