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Site Icons

Mon Sep 20, 2004 11:28 pm

I've noticed that on a lot of sites (DeviantART, for example, and PPT had one) a tiny picture will appear next to the link on a favourites list or (in FireFox at least) next to the URL in the URL bar. Would this be very hard to do for my own site, and if not, can someone tell me how? Thanks! :)

Tue Sep 21, 2004 1:06 am

how i did it is create a 32x32 bitmap file. Then i renamed it favicon.ico . after that all you need to do is upload it.

Tue Sep 21, 2004 11:50 am

Deviantart's code is
<link href="" rel="shortcut icon"/>

(with being the URL of the image). You should include this element in the HEAD section of your HTML document if you want to use the icon. IE does not support PNG favicons, so you'll need to find something which can save to the .ico format. Try
Mozilla/Firefox support the .png icons, so if you want to target it to those browsers, you can just use a normal image. They do, however, require the link element (code above) to be used in your page. Only IE checks for favicon.ico in the root directory.

IE is also pretty unstable with it's favicon system, so you can add one, but it might not show up every time.
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