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Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:19 pm

So, I could use a little assistance. I'm happy to be PMed if posting on this thread isn't cool.

I need to make the Spectral Essence at 23 grams, with Conjuring at 275 +- 1.

Problem is, I can't figure out how to get that.

23g * 275 is 6325, which is less than maxed out for the loam.

Anyway, do I have to have the bloodfern totally cooked? Or can I only do it up to a certain point?
Last edited by shapu on Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:21 pm

5g Leafy (max burn + crush + soak + des)
9g Bloodfern (max crush + soak)
9g Bloodfern (max crush + max soak + burn till +321 con)

Says the neoboards. I'm trying it right now.

21g Bloodfern - Soak and crush
2g Slorgblossom - Burn and Crush

Is supposed to work too, according to NCW, and is probably easier to do.
Last edited by Dyl on Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:21 pm

Okay, now I have everything figured out except for the misc. composite! I've been trying for a few hours now. Could someone offer help please?

Composite #3:

Quantity: 12 grams
Relevant property: Power
Target value: +67 +/- 2
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +101 +/- 2

Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:22 pm

Nova Essence Maxed:


Conjuring: -540
Divination: +420
Enchantment: -360
Power: +240


Conjuring: +600
Divination: +420
Enchantment: +180
Power: -540


Conjuring: +540
Divination: -360
Enchantment: -240
Power: +660


Conjuring: +360
Divination: -120
Enchantment: +480
Power: +60

Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:37 pm

Did all the steps correct and I got the black goo. What did I do wrong? I have to start all over again. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Composite #1:

Special: Anti-Gravitic Goo
Quantity: 10 grams

Composite #2:

Special: Spectral Essence
Quantity: 23 grams
Relevant property: Conjuring
Target value: +275 +/- 1

Composite #3:

Quantity: 12 grams
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +67 +/- 2
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: +100 +/- 2

Composite 3 cannot contain more than 3 grams of any one basic ingredient.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:52 pm

If you are on step 5 and have the following composite requirements:

Composite #3:

Quantity: 5 grams
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +300 +/- 1
Relevant property: Power
Target value: +300 +/- 1

try this:

1g of Wool
Crush and Desiccate to Max

1g Crushed Jurp
Soak and Desiccate to Max

1g Madvine Root
Soak to Max

1g Nova Essence
Burn to Max

1g anything else
Do Nothing

You should get this:

Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 5 grams
Conjuring:    -342
Divination:    +300
Enchantment:    -144
Power:    +300

Hope that helps someone. :)

Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:00 pm

just finished four... onto five..... :|

Composite #1:

Special: Platinum Mist
Quantity: 10 grams

Composite #2:

Special: Anti-Gravitic Goo
Quantity: 10 grams
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: -406 +/- 1
Relevant property: Power
Target value: +151 +/- 1

Composite #3:

Quantity: 5 grams
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: +300 +/- 1
Relevant property: Conjuring
Target value: +300 +/- 1

Composite 3 cannot contain more than 1 grams of any one basic ingredient.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:04 pm

I've managed to make my composite #3, here it is if anyone has the same one:

Needed power and conjuring to 300 +/-1

Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 5 grams
Conjuring: +301
Divination: -240
Enchantment: +30
Power: +300

1g wool, 1g nova essence, soak both to max.
1g bloodfern, 1g bronze sansam, crush both to max.
Then 1g jurple berries - dry till power is 120 and crush till conjure is 90.

Now I'm playing around with the anti-gravity goo to get my numbers.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:04 pm

@anjuna, it'll surely help me, thanks :)

Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:06 pm

I'm still stuck on stage 3. :(

Composite #2:

Quantity: 12 grams
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: +78 +/- 3
Relevant property: Conjuring
Target value: +81 +/- 3

Leafy Slorgblossom
Bagguss Pulp
Bloodfern Loam
Crushed Jurpleberries

Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:10 pm

For the anti-gravitic goo, do you crush and burn to the max all the ingredients or only the buggus pulp?
Please help, I don't want to start over again!

Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:11 pm

Oh poo. I just finished making all 3 compositions for step 4. I threw them in the cauldron, but it turned into a black goop. I figured I must have gotten a target wrong and overlooked it. But then I made all compositions again and I'm 100% sure I got everything right, but when I threw it in the cauldron it turned into a black goop again! :( Has anyone else got this problem?

edit: some other people on the neoboard are having the same problem as me...

Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:19 pm

Really? That's odd. I'll let you know if it happens to me...if I ever figure out my last composition (see above), that is.

EDIT: kiay, max all.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:22 pm

Composite #3:

Quantity: 5 grams
Relevant property: Power
Target value: +300 +/- 1
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +300 +/- 1

Could someone perhaps help me with mine? I've fiddled around with the numbers, but when I work out power, I can't get divination to work.
Last edited by kalwalsi on Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:25 pm

angisfab wrote:Really? That's odd. I'll let you know if it happens to me...if I ever figure out my last composition (see above), that is.

EDIT: kiay, max all.

Are you sure? Thats what I did last time, and it didn't work. (I'm also 99 percent sure that my other compositions were right)
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