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Wed Sep 29, 2004 3:11 am

All right, so since everyone is making new topics to discuss their favorite bands...here's mine. Tool!

Anyone like 'em? Anyone hate 'em? (If so, I don't want to hear about it! Just kidding. - All opinions welcome.)

By the way, I think they're awesome. What they have to say about our culture and society in general is simply amazing.

Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:23 am

I haven't heard much from them in about 4 years when their big album came out. I enjoyed it, but steered clear because it seemed too popular (I was a stupid kid). Give me the coles notes on what they've been up to.

Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:22 am

I really despise Tool. I have no particular reason to but from the first ever Tool song I heard I hated them.

Thu Sep 30, 2004 9:53 pm

The only Tool song I really listen to is Sober, I have heard their other songs, but I usually just listen to Sober.

Fri Oct 01, 2004 2:32 am

coming2atvnearu wrote:I haven't heard much from them in about 4 years when their big album came out. I enjoyed it, but steered clear because it seemed too popular (I was a stupid kid). Give me the coles notes on what they've been up to.

Right now, I think Tool is taking a break. The lead singer is in another band (A Perfect Circle), and I think the other members have another band as well, so they're doing their side projects. Maynard and APC are getting ready to release a new album in Nov., so it's hard to say when Tool will be doing anything. God, it's been a long time since they've had new stuff. But, yeah, other than that, I don't know much about it. But you can always check out their website at http://www.toolband.com.

floella...perhaps you should be more open-minded (no offense intended, just a suggestion), because you hate the band, although you don't know why? Doesn't make sense. Listen to their music...it's good! :D

Although, some of Tool's music might not be suitable for some of our younger members..just an FYI. There's a lot of language in it. But it's good stuff.

Fri Oct 01, 2004 7:21 am

It's not so much that I hate Tool, but I really dislike Maynard's voice. I think some of their songs would be halfway decent if he wasn't singing them. >.< However, I don't like much of their music; it is just boring, in my opinion.

Fri Oct 01, 2004 11:14 am

porcelain wrote:floella...perhaps you should be more open-minded (no offense intended, just a suggestion), because you hate the band, although you don't know why? Doesn't make sense. Listen to their music...it's good! :D

I was forced to listen to it a lot. I used to be friends with a group of people and all they listed to was Tool and A perfrect circle. It drove me mad!

Sat Oct 02, 2004 4:17 pm

floella_de_ville wrote:
porcelain wrote:floella...perhaps you should be more open-minded (no offense intended, just a suggestion), because you hate the band, although you don't know why? Doesn't make sense. Listen to their music...it's good! :D

I was forced to listen to it a lot. I used to be friends with a group of people and all they listed to was Tool and A perfrect circle. It drove me mad!

Understandable. When you're forced to listen to something, you probably won't like it. I was the same way with Smashing Pumpkins....but then I'd hear them on the radio when I was driving, and found out that I actually kinda liked 'em. ;) Then I had to apologize to my friends for giving them such a hard time about Smashing Pumpkins.

Sun Oct 24, 2004 9:17 am

Tool use to be my main course of music, through everything that I did... Listened to the jerk-off to a message from harry manback and thought it was all great!

I guess you could place them as an artsy and tech metal, artsy as their lyrics and technical as with their music, one of the few bands that i've listened to as a teen, that i still do sometimes..

just been seldom, guess they've become more artsy and tech for my taste anymore. heh into stuff that makes my ears bleed now :P

Tue Oct 26, 2004 12:10 am

They're ok, not great in my opinion.

Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:17 am

Sober is a good song, but not their best. I'd like to have heard Hush or Prison Sex on the radio.

Thu Dec 02, 2004 5:02 pm

Yup, I like 'em. Haven't heard much of them for a while though...
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