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Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:13 pm

Sylence wrote:so just discard yer bumroot. you dont have to do ANYTHING to it.

add it in as yer last ingredient on the combine.

do as my lil list said and check to see if its results match the +/-3 you need fer yer levels

I am fairly sure yer gonna have it covered and if not, all you have to do is play with low levels of bumroot.

I am heading to bed now, so please give this a try and pm me to lemme know how it works out for ya -ws-

When you mean to max - does it mean until it says "this item can't be burned anymore"?

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:26 pm

itzipg wrote: And I think I'm going to sleep, hopefully when I wake up the Spectral Essence will have been found. Although I have the feeling we won't be able to obtain it till the next plot update, with the weekend news.

There is no "to be continued" sign. It is doable now, trust me. It's just that no one has figured it out yet... it's getting late in the plot, and remember, some of those late LDP steps took a couple days to figure out, too.

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:27 pm

Is this Image spectral essence or just normal essence ?

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:28 pm

forcesinbalance wrote:
anjuna wrote:Therefore, I was thinking that if we used Bumroot, Baggus Pulp, Sharpgrass, Bloodfern Loam, and Crushed Jurpleberries, either in a combination or sequence (virtually regardless of qualities?) that that would result in the Spectral Essence?

This is what I'm currently tinkering with. It looks to me like quantities do matter.

For me:

jurpleberries --> blue
slorgblossom --> yellow glowy
sharpgrass --> red glowy

1g jurpleberries + 1g sharpgrass --> purple

1g jurpleberries + 1g slorgblossom --> blue
1g jurpleberries + 4g slorgblossom --> blue
1g jurpleberries + 5g slorgblossom --> green

1g sharpgrass + 1g slorgblossom --> red glowy
1g sharpgrass + 9g slorgblossom --> red glowy
1g sharpgrass + 10g slorgblossom --> yellow glowy

For reference, combining green with the individual components that gave me purple led me around to a blue glowy composite that I could have gotten directly with bagguss.

Glad someone else is considering this. I edited that post, but in any case I noted qualities, not quantities (meaning characteristics). If quantities matter, too, then this might be a lot harder. Yuk! What a last stage, if it even is a last stage. I might be here the rest of the week (working on a Wizard for this or something lol). For those that missed my last post at the end of the last thread, http://www.pinkpt.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... ht=#657217 . Are you still doing testing with singular ingredient quantities? Or have you tried mixing any color sequence yet (as in, trying to somehow make them all in a certain order)? Also, how are you preparing your ingredients before you Combine them?
Last edited by anjuna on Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:31 pm

Yes Ive finally caught up after giving myself a major headache by making it look too difficult lol thanks to all your help I have now completed composite#2 on level 3

Am I able to close this window down without having to do it all again or will Ihave to keep it open till the Spectral Essence is found?

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:31 pm

Now Im confused, level two you essentially do them seperate write? Composition 1 and 2?

Composite #1:

Quantity: 20 grams
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +45 +/- 5

Composite #2:

Quantity: 25 grams
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: +81 +/- 5

I put in:
Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 1 gram
Divination: +8

Enchantment: +36

Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 10 grams
Divination: +30

Enchantment: +15

Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 9 grams
Divination: +8

Enchantment: +36

Thats only +1 shouldn't that've worked?

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:32 pm

You should be able to close your window. I did earlier with no problem.

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:34 pm

I'm thinking it might be like earlier this week with one set of enemies being released on Monday with a plot update, then another set being released on Tuesday without one. Perhaps spectral essence will be revealed with the News update.

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:35 pm

paranoiapenguin wrote:Now Im confused, level two you essentially do them seperate write? Composition 1 and 2?

Composite #1:

Quantity: 20 grams
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +45 +/- 5

Composite #2:

Quantity: 25 grams
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: +81 +/- 5

I put in:
Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 1 gram
Divination: +8

Enchantment: +36

Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 10 grams
Divination: +30

Enchantment: +15

Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 9 grams
Divination: +8

Enchantment: +36

Thats only +1 shouldn't that've worked?

You've got the right idea, but the wrong execution. You should only have two miscellaneous compositions: one should have the correct amount of Divination, and it's Enchantment won't matter. The other should have the correct Enchantment, but it's Divination won't matter.

You should be able to combine ingredients into a single composite instead of putting each separate ingredient into a separate composite. :)
Last edited by Officer 1BDI on Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:36 pm

The problem is that no one want to lose their 2nd Composite trying combinations to see how the 1st is really made.. I know I don`t want to cuz if I fail ( like i probably will) I will have to start over again...

Sorry cuz my english is not the best...

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:38 pm

True, although after I found this page, it took all of 6 or 8 minutes to make my second composite:


Cheers to whoever pointed it out to me (I think it was Wind).

I think the spectral potion should be distinct enough by appearance that we'll know with certainty when we've hit it without having to throw everythign into the cauldron. Until then, we're really just trying to figure out what to look for in the composite itself.

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:42 pm

How do you make them at the same time if they both have different gram values?

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:46 pm

And the people wanted more difficult steps... Well now we have what we asked for jejejejejeje... Hope the prizes will be worth all this time...

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:51 pm

My two NPs are that we need to do some other stuff, like playing a game, before making the Spectral Essence. Otherwise, it would be silly not to give us any value and hope that we stumble on it be sheer luck. Of course knowing TNT it might be something crazy like play Fetch with a ghost pet as your active pet, between midnight NST and 1am.
Playing Sophie Stew doesn't seem to help, which is a pity sinze it has potions, Sophie and a Meowclops :D (or maybe my lousy 111 points aren't enough - I suck at that game).
There's a petpage flying around the neoboards right now, that lists all colours of potions that you can get, and the ingredients, but nothing much has been found.

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:55 pm

Woohoo! Stage 3 halfway done with my composition #2 completed. Now(just like everyone else) I need that darned spectral essence (maybe we can siphon it off the dancing meepits?)

Just wanted to thank everyone here for their help in getting me this far!
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