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Faerie Wars

Mon Jun 05, 2006 7:10 pm

I was just seeing if anyone has read the book Faerie Wars or it's sequel, The Purple Emperor, by Herbie Brennan. I finished reading both last week, and they moved insanely fast. It was a definitely nice change of pace from some of the other things I am used to reading, as it dealt with modern issues in a fantasy-esque setting.

If you haven't read them, I'd suggest checking them out. They can deal with some rather touchy subjects, but on the whole it's a great story. I am definitely looking forward to future tales from the same universe!

Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:07 pm

Yes!!! I LOVE the series. I made my mom get me both books for my birthday, actually.

Of course, I'm addicted to modern fantasy, so... But still. And I agree, the next book can't come out fast enough! :)

It's called Ruler of the Realms and will be released in October, according to this website. I hope that his rewriting the entire thing means that it's ten times better, and not obviously rushed. :/

Tue Jun 06, 2006 12:37 am

I LOVE faerie wars! I'm still trying to get my hand on the sequel. I probably ought to re-read Faerie Wars before doing so, though. It's been ages.

Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:46 am

waitwaitwait...there'll be a third one?

that makes me happy! I really enjoyed the first two, though it's been a very long time since I read them.

Fri Jun 09, 2006 7:27 pm

Faerie Wars... *shudder* I didn't find it the most enthralling read.

I just got completely lost in the plot after a while. I couldn't make myself read it :oops: Hopefully (if there is one) the third book will be better.
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