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Fri Aug 26, 2005 7:13 pm
Anyone else read the Inheritance (Eragon, Eldest) trilogy? I was reading Eldest last night and skipped ahead to the last three chapters, and...
Yoshi edit: Shrunk the spoiler a little bit more- I think everyone could see what you wrote anyway.
Sat Aug 27, 2005 4:54 am
dude, you SKIPPED to the last bit? bad! bad!
I just finished the whole book..I guessed that the deaths were staged, and murtagh the enemy, from the moment they all disappeared -_-
but...grr! I realize murtagh and thorn never wanted to and they're bound and all that, but they can find loopholes, no? like they did when they left eragon alive. and it kinda sucks for eragon as well that murtagh took his sword, though it does follow the whole sword matching the dragon's color thing...I wonder what eragon will do for a weapon now.
the morzan = eragon's father part did surprise me quite a lot, though.
stupid cliffhangers. I can't wait for the next one.
Sat Aug 27, 2005 6:01 am
I know, it was like that for the last one! At least Harry Potter had some kind of form; start at Dursley's, end at King's Cross. (:P)
Can't wait for the next one... and I did have some kind of a suspicion that Morzan might be his father, but I was still surprised when I read it.
And I didn't skip ahead, it fell to the last chapters... yeah.
Sat Aug 27, 2005 5:45 pm
it fell to the last chapters?
the worst that I did was I was reading towards the end of the chapter and it was describing the enemy rider, and I glanced over to the last sentence of the chapter and I saw Murtagh, and I was like 'hah! I was right!'
so anyway. it better not take three years for the next one to come out. notice how the title of the third one isn't mentioned anywhere? I wonder what it will be.
Sat Aug 27, 2005 8:28 pm
There is a rumour that it's going to be called 'Empire', and it'll feature a Green Dragon on the front and it's facing to the right.
I hope this one's a good dragon... it better be. It's the last sane dragon on whatever-the-land's-called (or so Galby thinks, but he doesn't know about Omoris...)
Sun Aug 28, 2005 12:20 am
meaning the unhatched one? it's either that, or it'll be shruikan, galbatorix'.
empire would make sense, since he's seemed to make a habit of titling them starting with E.
it would be fitting, no? two evil dragons, thorn and shruikan. two good dragons, eragon's and the other one. it would be even more fitting if it hatched for roran, but that would just all fit together too prettily XD maybe it'll hatch for a female. nasuada, perhaps? but she doesn't have magic. so I dunno.
where'd you hear the rumor?
Mon Aug 29, 2005 2:32 am
I hear rumours from everywhere.
And Murtagh didn't have any magic and he became the Red Rider...
Mon Aug 29, 2005 2:45 am
oh? I must have been confused then XD I haven't re-read Eragon in a long while. I would have read it again before Eldest, but I lent it to my boy a week ish ago before he went a few states away, so I have no access to it. it's killing me, I have a sudden massive desire to read it, heh. maybe I should check it out from the library.
Wed Aug 31, 2005 5:27 am
There's a synposis at the beginning of Eldest... not good enough, eh?
Thu Sep 01, 2005 11:45 pm
I can't wait to get my paws on it. A friend has it, and is taking FOREVER to read it.
Yeah, but my eyes landed on "I can't believe about Murtagh" when this page loaded. I managed to avert my gaze in time - there are times when rapid reading is a curse - but it can mean one of two things. And my thought is that, well, crap, it isn't a good year for mental barriers, is it?
(Obviously, I won't actually look at this thread until I've read the book.)
Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:09 am
there is a synposis but unless I'm mistaken it doesn't specify whether or not murtagh has magic. besides, synopses aren't nearly as fun as reading the book...would you have been content to read a synposis of eldest instead of the actual book?
Sat Sep 03, 2005 10:27 pm
the morzan = eragon's father part did surprise me quite a lot, though.
i knew about that sence i read about murtagh "confession" about his background and story when i read eragon!
Edit: Great glaux, did I kill the string? Dbl edit: GREAT GLAUX! I DID!
Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:31 am
To be honest, I don't understand all the fuss about the Eragon books. I read the first one, thought it was pretty good for having been started at 15 years of age, but that it was INCREDIBLY amateurish. It was very typical and I couldn't find any originality. It had the mark of an amateur author: Too many adjectives, unnecessary description, plot holes, and practically no 'said's in the whole book. Always 'mumbled', 'grumbled', 'muttered', etc., which is truly the mark of an amateur. I've taken many classes on critiquing and found so many things wrong with this book.
I read through the entire first book, and it took all I had to keep reading to see what the fuss was about. To put it simply, it was plain out boring.
Can someone explain to me the appeal these books have? I'm just not seeing it, sorry.
I picked up the second one at Barnes and Noble last week and found it just as boring, if not more so, than the first. After reading the first four or five chapters I just skipped to the last three and read the "surprise" ending. Come on, folks, we all knew something like that was coming. It was like Dumbledore's death in Half-Blood Prince.
I don't want to be mean or anything like that, as usually I give a book a second chance. I'm an obsessive reader, especially of fantasy. But I've read the first at least four times and it just got worse every time I read it. o_0
Sun Sep 11, 2005 3:28 am
indeed, and also how nearly every other chapter ends in 'and everything went black.'
but honestly...I mean yes, it's very amateurish, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the book. the endings are predictable, but I'm content to just read books, even if they're not spectacular. I also read another book by a very young author, Prophecy of the Stones, I believe...and it was about as bad. I dunno.
so, they are amateurish but I like to read them anyway
Sun Sep 11, 2005 4:41 am
Eidolon wrote:indeed, and also how nearly every other chapter ends in 'and everything went black.'
but honestly...I mean yes, it's very amateurish, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the book. the endings are predictable, but I'm content to just read books, even if they're not spectacular. I also read another book by a very young author, Prophecy of the Stones, I believe...and it was about as bad. I dunno.
so, they are amateurish but I like to read them anyway
I guess I'm the same. I mean, I read the first one, I fairly enjoyed it (I enjoy any fantasy book), but was really turned off by the amateurish nature of the book. I just couldn't get through the second one. I read Prophecy of the Stones too (it's written by a fourteen-year-old o_0) but I thought it was worse.
It will be interesting to see how the Eragon movie turns out, although I have a sneaking suspicion it'll end up like the Artemis Fowl movie.
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