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Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:16 am

This helped me greatly for the third round of mixing + second combination:

I had to get 83 conjuring and 80 divination at 12grams. A much easier way to use the calculation someone else posted in the other thread is to multiply the quantity needed by the grams. For instance, I need 83 conjuring over 12 grams:

83 x 12 = 996.

If I only use 3 gram quanties for my ingredients I can divide that by 3 to get the total amount needed between all ingredients:

996/3 = 332.

That means that my total for conjuring between my ingredients has to be close to 332:

Ingredient 1 + Ingredient 2 + Ingredient 3 + Ingredient 4 = total

So if I had conjuring equalling 150 for the first ingedient, 150 for the second, negative 18 for the third and 50 for the forth then the total would be 332 which works out perfectly to 83 conjuring for the final concotion. Using this method I got exactly 83 conjuring and 80 divination.
Last edited by d909 on Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:19 am, edited 3 times in total.

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:17 am

My third stage's really unbalanced....even if it should work...

(all 3 grams)

Conjuring: +87
Enchantment: +44

Crushed Jurpleberries
Conjuring: +139
Enchantment: +180

Bagguss Pulp
Conjuring: +26
Enchantment: +63

Conjuring: +68
Enchantment: +33

Relevant property: Conjuring
Target value: +80 +/- 3
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: +81 +/- 3

Mine: 80,80.

btw, its a normal purple clay...
Last edited by Jerch on Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:18 am


So I finally got all my ingredients correct, and then turned them all into compositions thinking I could combine them later, but I can't. I knew I was going to do something stupid if I stayed up, but I didn't want to have to try and figure this all out again in the morning when I'd surely forget. At least I have two combined properly and can sort of remember what I used for the others.

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:20 am

ech my husband did that, somehow things wanna work for him and not me, so now he is trying to do it all over again -lol-

as for me.. I am on well I wont go into my crankyness bol but I hope ya get it refigured hon

I combined in at 78 and got a power of 87 YES IT WORKED!

Sophie wants to turn the shack around bol!

Composite #2:

Quantity: 12 grams
Relevant property: Conjuring
Target value: +80 +/- 3
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: +80 +/- 3

Composite 2 cannot contain more than 3 grams of any one basic ingredient.

I think I am gonna be trying to figure it out for a very long while
Last edited by Sylence on Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:25 am

Don't know if this happened to anyone else, but I couldn't get my 3rd ingredient to reach +/- 5 of my value.

So I increased the value of my other 2 ingredients to cover the low value of the 3rd, so the average fell within the +/- 5.


I needed 85.

One ingredient would only reach 78.

So my first ingredient was at 90, the 2nd at 95 and the 3rd at 78.

The average is: 90+95+78=263
263/3=87(.66) which falls within +/- 5 of 85. :)
Last edited by Daze on Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:30 am

I wanna thank everyone for alla help with my level 2 issues, it really meant a lot especially since Math is NOT my strong point

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:43 am

I think I win?

Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 12 grams
Divination: +83
Enchantment: +77

Composite #2:
Quantity: 12 grams
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: +80 +/- 3
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +80 +/- 3

Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:21 pm

Huggles wrote:I think I win?

Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 12 grams
Divination: +83
Enchantment: +77

Composite #2:
Quantity: 12 grams
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: +80 +/- 3
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +80 +/- 3

Looks good to me! Is that for the 3rd potion? Did you get teh Spectral Essence? (What did it look like?)

Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:26 pm

laurenb wrote:
Huggles wrote:I think I win?

Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 12 grams
Divination: +83
Enchantment: +77

Composite #2:
Quantity: 12 grams
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: +80 +/- 3
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +80 +/- 3

Looks good to me! Is that for the 3rd potion? Did you get teh Spectral Essence? (What did it look like?)

I doubt he got the 'Spectral Essence', no one seems to have any idea about it. He does however win in the sense that theres a 50/50 chance that the hardest part is over (or 25/75 if the third round isn't the final round).

Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:30 pm


C. or Con == Conjuring
D. or Div == Divination
E. or Enc == Enchantment
P. or Pow == Power

Grey: Image (comp_x_0682c1bf4d.gif)
Purple: Image (comp_ac_1ef00a68cb.gif)

It appears to me that whatever is the dominant effect of a composition decides the colour.

