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Sat Sep 03, 2005 5:23 pm

OK, don't tell me there aren't any Lifehouse fans here. Seriously. If you are, what's your favourite song? (Mine's Hanging By a Moment and Spin)

Also, for fans with DirecTV, they're on Freeview all this month with their show in Portland. I got to see it today, it's awesome.

Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:05 pm

I bought You and Me on ITunes before it was popular and on the radio. I've always liked them, but since You and Me came out, I started to like them...more? (Obviously, that's my favorite song :)) I don't know... I'm planning on getting their cds. Their old stuff was good too... I just forgot about them for a while because they like dissapeared :P. They kind of remind me of Switchfoot (whom I love). ;)

My old friend met them at the mall. 8)

Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:18 pm

*listens to hanging by a moment*

I havent heard lifehouse in soooo long. Thanks for the reminder ;)

Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:21 pm

:roflol: Come back to PPT, re-meet DM, remember Lifehouse. Yay! :D

Mon Sep 05, 2005 7:19 am

*swaps out Led Zeppelin cd and puts in Lifehouse*

I honestly love them. I have their "No Name Face" cd and it's the greatest. I remember my friend commenting on me buying their cd though cause they're not really a fan, but they suck anyways :P As for my favourite song though, I have I really do like them all, so I hope you don't mind if I name more than one. Okay so the ones I can think of at the moment are Somwhere in Between(I don't know what it is, I just find it touching), Breathing (whenever I hear the beginning of this song I just get all excited, I don't know why), Trying(Just that one line, " the best that I know how" makes the whole song perfect), and obviously Hanging By a Moment (how could you not love that song?!)

Tue Sep 06, 2005 4:52 am

Ahh...lifehouse...my favorite song is Hanging By A Moment. But You and Me is awesome, too. I want their new CD..

Tue Sep 06, 2005 2:29 pm

I LOVE Lifehouse! Hanging By A Moment is one of my favorite songs. And I also like Everything I love hearing that song. You and Me is good also but its starting to annoy me.

Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:43 pm

I always scare people when I tell them that Hanging By A Moment is about God, not about a girl.

Fri Sep 09, 2005 11:47 pm

I'm more familiar with Lifehouse's slightly older stuff. Umm...I can't think of the song right now though (I don't think I could Google if I tried right now). It was played at a lot of graduations back in 2000 or 2001. It's like they took Green Day's Time of Your Life (Good Riddance) and Eagle Eye Cherry's Save Tonight and blended them to make a nifty song.

Edit: I think it was called 'Here's to the Night.' Then again, that might not have been Lifehouse. ^^;
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