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Vinyl Records

Mon Sep 06, 2004 2:45 am

someone tell me they love vinyl as much as I do. because I really really do.
definitely better sounding than CDs. also much radder than CDs.
most of mine are used, from exchange stores or thriftshops. some are from more recent bands- the cool ones that press records.

Mon Sep 06, 2004 4:39 am

Vinyl Records do sound good, but there is no way they could sound better than CD's etc, you can store more info on the CD so of course the sound is going to be btter :)

But my dad has a massive collection of Vinyl Records that he plays alot, but he is transfering them onto CD.

Mon Sep 06, 2004 3:50 pm

Vinyl > CDs. We still have my dad's record player and his old vinyls, and I've been trying to find the ones I want but nowhere here sells them. I'll probably just end up ordering them from the internet.

Mon Sep 06, 2004 4:38 pm

we have a turntable, but its being fixed now cause the needle got messed up. my dad's vinyls own.

records do have less material on it, but quality is better than quantity. its a fuller sound, not compressed into a file.

Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:46 pm

I can't really say which is better, my family happens to have a large collection of both vinyls and CDs; both of which we listen to reguarly. CDs are more practical if you're on the go, it would be a bit awkward to put a record player in your car. :P

Tue Sep 07, 2004 4:04 am

We too still have our turntable but my mom over used it, lol, so it needs a new needle. I love LP's but CD's are so much easier to take care of.

Tue Sep 07, 2004 4:19 am

CDs and vinyl scratch or break too easily. long live the cassette!

Tue Sep 07, 2004 9:26 am

LPs are way more cool than CDs but hard to take care of.

As a going away pressie for my friend who is leaving I got him an ACDC Highway to Hell limited adition vinyl which was 50 bux.

Wed Sep 08, 2004 5:48 am

Soda wrote:records do have less material on it, but quality is better than quantity. its a fuller sound, not compressed into a file.

The music data on an audio CD is not compressed at all - it is a lossless format and contains the entire tonal spectrum of the recording (as long as the person doing the mastering of the audio did his/her job correctly). Every minute of CD audio equals just under 9 MB of data on the disc - surely any computer literate person would agree that that is far from a compressed data file.

Many people prefer vinyl records because the media/player combination results in a 10-15% audio compression being applied to the overall audio output (a similar effect occurs to a lesser degree with audio cassettes and to a larger degree with radio as well). Do not confuse "data compression" with "audio compression" - the latter basically means that the audio has a flatter and more even sound. Properly recorded CD audio will always win in the fidelity/dynamic range department, so it is ignorance of audio production and the familiarity of a radio-esque sound that keeps a dedicated minority loyal to vinyl. If a CD owner wanted to achieve a vinyl-sounding output, the addition of a audio compressor into the signal path (tweaked the correct way of course) would do the trick.

Wed Sep 08, 2004 10:15 am

Vinyl records have more 'cool' value than CDs, but I personally don't own any. My mom had a record player a long time ago but when we came back from Germany in 1993 it didn't work anymore, so I guess storage killed it.
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