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Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:24 am

theonlysaneone wrote:
Moongewl wrote:
GIR wrote:So install the update...

I have the update. I'm still trying to figure out exactly where the problem is.

He means on the school computers, if they'll let you.

If not, try at a local library. Usually library computers are pretty up-to-date.

The school computers delete anything you put on them at the end of the day, and the local library doesn't encourage extended use of the internet on their computers(before their catalog was online, they didn't even have internet access). They don't put chairs at most of the computer desks at all.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:24 am

I got through LDP with the help of PPT, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to since my computer is too slow. I would take a step and have to wait until the page loaded. Then take another step and wait until the page loaded. It was grim. So this plot, which is easier so far is so much more fun.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:00 am

Alex wrote:I haven't. I'm just waiting for the next section.

If you think this plot is bad, be thankful you weren't doing the LDP ;)

Ahhh found memories. I still have my mapped tomb. Or at least, last I looked for it I did.

But yeah, this thing is no where near as time consuming as that plot was. But other than that, they are pretty similar. Neo finally learned that if you make hard, challenging plots then the answers will just get spoilered and people well type in the answers and get free stuff really fast(like that Mystery Island plot, or the other ones in which all you needed to do to win was click a link). Plots like this are not hard to figure out, they just take alot of time. Like everything on neo. :P

Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:21 am

Cranberry wrote:
Alex wrote:I haven't. I'm just waiting for the next section.

If you think this plot is bad, be thankful you weren't doing the LDP ;)

Haha, no kidding. I actually wish this one was harder, though... a lot of people seem to be doing it and I'm worried the prizes won't be as good because TNT won't want to give out a ton of 4 mil items.

My thoughts exactly. I wasn't around for the LDP plot but I know that the rewards for that plot were superb. The rewards for THIS plot had better be worth the time we're putting in it (unlike a certain Altador Plot...). I'm only lookin at the prizes, baby!

Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:44 am

____amanda wrote:I'm actually feeling quite confident with this plot.
I skipped over the grave testing bit, due to the fact I was far too lazy to sit around and test some bones when it wasn't really needed to continue on. But it's been far easier for me than the Altador plot, which I was unable to finish.


Did you get stuck in the stars for that altador plot? because there's a website that will help you find the constallations.

I love this new plot. It's slightly confusing, yet I didn't get lost in the first 3 minutes like I did on LDP...*shudders* So...many...tombs...O_O

Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:52 am

Give up?????

No way!

Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:29 am

Help!!!!! I'm about to give up on this plot. I just can't get to the deep woods. I can't finish the map at all. I've mapped out all i can and i got a dead end...

Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:37 am

ggagahc wrote:My thoughts exactly. I wasn't around for the LDP plot but I know that the rewards for that plot were superb. The rewards for THIS plot had better be worth the time we're putting in it (unlike a certain Altador Plot...). I'm only lookin at the prizes, baby!

Yeah...I'm still not over the lameness of the Altador prizes... :cry: Hopefully it won't be so bad this time...


What were the prizes for LDP?

Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:57 am

Shellie I am heading to bed now but will be back in a few hrs I have all 4 messengers, feel free to contact me and I'll do my best to help you -ws-

Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:19 am


I am now disappointed with myself for selecting the wedding ring and a PB instead of the ring of the lost. So stupid!

Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:51 am

pinkflamingonewsgirl wrote:
ggagahc wrote:My thoughts exactly. I wasn't around for the LDP plot but I know that the rewards for that plot were superb. The rewards for THIS plot had better be worth the time we're putting in it (unlike a certain Altador Plot...). I'm only lookin at the prizes, baby!

Yeah...I'm still not over the lameness of the Altador prizes... :cry: Hopefully it won't be so bad this time...


What were the prizes for LDP?

With the amount of time that we put into the LDP, the rewards had to have been superb.

The rewards for this plot won't be as high as they were for the LDP. This plot is easy compared to the LDP. I spent so many hours on it, and I know people like Cranberry and dolphinling spent many many more enabling them to do so well.

Speaking of the LDP prizes, I really need to claim them (149,300 points). Any suggestions for them? :/

Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:53 am

that link didn't show me what the prizes were for LDP...what were the prizes for LDP?

Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:01 am

Alex wrote:Speaking of the LDP prizes, I really need to claim them (149,300 points). Any suggestions for them? :/

You are like, 700 points away from a Ring of the Lost!.
..*pats alex and hands over a cookie*

Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:11 am

wow...that was alot of replies.

Thankyou for the offers to help me but it's ok. I'd rather not participate in this plot. It seems like I am the only one! Anyway thanks.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:49 am

draconis wrote:
Alex wrote:Speaking of the LDP prizes, I really need to claim them (149,300 points). Any suggestions for them? :/

You are like, 700 points away from a Ring of the Lost!.
..*pats alex and hands over a cookie*

Gah, please don't remind me. I'm kicking myself over that - I lost points because I took too long on a step, as I misplaced my tomb maps for about 2 1/2 weeks >.< But yeah, still don't know what I should get x.x
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