you see teh neopets words by the codestones? it stays there, and it should go down at the bottom of the page. i was wondering if there was a code to move it down or a code to make it dissapear (as a last resort). this is the code i have below.
<style type="text/css">
body, td, font, p, i {color: black; font:7pt Tahoma;cursor:n-resize ;}A {color: #D1DCB1; font:7pt tahoma; text-decoration:none;} A:hover {border: 1px dotted black;font-size: 7pt;font-family:tahoma; color:#D1DCB1; margin: 1px; style: solid;}}font, td, p, i, xmp, u{font-family:tahoma;font-size:7pt;font-weight:normal;line-height:7pt;font-style:normal}b{color:#FFFFFF;font-family:tahoma;}body{scrollbar-arrow-color:#D2D9CB; scrollbar-track-color:#919989; scrollbar-face-color:#6E7467; scrollbar-highlight-color:#919989; scrollbar-3dlight-color:#6E7467; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#4C5344; scrollbar-shadow-color:#6E7467}input, textarea{border: 1px solid white;font-size: 7pt;font-family: verdana; background-color:#A4AD9B; color:white; margin: 1px; style: solid;}}img{
filter:alpha(Opacity=0,FinishOpacity=0,Style=0,StartX=0,FinishX=0, StartY=0,FinishY=0)
}p img{
filter:chroma(color= )
<body background="">
<IMG SRC="" width="800" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0" height="322" border="0">
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