Bumroot +0 == grey
Bumroot +2 Con == purple
Bumroot +13 Con, +7 Div, +7 Enc, +3 Pow == purple
Bumroot +2 Con, +1 Div, +1 Enc == purple

Running Burn on 2 gram Bumroot, Crush on 2 gram Bumroot, Soak on 2 gram Bumroot, Desiccate on 2 gram Bumroot for about 14-18 sec.

Burn: +8 con, +4 div, +4 enc, +2 pow == purple
Crush: +5 con, +3 div, +3 enc, +1 pow == purple
Soak: +4 con, +2 div, +2 enc, +1 pow == purple
Desiccate: +4 con, +2 div, +2 enc, +1 pow == purple

In other words Bumroot, if it has a dominant effect which is Con, is purple. Something else than Con cannot be dominant.

I'm gonna run some tests on other ingredients now.


Glowing yellow: Image (comp_bd_def45c954c.gif)
Glowing blue: Image (comp_cd_97394635b4.gif)
Bright green: Image (comp_bc_b2e0822b0f.gif)
Orange: Image (comp_ab_275b52f384.gif)

Running Leafy Slorgblossom for 15-20 sec, 4 runs, 1 doing either burn, crush, soak or desiccate.

Burn: +2 con, +9 div, +4 enc, +4 pow: glowing yellow
Crush: +1 con, +5 div, +3 enc, +3 pow: glowing yellow
Soak: +1 con, +4 div, +2 env, +2 pow: glowing yellow
Desiccate: +1 con, +4 div, +2 enc, +2 pow: glowing yellow

Running Bagguss Pulp for 15-20 sec, 4 runs, 1 doing either burn, crush, soak or desiccate.

Burn: +4 con, +2 div, +10 enc, +9 pow: glowing blue
Crush: +3 con, +1 div, +6 enc, +5 pow: glowing blue
Soak: +2 con, +1 div, +5 enc, +4 pow: glowing blue
Desiccate: +2 con, +1 div, +4 enc, +4 pow: glowing blue

Running Sharpgrass for 15-20 sec, 4 runs, 1 doing either burn, crush, soak or desiccate.

Burn: +17 con, -2 div, -1 enc, +17 pow: no colour or button (dead end)
Crush: -1 con, +9 div, +9 enc, -2 pow: bright green
Soak: +9 con, +9 div, -2 enc, -1 pow: orange
Desiccate: -2 con, -1 div, +6 enc, +6 pow: glowing blue

(Note how colours differ!)

Some more runs, for completion.


Red: Image (comp_a_2278f0dfba.gif)
Glowing light green: Image (comp_d_cc7b2b7ae9.gif)
Blue: Image (comp_c_4e86335214.gif)
Yellow: Image (comp_b_6c034e00af.gif)

Running Bloodfern Loam for 15-20 sec, 4 runs, 1 doing either burn, crush, soak or desiccate.

Burn: +16 con, -8 div, -8 enc, -8 pow: colourless / no icon (dead end?)
Crush: +52 con, +16 div, -12 enc, +24 pow: red
Soak: -8 con, -8 div, +8 enc, +24 pow: glowing light green
Desiccate: -2 con, +22 div, +24 enc, -6 pow: bright green

Running Crushed Jurpleberries for 15-20 sec, 4 runs, 1 doing either burn, crush, soak or desiccate. (Desiccate ran only for 12 sec, though.)

Burn: +24 con: Blue
Crush: +16 div: Red
Soak: +48 enc: Yellow
Desiccate +9 pow: Glowing light green
Last edited by allnameswereout on Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:56 pm

alright, well.. i've read through all of this and i must say this is like taking chemistry allllll over again, lol

so.. since i don't understand a word of this, i'm going to dig in and see what i can figure out.. i'll be sure to write down everything and hopefully i'll be able to contribute :D lol

good luck all :)

Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:13 pm

Heh.. Percent composition ftw! I want to know spectral essence now, I'm afraid to do ANYTHING on Neopets, worried my prettiful Composite 2 will disappear.

Miscellaneous Composition
Quantity: 12 grams
Conjuring: +37
Divination: +79
Enchantment: +83
Power: +20

Composite #2:

Quantity: 12 grams
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: +82 +/- 3
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +79 +/- 3

Makes me sad, because I got the calculation right down to the button, but they somehow decided it's one off. Bah.

Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:15 pm

(This is a 'visual' version of my earlier post. Instead of describing the colour, I added a link to the colour showing the image instead of the name I gave it.)

(If someone wants to run similar tests or verify the results, please do!)

(The performed test is put in bold. The results of the test are under the bold text.)


