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Mon Sep 06, 2004 8:17 pm

Muse absolutely rocks my socks... they're just so diverse. I'll maybe try to get Kai to take me to their next concert in Scotland.

Thu Sep 09, 2004 7:39 am

[Ryu] wrote:Am I the only one who hasn't heard of these people?

If you live in the States, that isn't uncommon, as they aren't very popular here in the U.S. I got into them when I read people complaining on Radiohead forums that Muse were another Radiohead-clone band (like Travis & Coldplay). I personally don't buy into that stuff at all, but the complaints lead me to check out Muse for myself...and I've been a huge fan ever since.

Sun Sep 12, 2004 1:45 pm

ive seen muse twice and they were fantabulous :) they put on a really good show when it's their own gig rather than a festival. They're very very loud though and the faint of heart should stay well clear of the mosh pit because a lot of the hardcore fans aren't afraid of getting mutilated lol.

matt bellamy is just so talented and just a little bit mental

My favourite muse song is Citizen Erased off Origin of Symmetry

Sat Sep 18, 2004 7:54 pm

Along with Twinkx, I reckon Muse are the bees knees. I base that desicion on the fact that I've seen them live at V. I played "Time is Running Out" down the phone to her and "Hysteria" to my mom *chuckle*

What would you guys say are the top 5 best tracks?
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