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Courtney Love

Mon Aug 02, 2004 2:28 pm

Just wondering what people's opinion of her is.

I quite like her music, either her solo, or in Hole. Unfortunately she makes a fool of herself a lot of the time. :roll:

Mon Aug 02, 2004 2:40 pm

I find her to be trashy. I didnt like her to begin with, what with marrying my Kurt and all....and killing him. -_- (yes I beleive that she killed him.)

Atleast her daughter is cute. Hopefully she'll grow up to be a wonderful girl, espically since courtney isnt raising her.

Mon Aug 02, 2004 2:43 pm

I'd like her more if she didn't steal Cobains work, dress badly, generally look trashy and wasn't an obnoixous rich American.

Other than that, yeah, brilliant. >.>

Mon Aug 02, 2004 2:57 pm

t3h_Fergus wrote:I'd like her more if she didn't steal Cobains work, dress badly, generally look trashy and wasn't an obnoixous rich American.

Other than that, yeah, brilliant. >.>

Uhuh, that, except I don't think she's that rich, isn't she having a bit of a cash crisis? :P

Mon Aug 02, 2004 3:12 pm

Marching Duck wrote:I find her to be trashy. I didnt like her to begin with, what with marrying my Kurt and all....and killing him. -_- (yes I beleive that she killed him.)

If she didn't kill him/hire someone to kill him, she certainly drove him to it....
She scares me. A lot.
Her first CD was ok, but probably only because Kurt helped with it.

Mon Aug 02, 2004 3:28 pm

I'll just post this from my blog:
shapu, in his incredibly funny yet foul-mouthed blog, wrote:You know, I don't think I care anymore
There's something about "rocker" Courtney Love that bothers me. I'm not sure quite what it is; maybe it's the fact that she's only famous because her famous husband splattered his brains across his dining room wall. Maybe it's the fact that rather than help her famous husband out of his drug-addled suicidal fantasies, she toured the week after he tried to kill himself in Milan. And then she was touring again when he actually did kill himself, and she didn't notice for three days. I know being a B-list rock star is hard work, but would it kill you to call home every three days or so?

Whoops - poor choice of words. Don't I feel like a pellet-ridden skull...

Aw, there I go again.

Maybe it's the fact that her band and music aren't really either.

Or maybe it's the fact that I'm completely tired of her and her nonsensical lifestyle.

A lot of people complain on a regular basis, and sometimes rightly so, that celebrities get favorable treatment in the court system, that they can do whatever they want and get little more than a slap on the wrist, and that repeat offenses aren't held against them. Now, I mentioned that such griping is really only correct sometimes. But in Courtney Love's case, it's right on the nose.

I mean, seriously. She's missed court dates on both coasts. She was in New York on the date she was supposed to be in LA, she was in LA the date she was supposed to be in New York. Could she not just pick a side and stay there? At least she'd make it to half of her scheduled appearances.

She's been in rehab almost a dozen times since Kurt Cobain redecorated his house. And she still has custody of her child? I know that Social Services sometimes has a bit of a backlog, but I would think that heroin addiction is a good reason to speed things up a bit. I don't see why doing the paperwork in five years rather than ten is unreasonable.

Her "music" is...well...Yoko Ono has a disciple. A loud, screechy disciple. Sort of like a banshee with bad lipstick. Only more dead-looking.

And now Courtney Love, bless her idiotic heart, is in "an institution" and has a legal guardian of her own. That's nice. You know, it's good to see that she's getting the help she needs. Only took TEN FREAKING YEARS.

Now, if only the Queer Eye guys could track her down, she'll be OK.

Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:39 pm

haha shapu good call on all of that.

ur a smart man.

Mon Aug 02, 2004 11:41 pm

i don't like the woman or her publicity stunts!

Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:49 am

i hate her she broke up the beatles..wait thats yoko ono :lol: sorry

Tue Aug 03, 2004 8:35 am

I like that song, 'Mono'. But you have to wonder how she sings with those lips man. They're inflated on her face.

Tue Aug 03, 2004 10:35 am

juliage wrote:I like that song, 'Mono'. But you have to wonder how she sings with those lips man. They're inflated on her face.

Well isn't that from when she "revinvented" herself, and tried to be all glamorous and pretty? She did. For a small amount of time. :lol:

Tue Aug 03, 2004 10:44 am

I hate Courtney Love, but I kinda like "Mono" although some of the lyrics are abit weird seeing as she was the one who murdered Kurt... haven't listened to that song in months though... o_O

Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:11 pm

cky182 wrote:I hate Courtney Love, but I kinda like "Mono" although some of the lyrics are abit weird seeing as she was the one who murdered Kurt... haven't listened to that song in months though... o_O

Well, that's proof enough for me!

Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:15 pm

Igg wrote:
cky182 wrote:I hate Courtney Love, but I kinda like "Mono" although some of the lyrics are abit weird seeing as she was the one who murdered Kurt... haven't listened to that song in months though... o_O

Well, that's proof enough for me!

It must be true if he said it. *nods*

Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:21 pm

i_love_starburst wrote:
Igg wrote:
cky182 wrote:I hate Courtney Love, but I kinda like "Mono" although some of the lyrics are abit weird seeing as she was the one who murdered Kurt... haven't listened to that song in months though... o_O

Well, that's proof enough for me!

It must be true if he said it. *nods*

Never mind...erm...what're those words again...err.... conclusive evidence?
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