C. or Con == Conjuring
D. or Div == Divination
E. or Enc == Enchantment
P. or Pow == Power

Putting any of the 6 ingredients untouched (+0 con, +0 div, +0 enc, +0 pow) in couldron == Image (comp_x_0682c1bf4d.gif)

Running Bumroot for 14-18 sec, 4 runs, 1 doing either burn, crush, soak or desiccate.

Burn: +8 con, +4 div, +4 enc, +2 pow == Image (comp_ac_1ef00a68cb.gif)
Crush: +5 con, +3 div, +3 enc, +1 pow == Image (comp_ac_1ef00a68cb.gif)
Soak: +4 con, +2 div, +2 enc, +1 pow == Image (comp_ac_1ef00a68cb.gif)
Desiccate: +4 con, +2 div, +2 enc, +1 pow == Image (comp_ac_1ef00a68cb.gif)

Running Leafy Slorgblossom for 15-20 sec, 4 runs, 1 doing either burn, crush, soak or desiccate.

Burn: +2 con, +9 div, +4 enc, +4 pow: Image (comp_bd_def45c954c.gif)
Crush: +1 con, +5 div, +3 enc, +3 pow: Image (comp_bd_def45c954c.gif)
Soak: +1 con, +4 div, +2 env, +2 pow: Image (comp_bd_def45c954c.gif)
Desiccate: +1 con, +4 div, +2 enc, +2 pow: Image (comp_bd_def45c954c.gif)

Running Bagguss Pulp for 15-20 sec, 4 runs, 1 doing either burn, crush, soak or desiccate.

Burn: +4 con, +2 div, +10 enc, +9 pow: Image (comp_cd_97394635b4.gif)
Crush: +3 con, +1 div, +6 enc, +5 pow: Image (comp_cd_97394635b4.gif)
Soak: +2 con, +1 div, +5 enc, +4 pow: Image (comp_cd_97394635b4.gif)
Desiccate: +2 con, +1 div, +4 enc, +4 pow: Image (comp_cd_97394635b4.gif)

Running Sharpgrass for 15-20 sec, 4 runs, 1 doing either burn, crush, soak or desiccate.

Burn: +17 con, -2 div, -1 enc, +17 pow: no colour or button (dead end) :cry:
Crush: -1 con, +9 div, +9 enc, -2 pow: Image (comp_bc_b2e0822b0f.gif)
Soak: +9 con, +9 div, -2 enc, -1 pow: Image (comp_ab_275b52f384.gif)
Desiccate: -2 con, -1 div, +6 enc, +6 pow: Image (comp_cd_97394635b4.gif)

Running Bloodfern Loam for 15-20 sec, 4 runs, 1 doing either burn, crush, soak or desiccate.

Burn: +16 con, -8 div, -8 enc, -8 pow: colourless / no icon (dead end?) :cry:
Crush: +52 con, +16 div, -12 enc, +24 pow: Image (comp_a_2278f0dfba.gif)
Soak: -8 con, -8 div, +8 enc, +24 pow: Image (comp_d_cc7b2b7ae9.gif)
Desiccate: -2 con, +22 div, +24 enc, -6 pow: Image (comp_bc_b2e0822b0f.gif)

Running Crushed Jurpleberries for 15-20 sec, 4 runs, 1 doing either burn, crush, soak or desiccate. (Desiccate ran only for 12 sec, though.)

Burn: +24 con: Image (comp_c_4e86335214.gif)
Crush: +16 div: Image (comp_a_2278f0dfba.gif)
Soak: +48 enc: Image (comp_b_6c034e00af.gif)
Desiccate +9 pow: Image (comp_d_cc7b2b7ae9.gif)
Last edited by allnameswereout on Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:16 pm

The trick to Step 3 is do it is 30 second bursts - don't let the timer run on this step - my values jumped into the 300's when left to run.

Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:20 pm

I've got to stick myself with the people who didn't really get the whole formulae thing.

SO what I'm doing is I'm getting out combinations of an ingredient and setting them going. Then, add all the values up and divide by the number of ingredients. How close is it to the desired total? Need some more? Okay...*sets things going again*...and so on. Admittedly this method is mainly because I added two of my ingredients together before I realised it averaged out. But it's sort of working. Although it's hit and miss and a lot of guesswork it does appear to be working and isn't stressing me out.

That is....until I go over the value of course ;)

It's also giving me time to max out in the battledome just in case it's still counting.
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