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Looking for sheet music!

Thu Jan 13, 2005 10:53 pm

Hey, I'm looking for sheet music because our Orchestra teacher really seems to only care about Band.... arg.

Anyway, I'm trying to find Maoz Tsur (Rock of Ages) and some stuff from Braveheart, preferrably Introduction, Gift of a Thistle, Secret Wedding, For the Love of a Princess or Track 17/Excecution/Freedom theme. (Although the last one may be a tad long and difficult for us.)

But I dunno if she'll even bother with Braveheart stuff, so Maoz Tsur, which is easier, is probably a more likely bet.

This post may become invalid within a week or so if I can find the CD with which you can play things on a keyboard and it automatically writes music, or if I can find where to get a better program from my two friends who have it.

But I doubt that--- so PLEASE help! (I found the perfect site... and whaddya know? It won't work.)
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