the_dog_god wrote:
Agreed, the Da Vinci Code was disappointly average. Read Angels and Demons, it was much better
I'm going to disagree and say they were both cruddy. That may just be my inherent dislike for overly masculine(and I can't explain what I mean exactly by masculine) writing style or my disappointed expectation that they would be extremely interesting despite mystery not being my preferred genre.
Mmm...fair to middling books...I tend not to remember those until they're mentioned. I didn't much care for Edgar Allan Poe's stuff, which kind of all winds up being the same if you read them back-to-back. And dystopias tend to run together as well. We get it--they don't work, don't make high school kids read Farenheit 451 until they hate it so much they actually want to start burning books.
"Oh, better far to live and die/Under the brave black flag I fly/Than play a sanctimonious part/With a pirate head and a pirate heart."