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Fri Nov 10, 2006 7:59 pm

prince_boots54 wrote:Sweeeeeeet!!!!!!!!!!!!! It works, here it is again

Wool 4g
Jurple 3g
Pulp 3g
Burn and crush to max

Confirmed! We have Goo Off!

Edit: Meet Picassoclops, who says, "Emw". Poor kitty.

Next stage:

If my estimation is correct, then the following ingredient list should be correct...

Composite #1:

Special: Ice Plasma
Quantity: 10 grams

Composite #2:

Special: Anti-Gravitic Goo
Quantity: 10 grams
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: -406 +/- 1
Relevant property: Power
Target value: +151 +/- 1

Composite #3:

Quantity: 5 grams
Relevant property: Conjuring
Target value: +300 +/- 1
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: +300 +/- 1
Last edited by forcesinbalance on Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 7:59 pm

Next Round:


If my estimation is correct, then the following ingredient list should be correct...

Composite #1:

Special: Platinum Mist
Quantity: 10 grams

Composite #2:

Special: Anti-Gravitic Goo
Quantity: 10 grams
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: -406 +/- 1
Relevant property: Power
Target value: +151 +/- 1

Composite #3:

Quantity: 5 grams
Relevant property: Power
Target value: +300 +/- 1
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +300 +/- 1

Composite 3 cannot contain more than 1 grams of any one basic ingredient.

+ 2 more ingredients Madvine Root, Nova Essence

Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:03 pm

I KNEW IT! Darn it all, TNT!

Also, here's a picture of the goo:


Speaking of TNT, are we even going to get an update today since it's Veteran's Day? Perhaps this segment is meant to go on for awhile....

Edit: Nevermind; Sohpie seems to think this is the last round ("the following ingredient list should be correct"). Yay!

Edit 2: Oh noes! I think we all have different Composite #1s (mine's Platinum Mist, for example).
Last edited by Officer 1BDI on Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:05 pm


Pic of Goo

Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:06 pm

prince_boots54 wrote:Sweeeeeeet!!!!!!!!!!!!! It works, here it is again

Wool 4g
Jurple 3g
Pulp 3g
Burn and crush to max


Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:07 pm

Okay, it looks like we have at least two new target composites for the next stage--Platinum Mist and Ice Plasma. This just keeps getting better.

Edit: D'oh. Forget I said anything about good news. I guess I was giddy from antigrav goo fumes.
Last edited by forcesinbalance on Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:09 pm

Burning the Root to max produces these results:

Madvine Root

- Characteristics -

Quantity: 1 gram
Conjuring: +120
Divination: +300
Enchantment: +240
Power: +660

Crushing it does this:

Madvine Root

- Characteristics -

Quantity: 1 gram
Conjuring: +360
Divination: -120
Enchantment: +240
Power: -480

Soaking it yields this:

- Characteristics -

Quantity: 1 gram
Conjuring: -270
Divination: +300
Enchantment: +540
Power: +480

And Desiccating it does this:

- Characteristics -

Quantity: 1 gram
Conjuring: +180
Divination: -240
Enchantment: -120
Power: +60


For Nova Essence


Quantity: 1 gram
Conjuring: -540
Divination: +420
Enchantment: -360
Power: +240

Quantity: 1 gram
Conjuring: +600
Divination: +420
Enchantment: +180
Power: -540

Quantity: 1 gram
Conjuring: +360
Divination: -120
Enchantment: +480
Power: +60

Quantity: 1 gram
Conjuring: +540
Divination: -360
Enchantment: -240
Power: +660
Last edited by Officer 1BDI on Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:23 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:11 pm

Special: Psionic Singularity
Quantity: 10 grams

aww pooeey.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:11 pm

forcesinbalance wrote:Okay, it looks like we have at least two new target composites for the next stage--Platinum Mist and Ice Plasma. This just keeps getting better.

Ice plasma? o_O

Edit: ooooh wow.... so many people have different first composites!?!
GAH! :x Doom on you, TNT!

Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:12 pm

Well, I get to go to work now! So I suppose i'll be finishing off my level 3 when I get back, and trying to catch up! hehe.
Have fun guys! :) See you later tonight.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:12 pm

They have to go make it difficult with the only 1 g of any ingredient! Bah. At least it didn't take too long to get the goo recipe :)

Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:12 pm

Composite #1:

Special: Psionic Singularity
Quantity: 10 grams

Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:13 pm

maxing out the baabaa wool gives u -1200 power.. I'm going for +300! DOesn't work.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:14 pm

CUBISIM KITTY! *desires*

Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:15 pm

forcesinbalance wrote:Okay, it looks like we have at least two new target composites for the next stage--Platinum Mist and Ice Plasma. This just keeps getting better.

Edit: D'oh. Forget I said anything about good news. I guess I was giddy from antigrav goo fumes.

EDIT: Nevermind.

*I'm updating my previous post as I'm getting my results in*
Last edited by Officer 1BDI on Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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