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Tips for badminton

Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:03 am

Does anyone have any good tips for badminton?
(Next month, I have a BIG tournament coming up)

Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:30 am

First of all...moving this to the Locker Room. That's where sports-related threads go.

Seeing the fact that you're enlisted in a tournament, I can only guess that you're really good and don't need actual tips on playing from a terrible player like me. What kinda tips in particular are you looking for?

Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:45 am

I'm not good :cry:
In Japan (I live in Japan), you usually have to choose a club for afterschool. There is different things to choose from at different schools (volley ball, soccer, tea.....etc.), but since my school is very small, you HAVE to do badminton (just girls, boys can choose between table tennis and baseball.)whether you like it or not. (I like it :lol: )

Good ways to practice, and stuff like that.
It's my last year so I want to be able to do my very best. :)

Sun Jun 18, 2006 12:26 pm

Heeh! Nihonjin desukuks! Sugoi! Oreha sapporo de smurf!

Thu Jul 06, 2006 10:47 am

Kann ga atatta~

Mon Jul 10, 2006 9:03 pm

You had the tournament yet? If not then with a group of friends play this game where it's set up like this.

--------------- < Net

So player 1 starts off with the shuttle, passes it to 1a and runs to join the queue on the other side. 1a hits it to the other side and runs to the other side and it goes on until someone misses it and they're out. Rinse and repeat until you get to two players left and you have a first to 3 game. Tests something or other but we did it in PE and it was fun. ;)

Mon Jul 10, 2006 9:41 pm

My dad is a badminton addict. :oops:

The only tips I can think of are: practice your wrist movements and keep your eye on the shuttle/birdie.

Good luck at your tournament!!

Mon Jul 10, 2006 9:51 pm

Zilary wrote:My dad is a badminton addict. :oops:

The only tips I can think of are: practice your wrist movements and keep your eye on the shuttle/birdie.

Good luck at your tournament!!

Yeah 2 very important tips ;)

Thu Jul 13, 2006 7:09 am

Thanks everyone!
Yes, it was on the eighth.
I ended up losing but
I was told that it was a pretty good game becasue my opponent was very good.

Fri Aug 25, 2006 3:15 am

Hahah well... I once played badmington with this badmington champion.. and i hit her with the shuttlecock by accident... and then she took it out on me with a vengence, by smashing the shuttlecock at me all the time... and boy-o could she smash that thing.

Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:20 pm

Oh I WISH I saw this thread earlier before your tournament!!

I played on the team in high school for my four years. Freshman year I got bumped up to the junior varsity team after two meets, and was on the varsity team by soph year. I don't want to sound too egotistical, but I was pretty good. :P

I'm assuming you played just singles? Or did you play a doubles game as well? Was it a best-of-three match? Plastic or feathered bird/birdie/shuttlecock? Do you have your own raquet or are you using a loaner? Am I attacking you with questions? What's your favorite color? Do I smell funny? :D

Fri Aug 25, 2006 3:21 pm

*dies from the barrage of questions* lol

Fri Sep 01, 2006 1:36 pm

Sorry to post so late.....
If the questions are for me...
When I was in first grade middle school I played doubles, but for the last year or so I was singles.
Yes, who ever wins two matches wins. If that's what you mean.
I have my own racket(raquet?), the school ones are mostly those heavy thingies. It's blue and gray.
I'm usually the one bombarding so I'M OK :lol:
I like all kind of colors, as a preference, red or blue.
Do *I* smell funny?

You know, I plan to do it again in high school, so advice is really welcome.

Justice Man Yukio, that sounds like......uhoh?
I was never really good at hitting smashes or reciving them :(

Fri Sep 01, 2006 11:57 pm

Er, does anyone have any advice on serving? I played tennis a lot when I was younger so I'm so accustomed to hard overhand serves. I can't serve underhand to save my life. It's pathetic. So I just cheat when we do badminton in gym, lol. But seriously, I would like to try and be able to hit the stupid birdie on a normal serve, no amount of practice seems to help though. :(

hikaru_dream wrote:the school ones are mostly those heavy thingies.

My school racquets are actually very light. Albeit crappy and old.

Sat Sep 02, 2006 12:30 am

just make it light and quick - keep practising it and you'll get a feel for it :)
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