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Bottle Fairy!

Tue Dec 28, 2004 3:36 pm

I hope I'm not the only one here who's seen it. It's only thirteen episodes, but I think it's the cutest anime I've ever watched. For anyone who would like to know about it, this is the description from AnimeNfo:

Four fairies, Kururu, Chiriri, Sarara, and Hororo, go into small bottles and go to the human world. Why are they in bottles? Because in the human world, wishes are written in letters and sent floating in bottles. "That’s right", the fairies thought that, instead of letters, they’d put themselves in bottles and have their wishes granted. So what is their wish? It’s to become human. In the fairy world, they would see the human magazines that were going around and think how great they are.

There are many things the four don’t know. They are taught various things by "Senseisan" and grow little by little. As their big discoveries and small mistakes are watched over every day...

I'm sure alot of you have seen those pictures on Boyis with the four little girls and the freaky cat thing in different poses and outfits. One girl has grey hair, one has blonde, one has pink and the other has black? That's Bottle Fairy. I'd reccomend it to anyone who likes sickeningly cute things. ^____^

Tue Dec 28, 2004 4:59 pm

I've never seen that series but it's been recommended to me a few times. It looks so cute!

Tue Dec 28, 2004 6:10 pm

I have this anime, but haven't watched it yet. It looks really cute. :) I take it you liked it? ;) lol I'll have to bump it up on my anime-to-watch list. :)

Tue Dec 28, 2004 10:56 pm

Never heard of it =/

If I find it I'll watch it.

Wed Dec 29, 2004 5:28 pm

I have a set with thouse little girls, but I've never seen it. It looks way to cute to pass up, though. Mabey I'll download it and watch it on a rainy day.
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