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 Post subject: PHP 5 Coding Contest (PHP Experts PLEASE read)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 3:57 pm 
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Posts: 40
Joined: Mon May 31, 2004 4:59 am
Location: Trenopets
To all PHP experts:
Everyone who codes PHP has their own special abilities. People are better at some things than other people. However, I am looking for a team of 4 more people (including me) to participate in Zend's PHP 5 Coding Contest. The information you need is located at . Of course, this means that you will have to use up a portion of your summer vaccation to code something selected by the unique individuals that are selected. There can be up to 5 members on a team (I will be one of them) and we will select one of the projects.

You may choose either to develop one of the following applications or to create something we didn't think of:

A gallery system
An online presentation system
An online price comparison tool
A search engine aggregator
An SQLite administrative tool
A web-based file browser

You also win real life prizes.

Grand Prize:
Laptop - Should a single individual submit the winning application, s/he will receive a top of the range laptop. The specific model will be determined one month prior to the end of the competition, but will be on par with the Dell Inspiron 600m

Apple iPod Minis - Should a team submit the winning application, each team member will receive one iPod Mini

Each winning entry placed 2nd to 6th will earn:
A fully-supported and freely upgradeable copy of Zend Studio (3.5 Plus)
A 12-month PDF subscription to php|architect

The top 50 winners will receive:
A Special Edition Zend/PHP 5 T-shirt (one T-shirt per team member)

Every approved submission will receive:
A $100 coupon redeemable against any Zend product
A $5 coupon to spend at php|architect

Once again, please look at all of the rules and more at to give you all of the information.

Once you have read all of that, please PM me and say that you would like to be in. However, only contact me if you are up for the challenge, and only contact me if you are very knowledgeable in PHP. Thank you for considering. The script must be submitted by September 19th. The deadline to sign up to take part in this unique event is Friday July 2nd. Please consider signing up. Thanks!

Thanks! {Text stacking is only allowed within reasonable limits.}

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